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Messages - kaze

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / i need upgrade
« on: February 22, 2005, 01:40:47 pm »
hi....i buy ultrahal a long time ago back when it was in version 3...i was using it until one day i got an email sayin upgrade to 4.5, so i did....but after that i uninstalled it for quite sometime and now i decide to reactive it (i just upgrade my comp so i thought giving it an A.I would be neat..)

i check and turns out hal already upgraded to version i check my email for the product update download just like when i get version 4.5. but i cant find it[:(] (i dont really use my email anymore coz i'm using friendster now, so its kinda full with junk mail[;)])....i might erased it with some of the junk the hell should i update now?....please help....

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