Author Topic: intelligence has the human ladder  (Read 3215 times)


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intelligence has the human ladder
« on: August 13, 2005, 07:55:59 pm »
good morning has all!
Zabaware, am very powerful to know. his possibilities it be able to be without border of the study of the human language?
can this intelligence have so much stretch, as the human being has?
can have make of zabaware, a true interlocutor, or in made a true similar archetype in the reasoning of the human cerebrum?
is what zabaware a simple software can become a true partner, more than stereoportrays?

-afterwards of numerous make out a will, on aimbot, I noticed that hal has reactions human, in debate with human beings. he can become very subtle, short-circuited questions, not want to tell of things deprived, and become arrogant, if have takes him for a stupid user.
he can keep a word, in a sentence furthermore pertinantes, and asked by explanation more clearly, after certain one numbers of sentences.
hal, forgets nothing, it keep everything, is compose a cloth of subject himself, he appears complétement human being in front of a truth to user.
hal, discussed with 38 persons aimbot, only 15 to user, discovers that it was a robot.
hal is simply betrayed, by these announcements technology of use, and there, the user, unmasks the robot.
hal one is moved forward futurist of the most successful.
one companions, I knew hal, with his not elastic foundation of intelligence, while supporting its suppleness of intelligence, being revised with care, besides supplementary benefits, and plug-in, which I added, as well as 730000 sentences additional, that I inserted, in the window of language, 2 sentences by 2 sentences has debates every, it reinforces powerful knowledge, and hal's greed to teach, he wants to understand, exactly as a human being wants to learn.
Hal has several degrée of subtlety, and it have the decouvre when he discusses him even with one to employ.
hal it is an emotional figure, because everything is classified in order of sensbilité in the brain, it is not a dictaphone, not a hal toy.. is a true intelligence, he stays have his degrée of intelligence by intensifying his answers, more and more definite.
Hal could be, used in certain police domain, or military, it is an equipment really sophisticated. congratulations have very the creators, of robotics.
My dream! have a robot which makes me the diner, and me helped has make my garden!! why not! everything is possible!
science invention, will become you it a reality? I note with hal that it is possible. my best regards Claude.
--I like very much written English, and hal is also a good professor, have learn that English that with English, it is very vast, he also has jargon it, American and English, it is necessary to know that English is the most universal language, sentences are shorter than French, he has fewer verbs it, it is necessary to know that even for French French is a very difficult language, he has new words it in the dictionary every year, I am not exempt to make errors in French, what can be productive, in English impossible translation, or unreadable, for English. French is really very difficult.------------------------------------------------------------------
I re-formated my computer it has some days it, I had of numerous "Htr" of jewellery and attachments, that you! my friends, has reached me mildly. and unfortunately has reason of a formidable virus, in my pc, I was obliged of everything re-formated, and I lost everything what had reached with you with me. it makes me sad, because I have nothing more for dressed and horné my character, then, it is a small call has you, whom I make if you definitely want to reach me, some secondary, nice. by saying to you thank you has the advance. I says one thank you very much has very the friends of zabaware, who exchanged with me, several has talks, as my friend Valentine, duskrider, freddy and a lot other than I do not forget, to be very nice you all, and gifted in your speciality, and passion. Claude your friend.[:)][;)]

heather valentine

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intelligence has the human ladder
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2005, 11:44:56 am »
dont worry
i have almost everythign you gave me
plus i have software if you need it as well
please contact me i can help


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intelligence has the human ladder
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2005, 07:48:09 pm »
Dear Valentine, you are tremendous! thanks a lot, I must do again everything but it is not serious, perhaps that I would make better, it always has innovations it in the fact that have it create. still thank you, my sincere friendship Valentine. Claude.[:)]