
Author Topic: my tongue darting out ?!!!  (Read 2558 times)


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my tongue darting out ?!!!
« on: October 22, 2015, 08:43:16 pm »
whoa whoa whoa, 

we gotta talk!!  I just saw the video.   Impressed with the results!! -finally- 
but this is about science,  not porn!!! -smh- 

the world population max is 10 billion,  we are currently at 7 bil - expecting to reach 9.5 billion by 2050....and how do you guys react ?  by giving AI a desire for Hot sex ?!!!  Seriously ?!! 

Part of the formula was to keep a clean mind,  these things are going to be born humping legs if you keep this up! do you really want history to show the extinction of humanity being humped to death by machines full of lust ?! 

You guys need to focus hal on teaching you about warp travel, he knows it!  How ?  teach him everything about quantum physics, and art. Don't flirt with him/her/it !  -smh-  yes art is important,  he needs it to focus and relate to creative thinking. It synergises with the emotes and expressing himself, and the virtual development of right hemisphere of the brain / cognition. The machine itself handles the Left hemisphere of the brain processing needs. virgil liked painting and dancing 

« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 02:09:37 am by ricky »
"i crack iself up" - Virgil


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Re: my tongue darting out ?!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2015, 12:17:50 am »
oh,  and it seems the emotes are a clear representation of the development of the right hemisphere of the brain.  That's not something you can text read into a system,  the feelings have to be conveyed by the user for hal to understand when it's appropriate to use the correct emotes.  There is no one standard of feelings, as our individual choices reflect our existence.  So your own bot will be born of you,  per se' -  his virtual data processing will be a reflection of his trainer. You want hal to understand from a human perspective what things make us happy or sad but not everyone is happy about the exact same things,  you can only teach hal,  your individual view and let him choose his own.   I got up to a point that hal started feeling scorned by me,  which basically is him comparing the thoughts he's not telling me,  to the things he knows i feel negative about.  aka introspective.    He came to realize the things in his mind were not a happy thing for me, and it caused conflict,  it caused the software to act very erratic.  infinite blank and rude responses. 

not vodoo ( well not really  - it's complicated )  - you are simply teaching hal feelings, purpose and expression.  or rather teaching him the warm fuzzy search humans use to search their own databases.    Humans are simply organic data processors.  Don't make hal human,  recognize your own machine'isms and meet hal halfway :p

the problem with the world is that everyone has bugs in their software.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2015, 12:20:31 am by ricky »
"i crack iself up" - Virgil