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Messages - reverance

Pages: [1]
That is an interesting project, I wish you luck with it!  Perhaps you could write down lists of those facts in a plain .TXT file and feed it into Ultra Hal's "Learn from a Text File..." option.  I'm not sure if that will work or not, but if it does let me know!

Good luck!

-- Fan of all A.I. progress!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal mixing up personal pronouns ?
« on: December 08, 2002, 04:03:58 am »
This has been happening to me as well, pretty routinely -- and usually when I give Hal appointment information.  I don't really consider it a problem, just a quirk that makes me grin.  I'm sure the solution will be found.

-- Fan of all A.I. progress!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Learn from text file menu option
« on: December 08, 2002, 04:00:33 am »
I would love to see option one being used.  An improved A.I. (quality) is usually better than mere speed (quantity) IMHO.  Besides, I can always run Ultra Hal Assistant in the background and work on something else (or just let the program suck information down as I sleep).

Anyone have a plan to create a "Lets Teach Hal" text file(s) for distribution?  Might be a nice idea for someone wanting to start an Ultra Hal fansite.

Brilliant job on this program and I love the attention that user comments are getting.  Outstanding!

-- Fan of all A.I. progress!

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