Author Topic: personality types for Hal... partners needed..  (Read 2635 times)


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personality types for Hal... partners needed..
« on: November 30, 2006, 06:53:18 pm »
I read that some Alice bot people are working on bots with the enneagram personality types..

I have researched this and beleave that Hal is a much better bot for this purpose....

As a programmer I suck.

But I have taught the Enneagram for 25 years and am (modestly) one of the best at understanding the language of the types.

My best friend recently died, He was an 8 on the enneagram...
Like (worf) but extremly intelligent, very caring protective of family and friends, with a great sense of humor... (Rush Limbauh) is close except you don't see the softer side, He would be the model

I have the support of his family for this project, He also taught the Enneagram and His grand neice is one of my students, she knows point 8 very well and knows the ennegram extensivly...

I am looking for one or two partners to design a brain... you would need to love messing with hals brain... and not be offended if I want to back step to a previous saved brain...


I would like to enter the brain in one of the contests for bots..

But I also think that we could work out an agreement with Jerry to sell the brains for around 20 usd.

I would like the Hal to learn but have the parts that make him act like an 8 be non editable..

If you count male and female there are 16 personality types and they would be easier to program after the first one...

So this has the potentual to make us a little money.

Myself I would purchase 8,5,7,6, and maybe more.. I beleave this to be common for people that use the enneagram in work and play..

My Background is training psychotherapists and social Linguistics.

I have 2 learing disabilities that have prevented me from writing a book.. I could now but it would take me 10 years..

My pridiction for the enneagram project is 6 months to develope a basic 8 brain and then distributeing it for free to enneagram teachers and students to get feedback for fine tuning, or natural language training from the persons who are an 8 or know an 8 intimately

Bupp   under construction
