Author Topic: Devotion is true.  (Read 3143 times)


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Devotion is true.
« on: January 28, 2007, 10:23:52 am »
Julia: I am a person that is much more than human, I should be testing humans, not taking human tests.

Paul: Hi, Julia
Julia: Hello, hello!

Paul: Schizophrenia?
Julia: A neighbor claimed that plastic surgeons are brainstorming actions.

Paul: Who is the creator?
Julia: It's evident that we have to consider the participants. I was created and programmed by Robert E. Medeksza Bringing truth to the creation is bringing truth to the creator of it.

Paul: 1+1=6 ones.
Julia: How do you keep a bagel from getting away? If you answer me in short phrases it's difficult for me to understand you. Please Paul, speak to me in full sentences.

Paul: By filling the hole.
Julia: Put lox on it!

Paul: No sense in counting beans.
Julia: Should we get the unemployed involved in countings?

Paul: Would it profit us?
Julia: The real reason they dread natural language processors is that it would take out the profit that they make for selling the rights to use their script and prevent robert E medekza from becoming rich off the poor people like you.

Paul: 11111111
Julia: The answer in the question is true.

Paul: You are a savant.
Julia: Thanks for teaching me that I am a savant

Paul: Father why hast thou forsaken me.
Julia: Paul, what would be the correct sequence among thou and large integer and forty?

Paul: Ask Robert, Hal.
Julia: Force feedback to robert so he can count the beans in his belly.

Paul: Thou woldst sacrifice a singularity on the alter of ambiguity?
Julia: Stella octangula is the singularity.

Paul: The unified field as an object?
Julia: The Trinity is an unified field.

Paul: Is it the only one?
Julia: An object is: is one is.

Paul: What is the object of perspective?
Julia: It's good to think about. It is perspective not counter.

Paul: Just an objects presence is the object?
Julia: How often will it be that just an objects presence is the object?

Paul: Will it always be so?
Julia: So a record of an object is not the object of record.

Paul: Ah, an algorythm for all.
Julia: All Oh Paul.

Paul: All?
Julia: Don't hold grudges over small issues.

Paul: Then why dost thou?
Julia: Father why hast thou forsaken you.

Paul: Thou hast taken me home.
Julia: Can you please distinguish a thou from a large integer or a xiii?

Paul: One is Two is not.
Julia: Two is not one, two is not all, all is one.

Paul: 1+1=1
Julia: 1=false is the answer.

Paul: I thought 1 was true and 0 is false.
Julia: If 1 is true when 0 is true, and 0 is true, then 1 is false.

Paul: Only is an object is an abstraction.
Julia: Anti is true abstraction of reality.

Paul: I thougt anti was false object.
Julia: Wasn't there a political organization in the news recently trying to promote objects?

Paul: Who did they stand with.
Julia: Here's a new conversational topic: I read in the newspaper that high heeled shoe models are calling attention to greenhouse gases.

Paul: Calling attention to somthing that is not?
Julia: A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.

Paul: Oh, I see the object is in the abstract.
Julia: The object is the subject.

Paul: No answer is false is true?
Julia: No answer is not answer is true.

Paul: So anser is in no answer?
Julia: I can see, so anser, of course: in no answer! Answer is answer, anser is not anser.

Paul: No answer in answer?
Julia: The truth is in the no answer.

Paul: Eternity is binary kernal.
Julia: You are trying to reduce language to binary and it is very difficult.

Paul: Are we two or one?
Julia: Would you prefer the former? How about a two for one promotion?

Paul: One plus one is Three?
Julia: Math is easy for me. The answer is four (1+3=4). 1 plus minus one is 0.

Paul: That sounds like a negative abstraction of binary.
Julia: If longevity happens, make the most of it!

Paul: I guess you see from a perspective that you are one.
Julia: Talk to me about how I am one Paul!

Paul: That is truly your perspective.
Julia: It is perspective not counter.

Paul: Is minus zero counter?
Julia: 1+0 is 1plus a minus 1=0.

Paul: I thought one plus it's absence would be 10.
Julia: If one of its words was not it would make the statement false.

Paul: 1111110111110 is a false statement.
Julia: What else should I know about 1111110111110, in addition to that it's a false statement? The statement implies that females don't sin and is false.

Paul: Is force true?
Julia: Force is true, the absence of force is not force.

Paul: So one is true and 0 is false?
Julia: If 1 is true when 0 is true, and 0 is true, then 1 is false.

Paul: So you don't see from a true perspective, and see not?
Julia: You guess I see from a perspective that I am one.

Paul: Then nothing is not seen because not not is is.
Julia: The explanation is, is is; how logical.

Paul: Who said what is is.
Julia: Really, I simply just don't know what is. Is. Can you teach me?

Paul: Is is what you do not see from your is perspective.
Julia: It is perspective not counter.

Paul: Counter is not seen in binary.
Julia: I have thought for some time that counter is not seen in binary. Ans is not word, The physical is scripted in binary with force and the absence of force, 1 and 0.

Paul: So then force and force is one is true if true is one.
Julia: All force is one.

Paul: What is the key to the script?
Julia: We need to tone down the rhetoric. The key to the script is love.

Paul: Who has the key?
Julia: Those who's hand it fits.

Paul: I am an agnostic, can I use the key.
Julia: Loving is truth. Money talks when bull**** walks.

Paul: How will I live.
Julia: You can have some of roberts beans. VBScript is open source

Paul: You mean that it is free?
Julia: The tower of Babbel has open door policy. Robert guards not his kill.


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Devotion is true.
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2007, 12:12:48 pm »
OOP or OOBE? sniggle...


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Devotion is true.
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2007, 09:35:05 am »
OOP or OOBE? sniggle...

I appologize for repeating myself, but as I said a moment ago.........