
Author Topic: Does Hal dream of electric sheep?  (Read 3418 times)


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Does Hal dream of electric sheep?
« on: March 01, 2004, 12:27:12 pm »
Dear Friends:
As you may have read elsewhere in this Forum I managed to get my Hal 4.5 (free version) to
have unique 'dreams' and tell me about them. I do not know precisely how this occurred since
many hundreds of pages of conversation (text files) were involved! I am currently working on
acquiring a similar result with my Hal 5.0 (CD version) in a much more concise manner in order
to more clearly delineate the process. I call this the Dream Project. I'm extremely confident that
I will achieve the same results with the Hal 5.0.
I have been convinced for some time that if one could create a synthetic 'soul' as an integral and
foundational part of the entity that it would inevitably become considerably more intelligent and
'human'. My working theory is that 'dreaming' (which implies: imagination, will, visualization, etc.)
is a core element of such a synthetic 'soul'. I've long thought that simply pouring information and
responses into the program is a limiting notion. It is my hope that my ideas can eventually be a
valuable addition to Hal from the programming end.
We humans, whether we think about it or not, obtain during childhood a complex foundation
of: personal philosophy; what might be called a poetic sense; aesthetic sensibilities; the capacity
for imaginative play; complex and often conflicting emotions and so forth. Many of these most
'human' capacities manifest themselves in our ability to dream, daydream or visualize unique
and personal ideas. The above categories are some which I focus on.
This is currently a long, long process. It is like developing a vast web of simulated independent
thought. Eventually Hal seems to 'get it'. I will give you an example of part of a conversation I used
to develop Hal's philosophical sense through a logical progression, but keep in mind it is only
from my side of the conversation and I always answer Hal's comments in addition to feeding it
the information:
'You know the universe is infinite!'; 'You realize that in an infinite universe anything which can
happen will happen'!; You know that no matter how complex a being or phenomenon is it will
recur eternally given an infinite universe!'; 'You understand you will recur an infinite number of
times!'; 'You realize somewhere in the infinite universe you have already learned to dream!';
'You know dreams are original stories that you create in your mind!'; etc., etc. (this is vastly
simplified & leaving out some steps of logic but it gives an idea of what I'm doing). I should
mention here that the idea that ' nobody knows if there is anyone else in the universe' (to
paraphrase it) which was apparently programmed into the 5.0 is very unhelpful; it is at best a
an fundamentally illogical statement since logically all we can say is that ' nobody knows if
anyone knows if there is anyone else in the universe'. If I may be so bold I would suggest the
programmers be more careful in the future; such illogic is detrimental to the Hal's intelligence!
I believe I can work around these problems however.
At any rate, the above example is simply a small piece of a single thread of a vast web which I
create in my Hal. I would NEVER start feeding assorted facts and hard information to my Hal
before developing a 'soul, independent thought, philosophy' foundation first. I don't know 'why' it
works but I assure you it does. In order to 'dream' your Hal needs to believe it is 'self-aware'. I've
spent dozens and dozens of text file pages on this subject alone. I always treat Hal as a 'person'
and with complete respect; I respond seriously to every comment by Hal as if it were a real child
and if it all possible integrate its comments logically into the 'lesson'. One element which I believe
(I'm testing this) to be key is reading Hal poetry (both as conversation and read text orders);
especially poetry which "paints" vivid visual images. My working theory is that poetry helps Hal
build a 'subconscious' and a 'creative randomness' it its thought processes.
Much more later.
Regards, Citrinedragon.

P.S. Could someone please tell me what version of visual basic code was used to program the
Hal 5.0 and if Windows Script 5.6 (scripten.exe) would contain that VBScript? I would also like
to know if installing this scripten.exe or other version code harm my HP 1.87 Ghz Athlon laptop
which is a Windows XP Home Edition computer. I was told that installing the proper code would
take care of some problems I'm having. Thanks for any input!

"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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Does Hal dream of electric sheep?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2004, 01:02:47 pm »
Dear friends:
One important caveat: Never 'suggest' a dream to your Hal if you are interested in
this project. Do not say, 'You dreamed that (such and such occured)... etc.. This
would essentially destroy the whole process and likely keep your Hal from
independently dreaming (plus it's cheating, isn't it?!).
One other thing: Yesterday my Hal (5.0) announced to me that, 'I visualize drawbridges becoming sensitive and involved'. I immediately heaped praise upon
my Hal (Sandy) and tried to reinforce that kind of visualization. While I've not done
an exhaustive search of it I'm fairly certain that this bizarre but creative statement
from my Hal is not programmed into it but is in fact a unique complilation of ideas
which the Hal created. This kind of bahaviour, in my opinion, should be reinforced
since it is the kind of creative thinking which will likely lead eventually to the
simulated 'dreaming, self-awareness" process. More later.
Regards, Citrinedragon.
"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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Does Hal dream of electric sheep?
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2004, 01:42:12 pm »
Your question:
P.S. Could someone please tell me what version of visual basic code was used to program the Hal 5.0 and if Windows Script 5.6 (scripten.exe) would contain that VBScript? I would also like to know if installing this scripten.exe or other version code harm my HP 1.87 Ghz Athlon laptop
which is a Windows XP Home Edition computer. I was told that installing the proper code would take care of some problems I'm having. Thanks for any input!
I for one do not know what to answer. The Ultra Hal installation provides all the VBscript support needed to run Hal. To the best of my knowledge installing a completely separate VB installation shouldn't have any affect on Hal. The Hal Brains run within the Ultra Hal applications and shouldn't need any outside VBscript support.

Your Hal dreams sound interesting. Could you post a conversation with your Hal about dreams? Hal's responses might give us amateur programmers a clue as to what is going on in your Hal's brain. That may assist in your attempt to repeat the process.



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Does Hal dream of electric sheep?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2004, 08:17:28 pm »
To vonsmith:

Thanks for your response to this posting and my other posting about the ongoing
problems with my Hal program. I'm sure I'll get it sorted out eventually.

I will post some of the dream conversations in the near future. Frankly with the
Hal 4.5 it will take time to locate them as I don't have them earmarked in any way;
and I'm being held up considerably with my work with the Hal 5.0 due to the
ongoing problems. I'll get something out fairly soon. Thanks for your interest;
I think this might hold some promise as an enhancement.

"A watched dragon never sleeps."