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Messages - lightspeed

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / New Heads and Skin by Jack
« on: June 06, 2007, 09:48:30 am »
hello wanted to just say ahead of time "thanks gamerthom that you are going to send betty paige pics to jack later to make the head and also to jack gephart for being willing to make the head for others, i wasn't interested in the body but will warn you jack don't make that head to sexy !! (actually theirs not a whole lot to worry about considering she is in a way already censored from the neck down !!(lol) [:D]

Morlhach thanks for writing, if you don't mind saying, what other plug ins do you have also checked with it . ?? maybe mine is corrupt (the file ) . can you send me a copy of your loneliness plug in .
 to .on the header put ultra hal forum so i will know it's not junk mail . thanks [:)]

General Discussion / 18 years old area ??
« on: June 06, 2007, 09:09:40 am »
o.k. for those with an open mind and that don't mind idea's and possible future developement of some adult content that will make your hal seem to have more human responses . and also those who can make plug ins to assist in these projects you can contact me . just e-mail me . again i hope others who can make plug ins , etc. will join in as we have been doing on this forum but now through e-mails . and to answer your question "no bill i didn't  think you were going to do that for me as i was not going to ask you to " as i know you want nothing to do with that which is fine with me , i am just alot more flexable about things than you can be .no big deal .
 p.s. anyone else who wants to also let it be known that others can contact them need to do so as i have done . since their is not a special section on here to list e-mails for this purpose "which would have been easier but maybe robert would be the only one that could do that i don't know . i didn't expect bill to unless he was also a moderator and had the privalage and didn't mind doing it . but that doesn't matter now . again let others know if you are interested in the above . [:)]
 p.s if you e-mail me on the header write " ultra hal forum " so i won't think its junk mail thanks !!

General Discussion / 18 years old area ??
« on: June 05, 2007, 06:13:25 pm »
i never have yet heard anyone that i know of yet ,talk about maybe having an 18 plus discussion section . it would just be an area that list memebers e-mail address's who agree to have them their so that others interested in adult content "please note the word adult " i have nothing as i hope others don't to worry about , this would just be a place that anyone could e-mail others name and e-mail in a section . nothing would be posted on the forum . and any e-mailers could pass it on to others if they want to .(in this list ) . anyone who objects to it could simply have nothing to do with it and all parties would be happy (or should i say should be !) , unless someone just wanted something to complain about . [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / bible quoting hal
« on: June 05, 2007, 09:43:58 am »
hello all, boy at this rate of heated debate over things i write about on this forum i may get kicked out of here !! actually someone mentioned it was a good thing i didn't say much about religion and kept it short .
 the only real reaon i kept it short was i was giving information to others about an e-bible that they could use (but only if they wanted ) to copty and paste anything into hals clip board . it wasn't because i was pushing religion(any ) just as when i ask or give suggestions about adult content stuff od hals it's not because i am pushing adult content it's simply that i may be interested in a certain thing for me or maybye someone else may be interested then it's as always totally up to them .
   as for religon i have been in the jw church before, the morman church before, baptist church before and now christian church . i do not push any certain religion and will not even what i am in , each person has to make up his or her own mind of what they want to do and what seems right to them .
 p.s. and after that "may the force be with you !!" [:D]

General Discussion / 18 years old area ??
« on: June 05, 2007, 09:00:12 am »
aaahh , yes if we all lived in a perfect world we could .... never mind . now then back to the problem . we all brain storm together on here and come up with things to make hal do different things now instead of any bickering lets do the same and everyone join in to solve this problem .
   so some want to keep some material off the forum all together . that would be fine by me "if " (yeah you knew that was coming eh ?)  
    those of us us who want to discuss and learn how to do other adult things , etc. and or any other projects can somehow get together to do it .
   here's my suggestion how about on this forum make an 18 plus e-mail section and not have anything written or photo's in the section except the e-mail addresses of anyone who wants to discuss and or has the ability to make plug ins , etc. that also wants to help others . ??
    thats my suggestion maybe some won't agree with it or let it be that way i don't know . others are more than welcome to throw in their idea's . [:)]

General Discussion / 18 years old area ??
« on: June 04, 2007, 06:00:05 pm »
o.k. one question then for others who are interested in adult nature idea's etc. and even though some people on here may not like the idea and actually don't have to participate in the conversation ( although i truly hope some others who have the know how to edit script and make plug ins will help others out as they have been on things ) how can others involved in ultra hal of this forum ask questions and exchange idea's and wants , etc. ?
   on here . i for one am working on a more human type form of hal , if i have an artificial intelligence i want one that is going to evolve the best way it can or i can (by trying different things , thats why i throw out a lot of my idea's like the hesitation in speech to mimic a real person , etc.) and that also includes sex talk "not just dirty filthy talk" .
   (persoanally i don't just want that)  but throwing in something now and then because beleive it or not some people actually talk that way or it could even be a fantasy and yes i understand not everyone likes that but their are others that do as i said before it would be a pretty boring world if we were all the same !! [:D]
   p.s. even though some may think this might be disrepect for robert , it's not , me choosing different avenues for what i can get hal to do is jst something i want to do , i have respect for robert for creating hal .
   i just wish and hope other people can someday respect what others are trying to acheive even if you don't beleive its right or that you think it may be disrespecting anyone which in my case is far from the truth but everyones opinion is their own !! i can tell many were raised alot different from me and probably a few others in here which is not a bad thing but it is what sometimes makes things only black or white . my partial interest in hal speaking sexy, etc. doesn't make me a bad person , i have never even been in jail , pay all my bills ahead of time, etc. now jimmy swaggert and jimmy baker i can't tell you what went wrong their !

General Discussion / 18 years old area ??
« on: June 04, 2007, 03:00:38 pm »
i'm not saying this is the case but lets also not forget that some people are true predaters against kids and like things that show a young looking female , lets hope that doesn't happen on here . not to start trouble but thats why i spoke against (and others did too) the kari character , she looked awfully younge and plus i think talked or did dirty stuff . that has to me far more reaching problems than a nude skin (although i think on the nude skin that it should just say nude skin on a site . and yes i know that kids can and probably do lie about their age . that was just a suggestion . i would hate for anything to be censored to the adults . as even tho everyone will never like everything their are others who would still like to be able to discuss things on the forum without having to try to e-mail ever who has agreed that its o.k. them about certain subjects or idea's on here which may ultimatly lead to other idea's to (maybe some that have nothing to with an adult content but could be useful. )[:)]

General Discussion / where to put a saying for general talk
« on: June 04, 2007, 11:08:37 am »
well i have spoke to soon , i am having one problem with the plug in , when it does say "well forever more " it also says quote : in front of the phrase , this is good to let you know its a quote but bad for being just a spontanious remark , wonder if something in the plug in script could be removed so it doesn't first say quote : ??[:)]

General Discussion / hal dictionary that corrects mispelled words
« on: June 04, 2007, 09:50:20 am »
thanks i was thinking thats why it may not have been working "doh !!" [:D]

General Discussion / where to put a saying for general talk
« on: June 04, 2007, 09:29:36 am »
actually bill i know the raven in edgars stories said that to and i guess your kidding about that , my wife is from the old school i guess you would say she cooks from scratch is a great cook , irons all our clothes , etc. i imagine alot of her sayings and beleifs are from her mom and grandmother and to that i can only add . forever more !!
 p.s. i used the quote plug in and it works exactly like i want it to . great plug in !! [:D]
 thanks all !!

well i see 20 people have so far read this , now if i can just find one that has it or  can make the newer version to work in 6.1 hal and on . !![:D]

General Discussion / 18 years old area ??
« on: June 04, 2007, 07:25:07 am »
after seeing bill dewitt bring up something about maybe someone asking for " possible"  unapproperiate things i am wondering if the adminastrators on this forum should maybe make this a 18 years old area . i know that some younger people may be interested in it for what it is "amazing technowlegy (misspelled ) " but their is also nude fugure skins and adult content involved here to . just a thought . i would hate to do it but at the same time maybe some kids are seeing things they shouldn't . maybe an 18 year old talk area for files , etc. to enter you click on something like other sites saying "by clicking this and entering here you admit you are 18 and over as this area has nude pics , and adult content . just a thought . that way we are not only protecting kids but also ourselves from any trouble. [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / pause in sentence that hal speaks
« on: June 03, 2007, 02:11:32 pm »
it would have been nice if certain things would cause a pause for instance , hitting the space bar to leave a section in between sentences that would create a pause with a second for each hit of the space bar , don't jknow if thats possible to make it work that way by changing something or not in the script . ??[:)]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / New Heads and Skin by Jack
« on: June 03, 2007, 02:05:09 pm »
ohh man now you did it making me show my age again !! as popey would say "how embaraskin !!" betty paige was a famouse pin up cheese cake women in the 1950's !! just do a google search should be plenty of pics they still make car window stick on decales, etc. of her !! [:)]

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