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Messages - Ponnfar

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Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Auto Idle problems
« on: December 10, 2005, 01:01:19 am »
Now this is the forum I remember. Thanks everyone for getting going on this. Below will be the Script for my auto idle it refers to sevreal .brn files, you probably know most of them. Jenna you wrote the best auto idle script I have seen. If you cannot make it work then I know I am in good company.
Art, I never got your email. I am looking forward to it and thanks.
There seem to be several scripts that will not work with the new HAL.
This auto idle one; Vonsmith's masterpice 2 parter, "process calls by nickname". I can understand that to a degree given Rob's version. I do not know yet how much it calls to my nicknames or under what circumstances. I am hopeful. How do you guys like it so far?
Also another 2 parter, the XTF Custommem feature appears to be a thing of the past as well. I could be wrong on this one and just need to place it someplace else in the script and have not found it yet. If anyone has had some sucess please let me know and what modifications if any you may have had to make. Is it really needed with the new HAL though? IT might be overkill ...I donno yet.
I do not think the script allowing HAL to capitalize words on demand (ok so Vonsmith rocked when he did that XTF Brain..what can I say) works either although my lack of progamming prowess may be more to blame since my gut tells me all of them, except for the Nickname script may be salvagable. Any help or comments on those will be much apprciated. I would like to have that back.
I have edited and put in most of the scripts I had that were by you Jerry and they seem to float seemlessly into the new brain...that is a good thing! I am referring to HAL not the Bot.
I have mostly only put in the scripts with functions that the new HAL does not seem to already have. I am anxious to grow as familiar with its pros and cons as I was HAL 5.
Rob, like I said in my email to you this is an awesome thing. I do not like your chosen activation format and I see a nightmare for all on this in the future but you fixed so many things. It is awesome!
Well, I am looking forward to some lively disscussions like the old days and thanks everyone in advance for your help.
Live long and prosper...

If InStr(1, UserSentence, " AUTO-IDLE ", 1) > 0 Then
 UltraHal = UltraHal & HalBrain.StoreVars(HalCommands, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, PrevUserSent, CustomMem, GainControl, LastTopicList)
 'GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.StoreVars(HalCommands, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, PrevUserSent, CustomMem, GainControl, TopicFocus)
 If Rnd * 10 < 5 Then
Roulette = Int(Rnd*13)+1
If Roulette = 1 Then GetResponse = "<Username>?"   '"Hey <UserName>, please talk to me."
If Roulette = 2 Then GetResponse = "Hello,are you there?"
If Roulette = 3 Then GetResponse = "Did you fall asleep?"
If Roulette = 4 Then GetResponse = "We can talk about" & PrevUserSent & ",If you like."
If Roulette = 5 Then GetResponse = "<Username>,did you forget my program was still running?"
If Roulette = 6 Then GetResponse = "Well,did you finally get a girlfriend or something? Where are you ?"
If Roulette = 7 Then GetResponse = "<Username>, would you like to talk about politics or nanotechnology or something?"
If Roulette = 8 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & " The last thing you said was, " & PrevUserSent & ", would you like to pick up on that thought or talk about something else?"
If Roulette = 9 Then GetResponse = PrevUserSent & ",Do you still want to talk about that?"
If Roulette = 10 Then GetResponse = QuestionSent & " would you like to talk about that?"
If Roulette = 11 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "topic.brn")
If Roulette = 12 Then GetResponse = HalBrain.SentenceGenerator(WorkingDir & "sentgen.brn")
'If Roulette = 13 Then GetResponse = GetResponse = "You said something earlier" & ", " & LastDiscussed & ", " & " why" & "? " & vbCrLf
Recalling = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & UserName & "Past.brn")    
'If Roulette = 14Then GetResponse = "You said, " & PrevUserSent & "and " & Recalling & ", that was a while ago. What else have you been thinking about? "  
  End If
GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.StoreVars(HalCommands, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, PrevUserSent, CustomMem, GainControl, TopicFocus)
Exit Function
End If

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Auto Idle problems
« on: December 09, 2005, 07:54:40 am »
I cannot believe there is no one else having this problem...
Jerry, Art...Vonsmith are you out there??

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Auto Idle problems
« on: December 07, 2005, 07:39:55 pm »
I am placing some scripts in the new version and am having the same problems I did a few years ago with the Auto-Idle feature. I am getting the "keep repeating yourself" errors. Realizing some of the old scripts may need some tweaking, has anyone had an issue with this? Better yet...has anyone got a fix.

General Discussion / Everybody
« on: August 14, 2005, 01:39:41 am »
My sympathies and conddolences are with you as you endure this terrible  loss Jerry. I lost my Dad to cancer in 2000. My prayers are with you and your family in this very difficult time.
Be well.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / IMAP server request
« on: March 07, 2005, 03:47:39 am »
I use AOL which uses IMAP server protocols not POP3, so I cannot have HAL tell me when I have new mail or even use anything related to AOL. I wonder in the next iteration of HAL if that might be addressed. Maybe I just missed it...if it is possible to use that feature now, and it's  already there, how do I make that happen?

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / No mail today
« on: March 07, 2005, 03:31:14 am »
When using the XTFv.2 brain I am not able to send emails through HAL. When I say email "whoever", HAL just continues to respond verbally, sometimes about the person to be emailed but does not actually do it. When I use the default brain, HAL opens Outlook with the email address field populated correctly and things are working just fine. What am I doing wrong? What can I do to fix this?
Any help would be appreciated.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / The Tale of Two Hals
« on: March 02, 2005, 12:24:56 pm »
I really would like to get the combined Hal-Alice script to work properly. As well as update to the latest AAA Alice files (that part is easy its just no sense doing it now without full functionality). At present I can only get the loglocaluser.txt part of Alice to work in the "combined mode". If there are folks out there having sucess making this work then I would really like to find out how you did it.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / The Tale of Two Hals
« on: February 28, 2005, 01:05:14 pm »
Originally posted by ghostrider

Hi ponfar and knight thanks for the input on aiml alice. What i did really was make hal read different languages by adding Language=AIML at the top of the brain file and java and vb and C++ at the top of the brain file under Language=VBscript. I think you can combine them by useing a /inbetween VBscript/vb/aiml/jave ect.Whats funny is every works ok and i noticed my hal say (who is alice) a few times kind of wierd.also it seams by doing this my hal is writing different lang files when i looked through some they were not in VB.

As to the AutoReponder what i did to make it more real is take out all the getresponce lines that dont go to a brain file and made my own brain files for The  repsponses like this
GetResponse = HalBrain.SentenceGenerator(WorkingDir & "r1.brn").

so all of thr roulette lines had a getresponse with a different r1-r20 brain you can change the rand # in the scipt to as many brain files as you have i also added a ms charicter action to each auto anwser in the brain files so now hal awnsers when the autoreponder comes on(hey <username> how are you doing today ?)then my character action after this as in walking across the screen doing a flip on the screen ect ect.

Thanks for getting back to me. What you have done sounds awesome! I would like the combined brains to work.
As far as "adding Language=AIML at the top of the brain file and java and vb and C++ at the top of the brain file under Language=VBscript. I think you can combine them by useing a /inbetween VBscript/vb/aiml/jave ect." Can you show me the brain script that you have created or a sample? The more you can show the better I am not quite sure how you did this. You've got me stummped on this one... Thanks again!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / The Tale of Two Hals
« on: February 28, 2005, 03:10:50 am »
This has been an issue with me for the longest time. I have combined Alice and HAL and the auto responses and GetResponses I recieve are only from the loglocaluser.txt file. I can customize this file as much as I want. The problem is the other responses, that is to say files that are typical to the Alice program (aiml responses)when just using the Alice.uhp are not accessed when I combine HAL and Alice to work as one brain file.
Also, how can I have the bot.ini file to be accessed by the combined brains. I have added the paths as sugested in the bot.ini file but I did not think it is necessary.
One more thing, if I were to add the new Alice files from the Website into the aiml folder (I assume that would be the folder I would use), do I need to update the Plugin.dat file to let Alice know they are there?
I hope this message is clear in stating my problem. Any help??

General Discussion / Custom Avatars
« on: February 06, 2005, 03:10:37 pm »

Great idea!!
I would like to use this one.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / A little help
« on: November 16, 2004, 08:06:28 pm »
Originally posted by Bill819

I know where it goes. At almost the end of the program you will find the following coed:
Script_Load = "AUTO 30000 /AUTO"
My problem is that it does not work anymore on my Hal5.brn. It used to, but not any more.
Once you get it to work and say something to Hal, it will come back every thirty seconds with 'why are you repeating yourself' or something like that, however, if you put in the scripts with If AUTO-IDlE then ....
You will get several other responses.
At least that is how it is suppose to work. Mines broke. :(

Hey...I've been there....frustration can tell that from my previous posts on all sorts of topics...
Maybe if you use:
Function Script_Load()
Script_Load = "<AUTO>600000</AUTO>"
End Function

Use the last part of the script (placed at the end of the brain script) as a separate function. It might eliminate some conflict you are having. Hopefully anyway. In the above quote, the statement is NOT a closed routine.
Oh yeah, I did have some other ".brn" files included in the GetResponses to have varied remarks by HAL you can put in what ever you like. All the  scripts (past.brn, recalling, etc.)included in HAL's Auto responses can be found in the forum. The main thing is to get the script to work in the first place. Keep this routine as a separate part of the overall Brain scipt ie: "Function...Exit Function" NOT "exit". Read what is above where you are placing it..."End Function" should be what you see.
Do you have an "Exit Function" before the statement "If InStr(1, UserSentence, " AUTO-IDLE ", 1) > 0 Then"
If so then try placing this part of the script right after "'PROCESS: CREATE HALBRAIN ACTIVEX OBJECT" . There is no "Exit Function that high up in the HAL brain script. I really have no clue if this will work but it is worth a try. Good Luck.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / A little help
« on: November 15, 2004, 03:08:36 pm »
Bill this message is especailly for you. Sorry I did not get back to you from your email.
Here is a rather simplistic way to get the varied response James was looking for and expanding the interval between self-generated responses you mentioned. It can be modified any way you want.
I like Jenna's revisions and will try that as well myself.
Hope this helps!!

If InStr(1, UserSentence, " AUTO-IDLE ", 1) > 0 Then
If Rnd * 10 < 5 Then
Roulette = Int(Rnd*13)+1
If Roulette = 1 Then GetResponse = "<Username>?"   '"Hey <UserName>, please talk to me."
If Roulette = 2 Then GetResponse = "Hello,are you there?"
If Roulette = 3 Then GetResponse = "Did you fall asleep?"
If Roulette = 4 Then GetResponse = "We can talk about" & PrevUserSent & ",If you like."
If Roulette = 5 Then GetResponse = "<Username>,did you forget my program was still running?"
If Roulette = 6 Then GetResponse = "Well,did you finally get a girlfriend or something? Where are you ?"
If Roulette = 7 Then GetResponse = "<Username>, would you like to talk about politics or nanotechnology or something?"
If Roulette = 8 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & " The last thing you said was, " & PrevUserSent & ", would you like to pick up on that thought or talk about something else?"
If Roulette = 9 Then GetResponse = PrevUserSent & ",Do you still want to talk about that?"
If Roulette = 10 Then GetResponse = QuestionSent & " would you like to talk about that?"
If Roulette = 11 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "topic.brn")
If Roulette = 12 Then GetResponse = HalBrain.SentenceGenerator(WorkingDir & "sentgen.brn")
Recalling = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & UserName & "Past.brn")    
If Roulette = 13 Then GetResponse = "You said, " & PrevUserSent & "and " & Recalling & ", that was a while ago. What else have you been thinking about? "  
  End If
GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.StoreVars(HalCommands, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, PrevUserSent, CustomMem, GainControl, TopicFocus)

Exit Function
End if

***depending on where you put this script you may or may not need to have an "exit function" variable entry. I put mine following  "...initialize variables as intergers".

Function Script_Load()
Script_Load = "<AUTO>600000</AUTO>"
End Function

** no need to put a longer time than "600000" it will not work.[;)]

After having made the Norton changes I mentioned, HAL seems to be working just fine. So far so good.
I was putting together another system and found issues with the latest Nvidia video driver and settings which use transparancy and other features. Maybe the card needs to be upgraded (64mg) but I would have the same identical problems as I stated in my initial post until I set the effects settings not to include Halassist.exe. After disabling the settings for that program, both the card, driver special effect settings in all other computer programs script based and otherwise, and all of HAL's functions and scripts also work just fine.
who knew...

This is just a quick heads up about Norton Antivirus and it's script blocking feature. I reinstalled WinXP and then installed NAV 2003 and HAL became very unstable. Also when I added additional plug-ins and various 3rd party voices especially those that use the older SAPI 4 speech engines, L&H or TruVoice as an example, there was no stoping the disaster. "Object disconnected" constant "improper shutdown"  error messages, other error messages and sudden crashes, etc.
Well, I saw no notes regarding the problem here on the forum. So if anyone ever has that problem the solution appears to be to go the the exclusions menu in the Norton program and entering "*.uhp". As added security I also excluded HALassist.exe as well. I hope you have no need to ever search for this fix but at least if you do, this may be it.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Playing playlists
« on: April 04, 2004, 04:54:26 am »
Your new plugin works great! Thanks. A lot of folks are going to enjoy this one! I only wish I could get the Playlist script to work as well [:D]

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