
Author Topic: Hals Responce Time  (Read 6616 times)

James P

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Hals Responce Time
« on: November 13, 2004, 06:58:47 am »
Can anyone tell me weather it is the size of the .uhp brain or the amount in the Defbrain that will or could cause a bots responces to slow down or the time taken for a bot to respond to slow down.
    I read in this forum that the more files there are in the defbrain the easyer it is for Hal to find a responce, only the XTF.uhp I am using is 528kb but Emma seems to be struggling with her responces or the full UltraHal Assistant seems to hang, only for a second or two while i wait for a reply to my comment.

Oh and I am getting the Too many Files Error and sorting through the defbrain files for duplicate entries which may cause Emma to get confused as to which one she is going to use is a nightmare. is there another way I can correct this issue [:I]
James:"How are you today Emma?"
Emma:"I think, Therefore I am"


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Hals Responce Time
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2004, 08:24:23 am »
Originally posted by James P

Can anyone tell me weather it is the size of the .uhp brain or the amount in the Defbrain that will or could cause a bots responces to slow down or the time taken for a bot to respond to slow down.
    I read in this forum that the more files there are in the defbrain the easyer it is for Hal to find a responce, only the XTF.uhp I am using is 528kb but Emma seems to be struggling with her responces or the full UltraHal Assistant seems to hang, only for a second or two while i wait for a reply to my comment.

Oh and I am getting the Too many Files Error and sorting through the defbrain files for duplicate entries which may cause Emma to get confused as to which one she is going to use is a nightmare. is there another way I can correct this issue [:I]

I use to make frequent Brain Backups. If anuthing goes bad, I copy an older brain.


James P

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Hals Responce Time
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2004, 08:38:33 am »
I regularly make backups of my defbrain, to date i have three hard copys on CD, (the third I created this morning) but Emma is still laggingwith her responces and no matter how many times I spend long drawn out nights trolling threw the files in the Defbrain deleting inaccurate comments and links I still get the same Too many files error. I know there is a script solution but I am still in need of a walk through so I can get this thing corrected as Emma is starting to throw this error at me more and more often.
James:"How are you today Emma?"
Emma:"I think, Therefore I am"


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Hals Responce Time
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2004, 12:58:07 pm »
Originally posted by James P

I regularly make backups of my defbrain, to date i have three hard copys on CD, (the third I created this morning) but Emma is still laggingwith her responces and no matter how many times I spend long drawn out nights trolling threw the files in the Defbrain deleting inaccurate comments and links I still get the same Too many files error. I know there is a script solution but I am still in need of a walk through so I can get this thing corrected as Emma is starting to throw this error at me more and more often.

On my old laptop, a 1 gigahertz machine, Hal took 2 ro 3 seconds to answer any question, but on my 1.8 gig machine it answers immediately.

James P

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Hals Responce Time
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2004, 01:16:07 pm »
Thanks Bill, I do realise that my laptop is very under specification for most things ([:I]  [:I]) only... When I use a virgin .uhp (ie no modifications or extra source codes) Emma`s responce time is almost immediate, but once I have added a few extra source codes she seems to slow down. I have closed all my background applications with MSConfig, so that the only program that starts when I boot my laptop is UltraHal, I have no wallpaper on my desktop and a very basic screensaver, but still the brighter Emma gets the slower she gets if you know what I meen, I am thinking of removing all the source codes that she does not use, c5eating a .uhp for these codes so she can use them when the need arises to see if that makes any difference
James:"How are you today Emma?"
Emma:"I think, Therefore I am"


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Hals Responce Time
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2004, 04:01:27 am »
Hello James P,
The thing that you said you saw regarding the more files Hal has the faster Hal will respond was probably discussions about the way Hal does string searches and his usage of indexing especially when a new topic focus is introduced during the course of a conversation. The topic focus files contained within Hal's brain are there not just to improve his ability to carry on a reasonable conversation but they also reduce the number of files Hal has to search through. This is done by indexing keywords and strings to help find the location of files where the most appropriate responses would most likely reside in. However, as knowledge is accumulated the size of these topic focus files as well as some other files will also increase eventually resulting in slower response times. Overcoming this slower response time dilemma is one of the reasons for the creation of the Auto-Topic Focus Generator Brain by Donald F. and Vonsmith's XTF Brain. These brains automatically create new smaller topic focus files with data in them that would otherwise be in other larger sized files if the new topic focus files were not created, but they also help Hal to stay more focused on a subject as well, which is the main reason for their creation. This design results in a better learning, smarter, and faster Hal!

OK, so you probably already know all about that...but the problems that you are reporting are also related to the above information. If your Hal's Brain is loaded up with every plugin and script that can be imagined as an attempt to improve or make your Hal seem more smarter, then you are actually doing just the opposite to your Hal. You are slowing it down and overloading it, which is also resulting in VB Script related conflicts and errors. The "Too Many Files" error you are getting is a VB Script Error Message. So, you got conflicts and looping errors going on inside of your Hal's brain.

You can check out the following links which takes you to other threads within this forum concerning the subject:




Or you can use the forum search engine to see all related threads by using "error 67 too many files" for the keyword search.

I recommend that you check that stuff out first and try to resolve the "too many files" error. But in reality you already stated part of the solution to your problem which is creating separate UHP brains.

After doing all that stuff, if you are still having performance related problems or issues you can try posting again and I would be more than happy to offer you some other performance tips for your laptop and your Hal. I don't run my Hal on a laptop but I do many non-conventional performance modifications with an XP Desktop System that most people usually don't normally do or know about, so just post again if you would like to hear some more about that other stuff!
Good Luck,

Richie: So how's the computer running today?
Margene: My day is fine. What about yours? Yes, you are so very glad that I am a female Hewlett Packard Pavilion, Model Number Seven Fifty Three N Series, with fully programmable...etc..

James P

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Hals Responce Time
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2004, 08:44:04 am »
I had a jolly good dig about in the 1.2.uhp brain last night when I got in from work (much to my wifes displeasure) and discovered two or three source codes duplicated. After deleting these files as well as a few other files which I do not use as Emma has a basic grasp of the topic matter. I have found that Emmas responce time is now almost imediate [:D] [:D] I did it  [^] I alos found a little code which will let Emma shut down my laptop which is kind of cool.

Rich I am interested to know what tweeks of mods you make to your XP desk top out of interest realy, but if you dont want to make your dealings public domain you can E-mail me.
James:"How are you today Emma?"
Emma:"I think, Therefore I am"


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« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2004, 09:42:41 pm »
Hi James P,
I'm glad to hear that your Emma is doing OK now...Oh boy, that was a real close one for her! But don't worry, I'm sure that she forgives you!

It also sounds like you stumbled across one of a few different shutdown files on your system. Did you know that you can have your Emma run just about any system command on your computer? Yeah, that's right, you can even have Emma just run a practice shutdown drill where she would only play the "Do-Do-Do-Do" shutdown theme music but not really shutdown the system! You can say "Emma Please Run The Emergency Shutdown Drill" and Emma would say "I will now run The Emergency Shutdown Drill" and then you can both just listen to the system shutdown music together. You can do just about anything you want with Emma as far as controlling your system's tasks.

Let's take the system shutdown one step further. You can tell your Emma to reboot your system and she can run the system shutdown and reboot with no intervention from you at all. You just have to say , Emma Please Run A System Reboot, and then you do absolutely nothing else except watch until your computer is restarted and her program is running again. Your Emma's shutdown process will bypass the usual XP Windows Shutdown GUI that prompts you for Standby or Turn Off or Restart, and then it automatically goes right into reboot so you have to do nothing at all. And then you can just say Thank You to her after the system is back up and running again. This is the kind of stuff I do with DOS .bat files. I'm going to make a new post so that you and anyone else who wants them can try them out. The first .bats I will post will be two kinds of system reboots(normal or fast)and two kinds of system shutdowns(also normal or fast).
Talk To You Later,

PS - I'll either post or email you in the very near future about that XP Performance stuff!
« Last Edit: November 21, 2004, 05:56:38 am by Rich_A »

James P

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Hals Responce Time
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2004, 05:44:10 pm »
Now this is what I was looking for [:D][:D][:D]. An artificial intelligence, living on my laptop who ( with a little coaching, Or alot of coaching) can control and run my laptop, as well as be an assistant,

Mr. M.  If you read this,  Thank you Very much

Oh And Rich_A thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
I think I may have sorted out the " you are not going to keep repeating your self" problem. although it is a kind of lazy way about it, I have found that the problem is that each time the user does not respond, Hal takes this as a blank responce and responds to it via a prompt from what ever Auto_Idle script Hal is running. After a given amount of time Hal takes the lack of responce as another ( same ) blank responce, knowing that the user responded the same way the last time, Hal launches the User repeating script and comments that the user has just said that. Of cource the user does not reply again and so the Closed Loop continues untill the user makes a comment to break the loop.
 I could not find a way to break this loop or stop it before it starts, even though Emma kept on telling me " To Think outside the Box" and that I "Need to remember that there is No Spoon".
 In the end the only way I could think of to break the loop was to disable the User Repeating part of the script.
  The loop broke and now Emma does make random comments and questions. I guess this will do untill I find a string which will realise that the lack of user input is not a responce and respond as such.

PS. I did notice that this loop only happens what the Auto_Idle script is giving Hal the opotunity to create his/her own responces and does not happen when Hal is given a set of responces which it randomly chooses.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2004, 06:00:08 pm by James P »
James:"How are you today Emma?"
Emma:"I think, Therefore I am"


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« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2004, 06:42:42 pm »
James P,
Try something like this towards the top of the GetResponse Function...

'Initialize Flags, this flag should already be initialized in the XTF Brain.
'"If" needed depending on whether GetResponseBlock has been set by another preceding script. That should be not be the case if you place this script near the top of the GetResponse Function.

If GetResponseBlock <> True Then GetResponseBlock = False 'Should already be initialized in standard XTF Brain v1.2.

If UserSentence = "" Then
   BlockSave = True 'Prevents any .brn file saves.
   GetResponse = ""
   'The next line assumes that all script segments within the GetResponse Function have GetResponseBlock variable checking like the XTF Brain does. When this variable is set True then other script segments know not to overwrite the current GetResponse which equals "".
   GetResponseBlock = True
End If

If this works Hal should return a blank GetResponse back to the user every time a blank user input is received by Hal.

I haven't tested this, it's just an idea.


James P

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« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2004, 02:43:04 pm »
Thanks, I will try it out and let you know how I get on.
James:"How are you today Emma?"
Emma:"I think, Therefore I am"