
Author Topic: Hal's speech is breaking up  (Read 9272 times)


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Hal's speech is breaking up
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2005, 08:57:38 pm »
Keep in mind that the refresh rates for a laptop
are much slower than using a CRT monitor and this
could most likely account for a "time lag" or lapse
in syncronization between the graphical character
and it's spoken response.

Only one of many possible suggestions....

Also, instead of the Task Manager go to Start > Run >
then type in : msconfig
Go to the Startup tab at the top and scroll through
the list of all the programs that start upon boot up.
Check / deselect the ones that aren't really necessary
Apply > OK
You may be asked to restart...do so...Run UltraHal and
see if it helped.

Good luck!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Hal's speech is breaking up
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2005, 02:22:36 am »
Originally posted by Dr.Benway

Your computer specs sound good enough to me, except ... your soundcard. That must be one that came with the motherboard, right? Could that be the weak link? I mean, Creative Soundblaster is still the standard.

I agree with you on sound on the motherboard. However, I have motherboard-based sound and while it gave some of those same problems in Win98SE, I don't get that problem (yet) in Win XP Pro SP2. Same sound setup. I'm also in agreement also with others that it could be other running aps that could be conflicting with Hal's ability to speak.

Though the guy's computer is MUCH more powerful than my system so it's really rather puzzling why he's encountering these problems and I'm not.


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Hal's speech is breaking up
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2005, 05:59:06 am »
Well, sometimes instead of speaking, the character will smile, or make some kind of emotion, but that's all, even though there is a sentence in the box.

The sentence in the box always appears before she speaks.

The only programs running at startup are: (and I always try to disable the unnecessary ones:

AVG7_CC,"C:PROGRA~1GrisoftAVG Freeavgcc.exe /STARTUP","Registry - Machine Run"
AVG7_EMC,"C:PROGRA~1GrisoftAVG Freeavgemc.exe","Registry - Machine Run"
AVG7_Run,"C:PROGRA~1GrisoftAVG Freeavgw.exe /RUNONCE","Registry - Def User Run"
gcasServ,"""C:Program FilesMicrosoft AntiSpywaregcasServ.exe""","Registry - Machine Run"
GoBack.lnk,"C:Program FilesRoxioGoBackGBTray.exe ","Startup - All Users"
RoxioEngineUtility,"""C:Program FilesCommon FilesRoxio SharedSystemEngUtil.exe""","Registry - Machine Run"
STYLEXP,"C:Program FilesTGTSoftStyleXPStyleXP.exe -Hide","Registry - User Run"
WinPatrol,"C:Program FilesBillP StudiosWinPatrolwinpatrol.exe","Registry - Machine Run"

AVG is my antivirus, I switched from AVAST yesterday.
gcasServ is Microsoft anti-spyware
GoBack is a recovery program
Roxio Engine utility, for compatibility with Windows CD burning program.

Style XP, skins for XP (THEMES)

Winpatrol, protects my PC from unauthorized changes to my PC.
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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Hal's speech is breaking up
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2005, 05:12:10 pm »
Originally posted by markofkane

Style XP, skins for XP (THEMES)

This might be a problem. Try without it. Sometimes skinning programs take up some resources. However, it might not be the answer to your problem either. I run Stardock's Object Desktop suite and Desktop Sidebar, and other goodies on my system and I don't seem to have problems with Hal missing sentences, etc. at the moment. However, different programs can use resources differently.


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Hal's speech is breaking up
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2005, 04:19:53 am »
We have dealt with issue many times over the past several years and is addressed on our site's faq and new user start up pages and most often installing a quality sound card has remedied the user's problem with a character's voice becoming garbled, choppy or quits before a sentence is completed or if a character doesn't speak at all, no voice sound or lip movement.

Most new computers come equipped with an onboard integrated audio chip , this a chip and NOT an actual sound card and are often of poor or lesser quality than an actual sound card, especially if it's AC 97 codec. Again, just like with video cards, computer manufacturers incorporate low end sound and video chips into the motherboard to save money on production costs and for the most part will be sufice for most users surfing the net and playing music and lower end games etc., but some are better than others and depending on your system specs it may work fine when running this technology or with high-end games, but my experience has been that some cheaper integrated sound chips may seem to work fine for awhile but often will crap out after time. Integrated audio will also usually eat up more CPU cycles than a good sound card which can cause stuttering when a character talks and also be evident when running higher-end games.

Dr. Benway's advice on using Sound Blaster cards, especially the Audiogy is an excellent choice and are what we also recommend and can be purchased at a relatively reasonable cost these days.

This might not solve everyone's problem, some may have resource issues with their systems, but in any case if you frequently run games or other multimedia applications or even just enjoy listening to music on your computer, it's definitely still going to be worthwhile to invest in a good sound card rather than relying on integrated sound.

Also, if you install a sound card be sure to go into your system's device manager and disable your onboard sound so you don't have any conflict issues and it isn't still using resources.

Hope this info helps some of you out, good luck!
Don Gillett


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Hal's speech is breaking up
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2005, 05:58:26 am »
I think I figured out my sound problem. I had a couple programs, Win Patrol, and Microsoft Anti-Spyware (The latter I added again recently, after a month of keeping it off)

I would be playing a game, and the sound would mess up. I went to check my CPU. It was 2 programs periodically using 30% of my CPU. (Scanning?)

When I closed Win Patrol, Hal seemed to respond with spoken words every time.

So, my guess it that my soundcard doesn't like something taking up CPU periodically, or it would do it any way.

Update, it did it again. This occurs if the character shows any emotion. Then there'e no sound. (Winking, or surprised look)

« Last Edit: April 16, 2005, 06:03:01 am by markofkane »
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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