Author Topic: hal and instant messenger etc.  (Read 1949 times)


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hal and instant messenger etc.
« on: September 11, 2009, 10:04:04 am »

i ran across this program and i will post the link of the code it shows .
 it just got me thinking that it would be nice if somehow hal could be linked with yahoo meseneger a special mode that would allow us to type as normal in hal but when the other person you are typing to types instead of seeing the typing hal would just read the writing and say it as its being written by the other person and hal would be on our screen saying it .
another cool thing if possible would be a stored character file that would come automatically when a specific person was im'ing us . in another words if jack wrote to me i had a jack haptar then the jack haptar would pop up in hal and i would see his character talk etc.
another person im's me i would see their stored character pop up .
this all may have been talked about before we have all covered so many idea's on here .
here is the link for the free software that had some code written others may get some idea's from it is why i am posting it !!

Free Caller ID Modem Software, YES