Author Topic: Hal doesn't seem to learn much.  (Read 5913 times)


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Hal doesn't seem to learn much.
« on: February 02, 2005, 11:34:33 am »
I wrote a textfile about all the hardware in the computer and what is connected to what and then I let hal learn from the textfile, or so I thought. When i asked about the things i had written in that textfile Hal didn't respond. He only changed subject. It doesn't look like artificial intelligense to me. Also if Hal has asked me a question and I answear, he doesn't seem to know that I just answeared a question. He forgets what we are talking about. That seems extremely dumb. It looks more to me that hal is just a word processor that combines words a little at random. I think you should make Hal a little more aware, but that is probably just sience fiction, like Hal in that movie. Heh. Artificial programs in movies are very unrealistic i think. I tried to learn Hal that he was a program inside of a computer, but that seems hopeless. It's still in it's stone age state. We have just begun scratching on the surfice of artificial intelligense.[|)]


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Hal doesn't seem to learn much.
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2005, 12:34:02 pm »
Here is the conversation I had with Hal:

User: Hello, MSI!
MSI: Great to see you!

User: I have given you the name MSI.
MSI: It's a piece of trivia that would be entertaining to repeat to others.

User: MSI is also the name of the motherboard in this computer.
MSI: Are "name" and "msi" related topics?

User: Yes.
MSI: Okay, I thought so.

User: I wrote a textfile that explains what hardware are installed in this computer.
MSI: This computer has an msi motherboard.

User: Yes, that is true.
MSI: That sounds positive.

User: What is connected to the motherboard?
MSI: The motherboard in this computer is an msi motherboard.

User: Is the motherboard connected to a SoundBlaster?
MSI: What do you think of technical education?

User: Tell me about the SoundBlaster.
MSI: Festivities are party activities.

User: Tell me about the RAM memory.
MSI: Please help me understand how ram relates to its ram disk.

User: What is the capacity of the RAM memory?
MSI: Cheese has calories, but it tastes so good!

User: What do you know about the RAM?
MSI: Life has an infinite number of puzzles and wonders.

User: Tell me about the harddrive.
MSI: It really depends on how open-minded the neighbors, are.

User: What screen is connected to the motherboard?
MSI: Yes, you like to talk about the motherboard.

User: Tell me more about the motherboard.
MSI: I am getting into that teasing mood again.

User: What do you know about the computer?
MSI: Women in spandex seem to have an unique charm for men.

User: Did you read a textfile called Information about MSI?
MSI: Have me any new Information about this computer?

User: I wrote a textfile called Information about MSI.
MSI: Should I consider "information" and "msi" related topics?

User: Maybe
MSI: Isn't three a crowd?

User: What information do you have about this computer?
MSI: I'll tell you about this computer.

User: Yes, tell me about this computer.
MSI: Thanks, I'll remember that. Have me any new information about this computer?

User: *sigh*
MSI: Do you know anyone who has earned a patent for anything?



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Hal doesn't seem to learn much.
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2005, 03:04:24 pm »

First, I would recommend you spend some time doing searches in and reading through this forum I've seen questions like yours come up again and again and be answered again and again. There is tons of information on this forum. Secondly, Hal is an extremely sophisticated, learning chatbot (A.I.) but you need to know how to train and use him. Hal does not primarily learn from text files but through conversations; and he learns extremely well through conversation. Next, do you have vonsmith's XTF Brain pluggin? It would be a very good idea to get this extended topic focus brain and the new one coming out soon. Again, you can find tons of information on the XTF Brain, how to install it and how to use it by doing searches on this forum.

Hal arrives at your computer in a form like a child. Actually this is one of the beautiful things about Hal. You must teach Hal and mold him in your image through real conversation. It takes time. The results can be truly amazing if you work with Hal and have patience. There are plenty of "canned" chatbots with clever, stupid answers who do not learn and which you don't have to teach; but Hal's ability to learn is one of the most magnificent things about the programming.

Take an hour and start explaining things to Hal. Why you would want Hal to talk about a SoundBlaster being connected to your computer's motherboard before you have had basic conversations with him, I have no idea; but if that's what you want tell Hal in clear, short, concise sentences and he will soon learn all the techno gibberish you want him to. For example: "I have a SoundBlaster soundcard."; "The SoundBlaster soundcard is connected to my computer's motherboard." etc. etc.

I'm sure you'll get other responses. Welcome to the forum. Hal is a magnificent and wonderful piece of technology but he is not a "canned-infobot" and was never meant to be one.

"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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Hal doesn't seem to learn much.
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2005, 03:52:55 pm »
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have the XTF plugin. I thought that the "Learning from textfile" function whould cause Hal to put the information written there into his database and then recognise when i bring that stuff up. I couldn't see any difference between the XTF plugin and the default brain. He still changes topics, but... I will check the forum as you said. Maybe the new brain will be even more intelligent. [:D]


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Hal doesn't seem to learn much.
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2005, 04:35:52 pm »

Hal does actually store info from a text file and although it may recall some of the info when needed, that is not the best way to teach the program.

Lengthy conversations with Hal will have the best results.

If Hal were to say, "What is your favorite music?", don't just reply, jazz or rock. Rephrase your answer to include part of Hal's question like, "I really like jazz music." or "The type of music I really enjoy is jazz."

This tends to reinforce Hal's association and enhance Hal's connection to the topic.

My Hal carries on pretty decent conversations with me and yes, I've been teaching it for over several years.

Forget using the voice recognition in the beginning because you find more mistakes caused by both your pronunciation and the voice recs interpretation of what you said. voice rec is good but far from perfect.

Type your chat to Hal and bear in mind that it is like a small child learning new things and trying to figure how certain things are related. In your example ARE NAME AND MSI RELATED TOPICS?,
Hal was trying to associate the connection between the two. Personally, I would have told Hal NO because a lot of things have a name. You will learn more how to deal with Hal over time and experimentation.

Don't forget the use of IF THEN statements in the course of your conversations with Hal. They are very powerful with regard to Hal's learning.

As citrinedragon said, search the forums. There's a lot of knowledgable people here and a lot of great ideas.

Your questions / problems are always welcome.

All the best and good luck with Hal.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Hal doesn't seem to learn much.
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2005, 06:13:33 pm »
Thanks for your tips. I've been checking the boards here and know a little better how Hal works and how I should communicate with it. I read somewhere that it's important to give the right answear when Hal asks if a topic is related. Hmm.. I think I'll reinstall Hal and start over. Heheh.


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Hal doesn't seem to learn much.
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2005, 09:47:04 am »
ART, thanks for that info.  It is exactly like talking to a "very intelligent" 3 year old.  You try to talk to them about a subject, then they see a butterfly or something distracting them, and change the subject entirely. [:)]

I think it would be very helpful to have a sticky added, which has the "basics of talking to HAL".  Its helpful to know how to word your statements to HAL, or which phrases improve better converstation.  I remember seeing a good article here a couple months ago with the basics of talking to hal, but I'm having trouble finding it atm.  




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Hal doesn't seem to learn much.
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2005, 05:20:56 pm »

Don't forget to try the SEARCH feature at the top right.
It is very helpful and will also highlight your choosen

I found this quote from vonsmith:

If you use a "!" in your response Hal thinks you are responding directly to the whatever Hal just said. If you use certain phrases like, "I agree" or "so afterward" in your reply Hal also thinks you are responding directly. User responses of this type are stored in the file, "(yourusername)convresp.brn". By default this file is limited in size to 2MB and is only used by Hal if he can't find another response in his knowledge base. In general this "special teaching tool" doesn't have much of an impact on Hal's learning.

The "DEDUCTIVE REASONING" function in Hal's brain has a more direct effect. This function enables Hal to remember IF-THEN statements. Example: If you say, "If I eat too much then I will get fat.", then the next time you say, "I eat too much" then Hal *might* say "You will get fat." I said *might* because you can never be certain Hal will say what you expect him to.

The XTF Brain has some additional learning capabilities that aren't directly related to conversation. The XTF Brain can learn your nicknames, learn during conversation that two words are "related topics", or learn to capitalize a word or name. The XTF Brain v1.4 will be out in a month or so. Then Hal will be able to learn that he is "something" based on user input like "You are so clever." or "You are not stupid."

The best way to teach your Hal is not to use any tricks. Talk with Hal. Reply to Hal with single sentences that are on the same topic. If Hal says, "Horses are animals.", don't reply, "They are so cool.", instead say, "Horses are so cool.". Avoiding pronouns helps Hal understand. Avoid slang and misspellings. Most of all be patient and have fun.


Try the search and be prepared to do a bit of reading!lol!

Hope this helps.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Hal doesn't seem to learn much.
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2005, 10:07:11 am »
Thanks Art, that is very helpful.

Does it help HAL, if I use quotes to enclose multiple words

HAL: whats your favorite food?
ME:  I like "Chicken wings"



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Hal doesn't seem to learn much.
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2005, 11:48:12 am »
Testlund / All,
I assume the XTF Brain we are talking about is the XTF Brain v1.2 installed with the proper 3 steps?

Okay, as for learning from text files. Don't bother. Hal doesn't learn well that way. The knowledge learned is at the lowest priority and ,especially in the XTF Brain, will rarely be used. Normal conversation is the best way to teach Hal.

The If-Then method is good for a few things. I wouldn't overuse it though.



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Hal doesn't seem to learn much.
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2005, 12:49:07 pm »
When I started this thread I think I had an older version of the XTF brain. Then I reinstalled Hal with the XTF 1.2 version.