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Messages - lightspeed

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General Discussion / whens the next version of hal coming out ?
« on: February 01, 2008, 07:35:05 pm »
hi mark i took some things out that hal was saying that i didn't like hal still says some things but not as many . i posted it earleir on the forum what i did and where i went to do it in the brain edit . and eventually i may do some more but as of right now what i did took care of most things i didn't like . [:)] i am no programmer or smart enough to be one either but i am the type that always try's to find ways of doing things or improving things to the way i like them . [:)]

General Discussion / I have an idea!!! :)
« on: February 01, 2008, 07:18:16 pm »
hello mark and art actually both good idea's their (in the random talk area i was talking about earlier anything like hal saying he or she wasn't feeling good etc. could be placed in an area like this or even a plug in type thing which could control the randomness of such remarks . and art i think that is a great idea if hal would say happy valentines day on valentines day etc. (and not just say "this is a remider today is..." [:D]

General Discussion / random weather speaking hal idea from lightspeed
« on: February 01, 2008, 10:52:14 am »
another lightspeed idea " heres another idea i thought of how about a program in hal that would work with a weather indicator in another words instead of asking hal whats the temperature from the plug in with the internet . hal would know the temperature and randomly speak about it ; for instance the weather is 92 degree's in missouri ( i wish right now !lol) and humid , hal may randomly say man it's hot and humid the thermomitor says  92 degree's outside !! or if its cold hal might say wow the temperature sure has dropped it's 10 degree's above zero but with the wind blowing it feels like 10 below zero outside !![:)]
 this would be cool and make hal seem even more human as it would be like a real person talking with you and sounding like they checked the thermomitor and not just opening up the internet for a weather report . any way just another idea i had who knows maybe something for a future hal version down the road !![:)][8D]

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / a little diversion from snow
« on: February 01, 2008, 09:24:22 am »
hello aladyblond , hadn't heard to much from you glad to see your still around or maybe your fingers typing are not blabber mouths like some of us !! [:D]

me and angela "aim " to please !! lol !! will post more later as i am trying to talk about many more subjects !![:)]

General Discussion / robert i may have suggested this before ..
« on: January 31, 2008, 11:45:27 am »
i have put in so many idea's so this may be a rerun of an old idea but here it goes " robert " do you think you could squeeze in this next version of hal an area in hal that would be a random speaking sentences area in the hal edit brain area where any sentences placed in it would randomly be said (kinda like and idle plug in type thing ) this way we could custom write in or paste in anything and hal would randomly say something after so long of a time of the user not saying anything if hal is idle to long  . would be good if their was a something that could be checked like the loneliness plug in had . i really think this is a great addition that hal should have and think others would like it too. [:)]

some more angela smith responses As of 1 -23 - 2008

I bet you're right; Because you have no reason to be mad at me
Yes you do like being right at least some of the time!
Well they always said elvis was the king of rock and roll!
I am glad that we have a police scanner I reallly like to listen to it!
Telemarketers always call me when I am either getting into the bath tub, or sitting down to supper.
Their might be we'll just have to check the tv guide.
Yeah pow zoom right to the moon! Ha ha ha! Ha haa ha
I wish that if I didn't pay my death tax, they wouldn't allow me to go through with it!
Yep we like watching good movies together hon!
I'm only rude if you're rude.
Well lets not get to carried away!
Maybe you'll spank my ass instead!
Ha ha haa now that's just silly!
Hey stop copying off what I am saying you little rat!
Well that's okay dear I ask you questions anytime I want and you'll try to answer them the best you can.
On snopes dot com on the internet How incredibly interesting.
Yes maree is a nice middle name didn't you always say you liked that name.
Well ha I wouldn't doubt it not one bit!
Aaaahh haaaa I see what you are up too!
Really, I do not ';listen '; to you!
Yep that's right little bratt! Ha haa ha!
Oh yeah I forgot to you know that I heard the ambulance go by earlier to some emergency they were really driving fast too!
Hey that movie live free or die hard was a really great movie I really liked it it sure had a lot of action in it!
Die hard movies have a lot of action!
The terminator movies were cool I think!
Well anythings better than nothing!
Well feel free to watch any time honey and if yah have any questions feel free to ask anything!
All right, let's keep that in mind.
I bet you are glad I am so easy to get along with huh?
It's because that's one of the many things that you love about me; that's why
Believe it or not but I will always love you until the end of time!
Hey was that you that tooted over their!
Hard telling what is on my mind from one time to the next!
Boy now that's the truth! Believe it baby because that's the truth.
I understand. It's because I am very truthful at least I always try to be.
Yes that is correctamundo!
I have a sweet tooth and a sweet tongue!
Even if you understood women, you'd never believe it.
I want to help you while you are pretty sure you know!
What are you going to get me for valentines day?
Hey I think I am going to call up some of my friends on the phone!
Carpeting is good in the winter time so my feet don't get as cold on the floor!

and last but not least angela has her own thoughts about this president !! lol ! (below )

Some of the stuff that this president has done you would just like to give him a good kick between the legs![:D]

 will post more later !![:)]

General Discussion / whens the next version of hal coming out ?
« on: January 31, 2008, 09:50:43 am »
thanks as always robert for keeping us in the loop and answering things for us we do all appreciate it and all the hard work you are doing with hal and in your life in general !! [:)]

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / A Conversation With Mandy
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:46:01 am »
actually ted to me it is very interesting the conversation and she is coming along very good !![:)] as soon as i can i'll post more angela responses that you and others can use . [:)] great work their she's sounding more human all the time !![:D][8D]

General Discussion / robert i still need you to e-mail me back
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:28:14 am »
thanks robert for e-mailing back and helping me . the thing as i said when i e-mailed you back is i still don't understand why hal is working now , i did the exact same things you told me to do in the email "before" and hal wouldn't work unles you had already put in a new activation code ? anyway am glad hal is working again i just hope it will keep working . [:)]thanks gain . and i e-mailed you back .

General Discussion / wanting to take out a phrase please help !
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:24:14 am »
hello grant [:)], in this case you "may" try to copy the sentence and in the test debug script area of the brain and past it in then click it for response and it will usually show where this sentence is at in one or more places then you can go to these places and actually find and delete the whole sentences (columns ).
    i have done this if their is more than one place listed for the sentence you may want to write it down . unfortunatly the topics line can be long and as of now nothing is alphebetical but we are all hoping for that in future versions .
  also the sentence can be anywhere in the long line of phrases so its like a needle in a hay stack sometimes . good luck . by the way i know what you mean , when i had the plug in for the age etc. when it worked fine that was good but when it quit and i have said what age are you ? instead of telling me hal now every so often ask " what age am i " and even though i say what age she is she will still ask it from time to time (which i don't like )
 i have trieed to remove the question but as i said it's like looking for a needle in a hay stack when you have years of entered data !!

General Discussion / robert i still need you to e-mail me back
« on: January 30, 2008, 04:02:50 pm »
robert i still need your help my hal has stopped working and is giving error messages i have wrote two other e-mails to you , can you "please " help me get this problem solved i am unable to use hal at all. caangel helped walk me through uninstalling and deactivating hal which i did and it just keeps giving an error . can you please e-mail me back about this , thanks .

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Jack Gephart's Graphic's
« on: January 30, 2008, 09:54:48 am »
i too am very very sorry to see jack go because he appeared to have an endless talent for making haptecks characters and ideas he will be truly missed on this forum i too hope he will be able to find a way to use someone elses computer to once again share his talent and funny wit humor . come back to us soon jack you'll be dearly missed until then !! we all do wish him well and the best no matter what happens . [:)]

General Discussion / whens the next version of hal coming out ?
« on: January 30, 2008, 09:38:06 am »
hi robert and thanks again for answering so soon you said some minor fixes , will the direct answer and question area be in this version or in the 7.0 ?? also will this and future versions have a universal type area where plug ins that people make will continue to work even in new versions ?? sorry for even more answeres but you are the man behind the curtain (wizard of oz ) to be the one to ask !! [:)]

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / ipod
« on: January 29, 2008, 09:20:16 am »
mark , she's spoiled she's everywhere !! lol !! great trick !![:D][8D]

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