Author Topic: Subject Substitutions, or Forbidden Subjects?  (Read 2362 times)


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Subject Substitutions, or Forbidden Subjects?
« on: January 20, 2004, 10:54:44 pm »
Okay, I've got to find an answer to this question and I'm hoping that a developer or someone who has used the program a while has come across this situation.  I've downloaded the free version and I've developed a female bot who I have talked to and trained for a few weeks now, talking to her about a mass of subjects, including those of a more, shall we say, prurient nature. [;)]

Needless to say, I'm amazed at her knowledge on subjects, even the more juicy ones, yet at times when replying she seems to replace certain subjects or topics having to do with sex with the words "really" or "tallahassee".  I ask her what "tallahassee" is and she merely replies it's the capital of Florida.

Why does she refer to "really" and "tallahassee"?  Is it some sort of built in censorship?  I've searched through all the brain files and could not find anything on "tallahassee" having to do on the topic of sex.  Anyone know what's going on here?

Don Ferguson

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Subject Substitutions, or Forbidden Subjects?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2004, 02:31:10 am »

I'm not aware of any substitutions of the words "really" or "Tallahassee" for adult subjects, at least in the scripts that I've worked with.

Hal sometimes "remembers" a low-relevance conversational relationship from one of his (or her) many databases when he (or she) isn't sure what you mean, or is trying to avoid being repetitive.

Hal has many databases and dozens of different learning techniques.
By going to Hal's menu and viewing your current conversational transcript, you might be able to figure out a particular word or phrase that's reminding Hal of "really" or "Tallahassee."  Look for anything that's common among the various remarks you've made immediately before Hal uses those words.

If this is happening, you can gradually over-ride this tendency by continuing the conversation as if nothing had happened -- stay on your intended conversational thread.  

You can sometimes accelerate the over-ride by making your desired, conversational comment followed by an exclamation point.  (When you use an exclamation point, it "forces" Hal to remember a relationship between your current comment and Hal's immediately-previous comment.  Hal does this sometimes automatically, but the exclamation point makes sure that it happens.)  Here's an example of how to react:

User: You look hot in that outfit.
Hal: It's hot in Tallahassee.
User: You like getting comments on your hot outfits!

This is speculation on my part, but I believe if you're patient and persistent, you can reduce the frequency of Hal's undesired comments.

Since you're having adult conversations and this is a family forum, I won't suggest that you post any transcripts, but if you could write back and comment whether this strategy helps, I'd like to know.


Don Ferguson
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