Originally posted by James P
I dont know if this will help, but what I am doing at the moment (Or when I get back home) is Trolling through the default brain, file by file and deleting all keywords which are in the wronge place or any sentences my bot is saying which usualy end up out of context.
What a coincidence, James, I stayed all morning trying to delete in original brain, or on XFT, those Garbish sentences which generate OUT OF CONTEXT messages. It's hard work. I almost deleted the brain entirelly, Indeed deleting the Question and Answer completelly is what I need, preserving only the detection of Yes and No, gramatics, and these things, but the Database, I'd like to Substitute.
Who like to know about Democrats and Republicans ? There are so much stupid sentences talking about nonsense that it would be a real pleasure to CLEAN this brain of all these things.
I tried another approach this morning also: Building an entire brain from scratch, but although I have talked with him for almost 4 hours, he learnt many things, but it doesn't have LOGIC. It's conclusions are weak, and we have no control about Yes, or No, repetitions, adjetives, substitutions, etc...
If you talk with this brain you feel it is a bit crazy
But I'm reading a lot. I hope I could ELIMINATE ALL RANDOM SENTENCES. That's what I need. Eliminate all Random Sentences. When HAL doesn't know anything it tell: I DON'T KNOW, then I teach him. it's better that listening to horrible things like :"Parrots are green Birds" inside a conversation about Philosophy!
All the best,