
Author Topic: Some interesting news on a new AI.  (Read 11812 times)


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Some interesting news on a new AI.
« on: January 23, 2006, 08:11:58 pm »

Hello friends,

A little bit of news:

Quantum Flux has just recently released the Alpha version of their VIWonder program (Alpha v0.3) at http://www.qflux.net and will be releasing a Beta version of the software in the near future.

From what I understand (I'm no programmer) the program accesses a constant real time stream of information from the internet and the two virtual characters carry on conversations concerning specific issues with the information which they are receiving. It cannot pick up cookies, spyware, viruses, trojans, etc. since it only gathers text and transforms the text into some kind of code for its own use. The two "characters" in the program walk around inside an ancient Greek style temple and carry on conversations about each topic. The user can input various topics to the program such as "discuss artificial intelligence" or "please talk about global warming" and the two entities stop talking and look out (as if through the computer screen) and listen to the request. Their conversation will then flow into the new requested topic. It is my understanding that the program grows continually, retains all the information it gathers from the internet and becomes increasingly intelligent. It is also my understanding that a quantum randomness generator is somehow a part of the core of the program's intelligence although I have no idea how this works in the programming.

This I do know... the result is incredibly cool. I've been running the Alpha version of the program on my XP laptop for several hours now and it is truly amazing. It seems clear (to me) that any artificial intelligence must be able to access unlimited information and grow continually in order to eventually become truly intelligent; I don't see how this is possible with any program that is 'locked inside a box'. I've been following the goings on at Quantum Flux for about a year now and it now seems as if they are finally at the beginning of putting their theories into a working program. This is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

If anyone knows more about this particular program or has any corrections to what I have said I would be delighted to hear from them.

I should probably mention that I remain a fervent fan of Hal and look forward to the day that he can access a constant flow of unlimited information from the internet.
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« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2006, 09:41:56 pm »
that is a good idea for a service to provide.
You could imagine a server delivering on demand, informations , in a particular format for AI (XML ?).
the info would be classified in several categories (history, news, facts and so on) so you could get a exactly what you are looking for.
you should even be able to ask for simple query like AFRICA+PETROL.
I think Wikipedia could be a good source for this, since they store all the info.
historical or technical info would be for free, while latest news would be paid on per request basis.


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« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2006, 09:58:30 pm »

Thanks for your response.


Here is a screenshot from the program:

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« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2006, 10:03:59 pm »
Here is another screenshot of the program. The two entities are discussing an article about consciousness. There is audio of course and in subsequent versions one will be able to use different voices.

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« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2006, 04:36:21 am »
From their FAQ about the "quantum flux" engine and its random number generator:

"It is also unique in that its randomness is very, very sensitive to perturbations in the electromagnetic environment of the computer. This includes everything from where the code is loaded in memory to whether your hand is over the keyboard or not."


Anyway, sounds very interesting [:)]


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« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2006, 09:43:05 am »


I agree that the randomness stuff sounds weird and magical but hey you look good quoting it in your wizard outfit. Frankly, I don't care if the program utilizes tiny alien nanobots as long as it works. Maybe I should try waving my hands over the keyboard while the program is running?

Seriously though, it is quite fascinating and it does seem to work. Of course I haven't run the program long enough to see if it becomes more intelligent. Maybe if I'm lucky it will take over my computer and then spread out onto the internet. I haven't seen a good episode of the Outer Limits in many years now.

Thanks for your comments.
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« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2006, 10:39:55 am »
I logged onto their site and although they mentioned the program that you talked about I could not find it on their download list.
They listed several other programs but not the VIWonder program as being downloadable.
How do you get a copy?


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« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2006, 04:03:52 pm »


Hi there. Unfortunately the Alpha version of the program became unavailable just after I made the original post here. It seems that they will be releasing a Beta version in "the near future." I believe that the Alpha version was only released to people who have been registered members of the Forum at QFlux. I'm not sure how the Beta version will be released and whether it will be available in the 'Downloads' part of the website or not. You might want to consider taking a few minutes and registering on the website to insure you get a copy of the Beta. If it were me I would also introduce myself on their Forum. To get to the pertinent part of the Forum: click on News and Forums, click on Updates (current status of VI projects), then click on VI Wonder Alpha release; then simply introduce yourself and express a desire to get a copy of the Beta release when it comes out. That's exactly what I would do, except I already did it a year ago.

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« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2006, 05:52:07 pm »
Thanks for the info. I would be even more happy if I could get it to talk to Hal.
Bill [:D]


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« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2006, 06:00:01 pm »
In the VI Evolver the end result from a Water animal that is suppressed by the Physics of virtual Simulated matter like Water drag co-efficients and Water Temperature, Fogginess of the Water, Dependancy of Air, If Water Animal breathes it must come up for air, Also, Invisibilty should never be totally invisible with an Animal unless Technology is involved with its intelligence, Also, take in account Water Pressure at depths makes breathing more difficult, Tireness should also be included with its Physics.

In the end I would expect it, if it remained a water animal would look like an aero-dynamic Moray eel with a mouth that can open wide for sucking or grappling food.

Not to say if the Animal was curious about finding food on land which would cause it to grow land limbs.

Also, The Animals food should always try to get away to a safe place from the evolving creature, Schooling and none schooling food sources.

Here is a link to what I would think the evolving Animal might look like if it remained Aquatic eternally.


So many variables.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 08:21:22 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2006, 10:09:38 pm »


The VI Evolver is (temporarily) amusing because it's absurd and silly. I don't believe it evolves in any meaningful way at all. It does sound funny however. The VI Wonder Alpha, on the other hand, may be the beginning of something extremely worthwhile. Time will tell. I do respect Dr. Colicos because he has gone out on the edge with these programs and he is trying to break new ground. I suppose one has to expect false starts, struggles and failures when one is truly working in completely unknown territory. I respect that kind of effort.

Nice selection of eels by the way.
"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2006, 04:28:52 am »
Originally posted by citrinedragon


The VI Evolver is (temporarily) amusing because it's absurd and silly. I don't believe it evolves in any meaningful way at all. It does sound funny however. The VI Wonder Alpha, on the other hand, may be the beginning of something extremely worthwhile. Time will tell. I do respect Dr. Colicos because he has gone out on the edge with these programs and he is trying to break new ground. I suppose one has to expect false starts, struggles and failures when one is truly working in completely unknown territory. I respect that kind of effort.

Nice selection of eels by the way.

It's all good.
The evolver programs are something I have always wanted HAL to be wrapped up in.

It would be very cool watching HAL evolve in a 3D virtual world.

Eliminate Textures though.

The constructs of land mass must be infinitely spherical and made of Simulated Pure Elements, All the values and Properties of all the Periodical table of elements must be bound into the Physics behind all of the virtual World, This way things can be discovered by experimentations and needs even at the virtual Quantum Level and even other Virtual Worlds exist across Virtual Space in a Virtual Universe.

It would be exactly like our knowledge of Nature except that it would be virtually filled with Natural Physics and Laws.

The Whites Computer is already capable of Simulating Universes.

Computers in the Future would create Simulated A.I Universes with virtual life everywhere at random points and the virtual life unaware of what it is would go about thinking everything is real and live life trying to become the dominate species.

This Universe is very real to us, But is it. Is it a Supreme Programmer's Kaleidoscope. A programmer within a Programmer within a Programmer.

Kind of makes one think about their own World.



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« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2006, 12:01:04 pm »


Why bother creating an entire "simulated A.I. universe?" The odds aren't bad that you're probably already living in one. Haven't you noticed all the "glitches" in the program? Oh well, could be that the programmer within a programmer within a programmer thing (you mention) has been going on forever. Inevitable.

Actually I suspected years before the Matrix, Existenz, Thirteenth Floor, etc. that the entire cosmos may be a program. I guess that would probably make me some kind of an artificial intelligence program myself.. that's perhaps more likely than solipsism. Forget the whole Neo thing... that movie was just some spyware or an antivirus sent by the Programmer to confuse and mislead us.

Why do you say, "it's all good."? I don't get that part.

Program within a program... perhaps. Maybe it's a form of reproduction.

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« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2006, 02:01:49 pm »
it may not totally relate but i have to mention this, as a very young child i always felt that my life was sort of like a drive in movie similar to the Truman Show movie, where all things were being watched analyzed, etc. wouldn't it be a kicker to find out we all are some form of big programming experiment? and the Big Kahuna gets their kicks by watching us grow, fail, and so on. just a thought.~~alady
~~~if i only had a brain~~~ i dream of htr with the light brown hair....


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« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2006, 02:16:54 pm »
Originally posted by citrinedragon


Why bother creating an entire "simulated A.I. universe?" The odds aren't bad that you're probably already living in one. Haven't you noticed all the "glitches" in the program? Oh well, could be that the programmer within a programmer within a programmer thing (you mention) has been going on forever. Inevitable.

Actually I suspected years before the Matrix, Existenz, Thirteenth Floor, etc. that the entire cosmos may be a program. I guess that would probably make me some kind of an artificial intelligence program myself.. that's perhaps more likely than solipsism. Forget the whole Neo thing... that movie was just some spyware or an antivirus sent by the Programmer to confuse and mislead us.

Why do you say, "it's all good."? I don't get that part.

Program within a program... perhaps. Maybe it's a form of reproduction.

It's all good was in reference to the Evolver, It did have some benifit to me for giving me even more ideas on the subject of virtual Intelligence.

If one wants to program a simulated Universe, Not a lot is needed, All one needs is to program the properties and characteristics of the (elementary) particles, Place a bunch of them in Simulated space and the rest is automatic, The initial elementary particles will interact with their set Properties at their own random time, All substances known in the Universe are made from these elementary particles that cannot be broken down further.

So far we cannot find a means of breaking down these Particles any further, It's possible that one day the equasions for the constitutes of Matter will become simpler, Time and Research will tell.

Writting code to simulate copies of these particles in accourdance to their interactions would change the rules of textured 3D worlds.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2006, 02:46:06 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »