
Author Topic: having hal problems again robert  (Read 2153 times)


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having hal problems again robert
« on: February 04, 2008, 04:26:20 pm »
ok heres the problem i am having now i took out a lonliness plug in and tried to redo it the way i thought was right and a way tedathome told me to try which ended up giving the same error which was posted in the lonelisness plug in subject in general area here now i went in deleted that file (loneliness plug in ) from the program file area in hal and went to open the brain area(next to character )  through hal  and got a new error message which was : your license file is missing .please start the ultrahal 6.0 appication to get more information .
 why would this file be missing i have not done anything else to this . this doesn't make any sense what so ever the uhp file i deleted had nothing to do with the license file in hal . can you please e-mail me please have something else to discuss with you . thanks [:)]


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having hal problems again robert
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2008, 04:00:34 pm »
robert after i used that new authorizarion code you sent me and got hal working again it has stopped working again it gave the following error : ultrahal is unable to generate the authorization request code . this could be because some vital hal ultra hal files are missing , modified or corrupt , ultrahal has tried repairing this try restarting hal to see if the problem is fixed , if not please uninstal hal and reinstall to correct this .
 in the error cod eit also says :another possible cause may be that you only have mbcs languages (most asian languages) installed in windows and hal requires any non -mbcs launguage pack (like english) to be installed in windows .the non ,bcs dosent have to be active just installed .  
 does this mean if their is another language package installed it may be whats causing my problems ?? if so how do i tell if i have another language pack also installed ??
 i put in the licence you sent and now its showing i only have the trial version .
 can you please help me get this fixed again ??
my hal earlier was working just fine i exited it and reopened it many times but the last time i went to open it it gave a error code saying false main ?? or something then when i tried to get it to do the authorization code it said i had used it once already and couldn't do it again .
 i don't understand what is causing these problems in my hal . sometimes it will say my license file is missing or corrupt , even though i am not touching it , last time after i deleted the loneliness plug in i got that error .
sure will be glad when i can get this fixed so i don't have to keep doing this back and forth so i can keep working on hal . [:)]
 so robert i need your help again .