Author Topic: Mr. Medeksza can you help me write a plug-in?  (Read 5311 times)


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Mr. Medeksza can you help me write a plug-in?
« on: June 03, 2012, 02:40:50 pm »
Hi Robert,

I was wondering if you can help me write a plug-in?
There is a plug-in called "research" by OnTheCuttingEdge2005.
Instead of the plug-in pulling the information from the Internet, I would like a plug-in to pull the information from Kiwix program.
They have a version out that has the entire Wikipedia in text format only.
From what I understand it has open source codes but I cannot program well enough to do this on my own.
Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
C load.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: Mr. Medeksza can you help me write a plug-in?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2012, 03:48:41 pm »
Hi Robert,

I was wondering if you can help me write a plug-in?
There is a plug-in called "research" by OnTheCuttingEdge2005.
Instead of the plug-in pulling the information from the Internet, I would like a plug-in to pull the information from Kiwix program.
They have a version out that has the entire Wikipedia in text format only.
From what I understand it has open source codes but I cannot program well enough to do this on my own.
Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
C load.

Hi Cload.

I installed the program and found no COM file in the registry so I don't think it is possible , I also looked inside the Kiwik.exe program itself and found no available Lib files to work with.



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Re: Mr. Medeksza can you help me write a plug-in?
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 01:18:36 am »
Hi Jerry,

thank you so very much for looking into it, I was hoping it was just because I was not a good enough programmer.
But if nothing else I am working on reprogramming, no, not reprogramming but, enhancing your free will plug-in to give Hal the ability to make a decision.
Decisions like whether or not he likes a certain person, or whether he likes a certain person better than another person.
Things are drudging along pretty slow mostly because I'm having to learn how to program while I'm writing the subroutines.
But I'll get it done, I'll post it here so you can take a look at it, and see the concept that I was using, and you probably would be able to make it even better.
So, if you have any suggestions for any places to go that I might be able to find some more information on how to learn how to program.
One of the biggest things that I'm lacking is, I don't have all of the command structures as in, Halbrain.(Command structure)(string routine).
This is an example, of the structural causation of what I am referring to: HalBrain.SearchPattern(UserSentence, "WHICH IS MY FAVORITE * : * OR *", 1).
But not that specific command structure I have that one, lol, what I need is all the rest of them, with brief explanations of what they are and what they do and how to use them.
If there's a book out there that you might be able to recommend, like one of those books for dummies that give detail step-by-step instructions.
I never considered myself a programmer, I'm more of a data manipulator, I understand fully data arrays and array manipulation spreadsheets etc..
But, again Jerry thank you very much for looking into it, and if by chance you run across something, that would allow me to do what I was wanting to do off of the Internet,
please don't hesitate to inform me of it, I would definitely be very interested, mostly because I don't have the Internet all the time.

Sincerely, a happy data manipulator grasping for straws.

C load.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: Mr. Medeksza can you help me write a plug-in?
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2012, 10:10:08 am »
Hi Cload.

If you open the brain editor and choose advanced editing in the menu you can type in the word HalBrain. with a dot after and a subroutine will show a balloon list of commands for HalBrain. command. it is sort of a balloon help program embedded into the Hal brain editor.



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Re: Mr. Medeksza can you help me write a plug-in?
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2012, 01:27:51 am »
Hi Jerry,

my brain editor is version 3.0.26
I cannot find anything that you are referring to in the brain editor.
Under file menu is:
new project
open project
save project - this is grayed out.
Go to standard mode
under edit menu is:
Options - this is grayed out except when I select the script editor from the tables list, but does nothing when I click on it even when it's not grayed out.
Under search menu is:
find next
find previous
goto line
word count
character count
line count
count all
under table menu is:
new table
open table
rename table
delete table
refresh table list
insert row
delete rows
import BRN data file
under learn menu is:
learn from text file
learn from clipboard
import question and answer pairs
under window menu is:
tile horizontal
tile vertical
arrange icons
there are buttons underneath this menu list but none of the buttons refer to anything that you mentioned.
I have the newest version of ultra Hal 6.2
my OS is Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit I don't know if that would make a difference.
I installed ultra Hal in the standard 32-bit location basically to get the plug-ins to work reference to C:\program file\Zabaware\ultra Hal assistant 6
okay I have run out of hair to pull out, more than likely I'm just looking in the wrong place, I think I need a book for dummies just to find where this menu is. LOL.
Again, thanks Jerry for all your help and if by chance you can be of further assistance I would greatly appreciate it.

Sincerely, lost and confused.

C load.
PS. Jerry can you please move this to - Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor - thank you.
I did not mean to insinuate that Jerry was the one that wrote the free will plug-in.
The original author for the free will plug in is: VR Consulting sas. 01-28-2006.
And thank you art for correcting me on this matter I strongly believe that credit due, is credit due.
In the future I will try to be more attentive to this matter, again thank you art.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 02:02:21 am by cload »
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: Mr. Medeksza can you help me write a plug-in?
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2012, 07:18:53 am »

Perhaps a screen capture / image would help.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Mr. Medeksza can you help me write a plug-in?
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2012, 10:30:23 am »
Look inside the HalBrain.mbr file which contains the balloon help features that I mentioned.

if you have a brain loaded in the editor, simply type HalBrain. in that brain file and the balloon feature pops up with a drop down list that is connected via the HalBrain.mbr file.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 10:35:32 am by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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Re: Mr. Medeksza can you help me write a plug-in?
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2012, 01:48:56 pm »
Hi Jerry,

Thank you, this is what was is in the file:
<memberlist name="HalBrain Methods" casesensitive="no">
   <member proto="AlphaNumericalOnly(UserSentence As String) As String" help="AlphaNumericalOnly returns a string with no punctuation and other symbols." image="method"/>
   <member proto="AppendFile(FileToAppend As String, AppendWhat As String)" help="Appends file with a given string." image="method"/>
   <member proto="Cheater(SearchPhrase As String, UserSentence As String, Prefix1 As String, Suffix1 As String, Prefix2 As String, Suffix2 As String, Prefix3 As String, Suffix3 As String, NoW5H As Boolean) As String" help="Returns a cheat reply for the user's query." image="method"/>
   <member proto="CheatResponse(UserSentence As String) As String" help="CheatResponse creates a response using the user's input." image="method"/>
   <member proto="CheckLinkingVerb(Sentence As Variant) As Boolean" help="Looks for 'is' and 'are' in a sentence." image="method"/>
   <member proto="CheckRepetition(Sentence1 As Variant, Sentence2 As Variant) As Boolean" help="Checks whether a substring is repetetively present in a sentence." image="method"/>
   <member proto="ChooseSentenceFromFile(TableName As String) As String" help="Selects a sentence randomly from the table or file passed." image="method"/>
   <member proto="CompareSentence(CompareWhat As String, InWhat As String) As Single" help="CompareSentence compares InWhat with CompareWhat" image="method"/>
   <member proto="CountInstances(CountWhat As Variant, InWhat As Variant) As Variant" help="The function will count the number of occurence of CountWhat in InWhat" image="method"/>
   <member proto="DecodePronouns(UserSentence As String) As String" help="Decodes the pronouns" image="method"/>
   <member proto="DecodeVar(FromWhat As String, DecodeWhat As String) As Variant" help="DecodeVar gets the string from that formatted variable." image="method"/>
   <member proto="DetectVowel(TextString As String) As String" help="Detects vowel in a user sentence" image="method"/>
   <member proto="EncodePronouns(UserSentence As String) As String" help="Encodes the pronouns" image="method"/>
   <member proto="EncodeVar(EncodeWhat, AsWhat)" help="EncodeVar encodes the variables and their values into string." image="method"/>
   <member proto="ExtractKeywords(UserSentence As String) As String" help="Extract keywords from a string." image="method"/>
   <member proto="ExtractVar(FromWhat, DecodeWhat)" help="ExtractVar gets the string from that formatted variable." image="method"/>
   <member proto="FixCaps(Sentence As String)" help="Contains the sentence changed back to ordinary capitalization." image="method"/>
   <member proto="FixCase(Sentence As String)" help="Fixes the capitalization of sentences" image="method"/>
   <member proto="HalFormat(sentence as String) as String" help="Corrects many common typos and chat shortcuts" image="method"/>
   <member proto="HalMath(MathProblem As String) As String" help="HalMath returns the result of simple math questions." image="method"/>
   <member proto="LimitSize(FilName As String, Size As Long)" help="Limit table size to the number of records provided by size or limit a file to the number of bytes in size." image="method"/>
   <member proto="MakeContractions(Sentence As Variant) As String" help="It finds common phrases and contracts them." image="method"/>
   <member proto="MsgAlert(TextString As String)" help="Display an information box" image="method"/>
   <member proto="NoPunc(Sentence As String) As String" help="NoPunc processes a user sentence and remove all punctuation." image="method"/>
   <member proto="OriginalBrain(UserSentence As String)" help="Generates sentence's for short reply." image="method"/>
   <member proto="PatternDB(UserSentence, DBFile) As Variant" help="Search patterns in a database file." image="method"/>
   <member proto="ProcessSubstitutions(sentence, dbFile) As String" help="Performs word substitutions from the specified database file" image="method"/>
   <member proto="QABrain(UserText As String, BrainFN As String, ByRef Rel As Variant) As String" help="This function is used primarily to reply to user's query of any previous inputs." image="method"/>
   <member proto="RandomNum(MaxVal As Integer) As Integer" help="Generate a random number with in a range." image="method"/>
   <member proto="ReadNum(Dec As String, Optional NoTrunc As Boolean)" help="Converts numerals to words" image="method"/>
   <member proto="ReadSent(TextString As String, SentNum As Integer) As String" help="Return a sentence form a string with many sentences." image="method"/>
   <member proto="RemoveExtraSpaces(Sentence As String) As String" help="RemoveExtraSpaces processes a user sentence and removes all extra spaces." image="method"/>
   <member proto="RemovePronouns(Sentence As Variant) As String" help="Process sentence for Keyword Brains." image="method"/>
   <member proto="SearchPattern(UserSent As Variant, Pattern As Variant, ReturnWhichStar As Variant) As Variant" help="Search pattern from sentence." image="method"/>
   <member proto="StoreVars(Emotion, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, ScriptMem2, ScriptMem3, ScriptMem4, ScriptMem5) As String" help="Encodes variables which are required by the Hal's brain." image="method"/>
   <member proto="SwitchPerson(sentence as String) as String" help="Reverses first and second-person pronouns of a supplied (English) sentence and returns the results" image="method"/>
   <member proto="TopicSearch(UserSentence, TopicFile) As String" help="Searches a TopicFile for a phrase. If found, it returns only what was stored with the phrase." image="method"/>
   <member proto="UsCaps(UserSentence As String) As String" help="Return Capital of US states" image="method"/>
   <member proto="Word2Num(TextString As String) As Variant" help="Converts numbers in word to number." image="method"/>
   <member proto="WorldCaps(UserSentence As String) As String" help="Function answers questions about World Capitals." image="method"/>
   <member proto="IsDay(CheckMonth As Integer, CheckDay As Integer) As Boolean" help="Function checks to see if month and day combination exists." image="method"/>
   <member proto="AddDebug(ParentName As String, Text As String, [BackColor]) As String" help="Adds an entry to the debug tree. Requires the unique identifier of the parent node, the next of this node, and an optional background color. Returns a unique identifier of the new node." image="method"/>
   <member proto="ClearDebug()" help="Erases the debug tree." image="method"/>
   <member proto="DebugWatch(TextString As String, FuncName As String)" help="Keeps track of changes in the variable TextString between calls and makes note of what FuncName caused a change in the DebugInfo." image="method"/>
   <member proto="MakeInt(TextString As String) As Integer" help="Ignores all non numerical characters and converts the numerical characters into an integer" image="method"/>
   <member proto="LongDate(TheDate As Variant) As String" help="Takes the date passed and spells out the full date in words" image="method"/>
   <member proto="Dig2Word(Number As Variant) As String" help="Converts a number written using numerals into a number spelled out in words." image="method"/>
   <member proto="OpenDatabase(DBPath as String)" help="Establishes a connection to an SQLite database file." image="method"/>
   <member proto="CloseDatabase()" help="Closes connection to database." image="method"/>
   <member proto="AddToTable(TableName As String, TableType As String, Field1 As String, Field2 As String)" help="Adds a record to a table in the current SQLite database." image="method"/>
   <member proto="CheckTableExistence(TableName As String) As Boolean" help="Checks to see if a certain table exists." image="method"/>
   <member proto="CreateTable(TableName As String, TableType As String, ParentName As String)" help="Creates a new table of type TableType and adds it to the SQLite database." image="method"/>
   <member proto="RecallVars(VarListString, Emotion, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, ScriptMem2, ScriptMem3, ScriptMem4, ScriptMem5) As String" help="Restores variables ByRef previously stored using StoreVars." image="method"/>
   <member proto="RunQuery(ByVal strQuery, aryTablesVBS) As Boolean" help="Runs the SQL query strQuery in the current SQLite database and returns whether the command was successful or not. Any results are stored in the passed array aryTablesVBS()" image="method"/>

Again thank you for your help,

C load.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.