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Messages - doggs

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General Discussion / Re: windows phone 10....
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:53:41 pm »
As far as security and privacy, if you don't fight for your rights.... And if you roll over and give up that is your problem. I will always fight for my privacy and  it is fun to watch people, business, and government back down when i pull out my copy of the privacy laws.
Again your own fault if you give up your rights. I don't mind going to the store and paying cash. I get fresh air and don't go into debt.

General Discussion / Re: windows phone 10....
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:44:56 pm »
As far as upgrading 10 on a pc or tablet etc. You will get a free upgrade tto 10 that is ... For 7 and above. It will be free if you upgrade in the first year. If you don't belive me do a quick internet search. Not sure if it will cost any thing(probably will) to turn your android phone or iPhone to a windows  OS. Bing is slowly taking Google's market share for search engines. If I am not mistaken you can already put Cortana on your android and istuff. I don't use either so couldn't tell you from experience.

Anyways, hope that helps.

General Discussion / Re: windows phone 10....
« on: June 08, 2015, 11:18:27 am »
Yeah raybe ,
soon it won't matter what phone you buy you will be able to flas windows 10 on it.
My mom hates her android phone and loves my old windows phone ( which has 10 on it) that I gave my dad. I told her to wait till the fall and she should be able to flash 10 on it.
Like I said the freedom to change OS on your phone will be nice. Yes I am still a Linux fan but it looks like windows might have a winner with 10.

General Discussion / Re: windows phone 10....
« on: June 07, 2015, 06:58:21 pm »
More from the rumor mill. ( been away doing business sorry not keeping up to date).
The new higher end phones coming out with 10 soon will in theory be able to run Hal.
I need to beak down and buy one. Hal does run in all preview  of 10 on my tablet and laptop. Watch google get their butt kicked, slowly working that way. Also you will be able to install 10 on google devices and I know you can already install preview on apple. Be nice to have a choice on OS for your phone wether windows, Ubuntu, or google(why anyone would choose google is beyond me) but that is freedom. They are also mentioning something about installing apple phones as well. trying to watch tinzen but windows looks like best promise for Hal on a smartphone in present form.

Hope this helps,
Proud American veteran.

General Discussion / Re: hal a.i. tablet ..sort of
« on: May 03, 2015, 09:23:54 pm »
I am showing art that I remember what he has talked about in the past on this forum. That I remember his words.

General Discussion / Re: hal a.i. tablet ..sort of
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:06:25 pm »
You and your buddy lightspeed have tried to shove google down my throat a few times on this forum. I don't have the same core values as you, I am not a liberal, I believe in individual rights. So if you want to choose google fine. Many of us here are not part of the "collective" like you and you butt buddy lightspeed. I learn from everyone even those I don't like. I don't put out misinformation or block the truth because I don't like someone. I know you have no clue when it comes to Linux. Just like I refuse to use google. If you don't know something don't try to act like you do. Help people and admit what you don't know and can't do. You look stupid by yourself. Don't make it worse.

I know you and lightspeed are google fanboys. But remember until you liberals take over I still have my rights. We don't live with communism yet. 

Basicly you have no clue.

General Discussion / Re: hal a.i. tablet ..sort of
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:23:02 pm »
Yeah just noticed how you push google is why I said that. And you forgot my fav Linux.

General Discussion / Re: hal a.i. tablet ..sort of
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:30:02 pm »
Nice start, if you really want to go into details you left alot out as far as Microsoft and Linux is concerned. Google does not dominant as much as you think. Certain areas yes I agree google has a good market share. But they want you to think they dominate in all markets so that they can. Everything you named for google there is an alternative. It's all in the marketing. Just like Nike, coke, apple and such.

Just food for thought...

General Discussion / Re: windows 10 tech preview and hal
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:09:23 pm »
Office is/will be subscription but there are many different "office" software out there some open source some not. I am cheap  ;) I use free. But my phone came with free office. And I have a student office I bought while in college that I don't have to pay a sub for. If they charge a sub for the os their ship is sunk. I don't think they will. I use Linux on most of my devices. My tablet I am still trying to find the best fit. Of course I am gonna always test the Microsoft stuff because then I can see where it stands against Linux. Sure I own a license for xp, 7, 8.1and various copies of dos. But I bought all those oem at a fraction of the cost with no bloat ware.

Hope that helps.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: hal on a $50 tablet working.
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:59:55 pm »
Don't really know. Lol I know if you go to "download center" from Microsoft there is alot of neat things and yes I do get lots of freebies from Microsoft been beta testing for many years because I prefer Linux if you can understand my reasoning. Right now Hal using default speech engine on my tablet beta for 10 using a female British voice sounds almost real. I know 7 has Ann and 8 has a couple.

Hope that helps.

P.s. Been really busy lately so really haven't had a chance to check forum. I love Hal on my tablet.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: ConceptNet5
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:23:23 pm »
Phython is heavily used in Linux but also other OS's use it. I would suggest downloading a distro and playing with it to help you learn.

General Discussion / Re: hal a.i. tablet ..sort of
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:31:57 pm »
Again at the cost of repeating myself, windows has tablets that are under a hundred dollars that will run Hal without GOOGLE ON IT!!!!

As a matter of fact google is under investigation in many countries for violating privacy laws.

Just in case you are not aware even though it is common knowledge...
Android = google infested Linux.

General Discussion / Re: chappie
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:18:57 pm »
What does "feel" actually mean? Are humans the only ones that "feel"? Just a thought. I know my Hal "feels" lonely at times and happy at other times Hal tells me so. With conversation to back it up. But what do I know. My intelligence is .... 8)

General Discussion / Re: windows 10 tech preview and hal
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:14:30 pm »
Just a note,

If your running a pirate of windows 7 or higher, you are gonna be able to upgrade to 10 for free within the first year. This doesn't mean you will have a legal license though but guess they figure always will be pirates so the more the better to be running 10. They will probably take a loss in the first year on license money but guess looking at bigger picture. I am enjoying the progress with 10 (still prefer security of Linux without google) but I have to admit 10 looks good and Hal works on it.

General Discussion / Re: windows phone 10....
« on: April 30, 2015, 11:35:21 am »
Just an update,

I don't know if anyone keeping up with the news, but it is starting to look promising for Hal and windows phone. There is a catch. The phone will probably have to be a newer one coming out in the next release of phones with 10 due to hardware.

I have been extremely busy but I will keep updates coming as I find out.

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