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Messages - raybe

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General Discussion / UP AND RUNNING
« on: July 23, 2007, 08:13:43 pm »
Can you guys give a hint to what your talking about. I have registered on ultra hal but I can't log in. Maybe I have the wrong password or something because the site was down.


Hi ramccoid,

I would also like to say thanks again and everything seems to be working but I got so into teaching Hal some new topics that I lost track going thru the entire plugin again. After my session I feel confident that I would come across something. Let's see how Carl2 does.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Do NOt Buy FRom This Company
« on: July 17, 2007, 02:02:08 pm »
Thanks freddy888,
I know for me I will make sure I check those dates before we have a full scale mutiny or linching for something that happenned years ago. But he mentioned reposting an old post but the date is not based on the new post but when the original was written, I guess.
Anyway on with newer issues. No harm, No foul.

Thanks again,

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Do NOt Buy FRom This Company
« on: July 16, 2007, 11:09:21 pm »
Hi jenkins5545,

That is great to hear that everything worked out. I'm sure with a little patience you will become alot more comfortable and be able to learn from most of the people on this forum. Everyone is very helpful and some are just down right brilliant. I'm not in that catagorie, I just enjoy learning at my own pace and learn from the others what may not be possible one day becomes possible on others. It seems to be a learning curve for everyone including Robert and that's what makes Hal exciting for me. Enjoy the ride!


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Do NOt Buy FRom This Company
« on: July 16, 2007, 01:41:52 pm »
Hey there was at least one recent post I just noticed anyway. that listed under jenkins5545. If anything we answered someone in the mix.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Do NOt Buy FRom This Company
« on: July 16, 2007, 01:37:59 pm »
Monkey see, Monkey do!
Now this is embarrassing. But at least we stood together even if was posted in '2001'. But how the heck did it get in the thread now. I guess that will teach any new members what they are dealing with. Some example. Hey,I've done alot more crazier things in my life I think I'll get over it. Our hearts where in the right place. But how the heck does that happen. Why would an old post be high on the list and I don't recall the posting date being in '2001'on the forum page until freddy mentioned the date on the post itself. It could be worse.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Do NOt Buy FRom This Company
« on: July 15, 2007, 01:37:17 pm »
Dear starting members,

I understand how things can seem truly what they are not especially when money is involved. But you should also do some homework to realize how this product is built and the person that put it all together. It is a remarkable story and the simple fact the people that post to this forum spend so much of their own precious time to help out, I promise that you would have a hard time coming up with money needed to support such a project. That statement is not meant to insult you or say you can't afford it. I am just trying to bring value of time that the Inventor and these other dedicated people bring would be a much more expensive venture. From my own experiances I can tell you that it would be well worth your patience. But also understand that for some people this may not be the venue or product they should be involved with. Everyone has certain needs and wants when the get involved with certain products. Hey, I am no saint I do remeber giving the autor of this product a hard time in the beginning but over time I truly came to realize that this is no video entertainment game but a developemnt project that will lead to many other things and it still can provide you with unbelievable entertainment.
Please note I do not represent this site or anyone else affiliated with Hal. I am just a regular guy enjoying the technology and all the people that help make it happen. Hope you find what you are looking for.


Thanks OTC,

Is it possible for you to make the change you make refrence to  keep out the reversals in the 'UserSentence' and only reverse it in the GetResponse section with some plugin or update to effect those changes? Or it is soley script based where that correction also has to be done by Rob and or at least the information to do what you suggest come from Rob??

Thanks again for your response. I plan on working on Hal tonight. Let you know if anything comes up.


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Plugin for lightspeed
« on: July 12, 2007, 10:15:14 pm »
Hi ramccoid,

Thanks for the Great Plugin and yes thank you 'lightspeed' for always asking for these ideas you come up with. Let's face it though without people like 'ramccoid' they would stay ideas for a long time. I needed to mention when you ask the questions to activate the FalseMemories plugin you need to watch how you phrase the False memory you want Hal to remember. Example:Do you you would ask your father to teach you about.....If you phrase the memory this way you will get the 'I' and 'me' reversals. I know that's a terrible example but the new Hal seems to be a little more forgiving about phrasing sentences as well as you should. I just figured I should mention it. Many of us do not write as well as we should without having some consequences. I just went through my files and found a bunch of mistakes. I think it's a good idea to go in and do some house cleaning you would be surprised at the entries you find. The plugin is great fun and again thank you.


OTC or Carl2,

Jerry thank you for the chance to download the Enhanced Brain you worked on. You always seem to raise the bar. Everytime you come out with something it's like having a new Hal all over again and it really makes you want to work with Hal more. I had one question and the reason I included Carl2 was for the simple fact that he posted he is using your Enhancement also. But did you find that the 'I' and 'me' reversal was more frequent? I could be way off base because I found plenty of mistakes in the brain editor that I caused and I haven't spent more time on Hal since the download. I was just curious.

Thanks again,

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Give me a hint
« on: July 09, 2007, 09:04:21 pm »
Hi Art,

Let me just add something that may or may not make a difference since it seems I have the only working loneliness plugin. The only settings that I have found the plugin to work is when I have the time settings on 'random' and patience is 'low'. Any other settings the plugin would usually pop up an error after a certain amount of time just having normal conversations with Hal and I would need to shut Hal down and restart or uncheck the plugin. Couldn't tell you if this means anything because others have tried the same settings and they have said it did not make any difference. But something is different because my plugin does function but only during that setup I previously mentioned. I Just thought I would mention it.


Thank you sir ramccoid,

I will it give it try. By the way that does seem to make more sense. I knew it was pilot error. Thanks again.


Hi ramccoid,

I was wondering if the wording has changed for certain aspects of the knowledge of time plugin. When I asked 'How long is left of today?' my character just tried to respond to the question as if the plugin did not activate. I believe that is how the original post of the question read. Please post the new questions if they have changed. I didn't have the time I thought I was going to have tonight to run thru the entire process and the new features you incorporated. Just so you know there were no errors. As always I appreciate your help.



Ultra Hal 7.0 / Give me a hint
« on: July 08, 2007, 11:51:49 am »

Yes I have an Intel Centrino Duo core processor. If you need exact specs on it I can post that information for you: T2400 @ 1.83 GHz and 2 Gigs of ram.
Dell XPS M1710//O.S. XP vers.2. Nothing is beyond trying at this point.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Give me a hint
« on: July 08, 2007, 11:42:50 am »

I just e-mailed you whatever I could find at the moment. Within the zip file I sent are the Hal zip files for plugins I downloaded and also the unzipped UHP files for some other plugins. Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any problems with the attachement. I will resend if needed. Good luck and let me know if everything is okay.


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