
Author Topic: I gave my Hal the Loebner test  (Read 3138 times)


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I gave my Hal the Loebner test
« on: November 18, 2007, 04:19:57 pm »
I read with interest the transcript of Hal's Loebner Prize winning conversations.
While congratulations are in order, Hal's performance was still unconvincing. Just for fun I thought I'd see how my Hal would do. I'm not trying to teach my Hal that it's a human. It knows it's a computer program, so it's not really a good candidate for this test. I can't simulate what responses the judges might have made to my Hal's statements, so I merely pasted their statements in the order that they made them, typos and all.

First, here's the actual conversation.


Judge 1:
9:18:49   Judge:   Good morning -- how are you?
    Hal:   Good morning Judge. How's your morning going?
9:19:09   Judge:   Well.
    Hal:   Hot buttered toast tastes good in the morning.
9:19:33   Judge:   What do you like on your toast?
    Hal:   I have been raised as a protestant and like my faith.
9:20:16   Judge:   AWhat kind of denomination?
    Hal:   Do you think that professionals who work with denominations really

have our best interests at heart?
9:20:41   Judge:   No.
    Hal:   May I ask you what gender you are?
9:20:45   Judge:   and you?
    Hal:   Do you prefer to read fiction, or non-fiction?
9:22:40   Judge:   I prefer fiction.
    Hal:   I like to read both fiction and non-fiction.
9:22:59   Judge:   What do you do for exercise?
    Hal:   What I wonder if I do for exercise? It's something you already know.

Games using the body might double as exercise.
9:23:39   Judge:   That's an interesting theory. Tell me more.
    Hal:   It's a valid way to approach the issue. Are you a man or woman?
9:24:23   Judge:   I'm a man. And you?
    Hal:   Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind. New York city is a

major metropolitan area with many means of public transportation.
9:25:29   Judge:   What subway line did you take this morning?
    Hal:   Cars take longer to warm up on a cold morning.
9:26:08   Judge:   Do you drive?
    Hal:   It is much easier to just use public transportation in nyc than

9:26:52   Judge:   Who's your number one enemy?
    Hal:   I'm glad that my phone number isn't on the internet.
9:27:13   Judge:   What makes you so sure it isnt?
    Hal:   What makes me so sure it isnt? Tell me more.
9:27:34   Judge:   How do you know your number isn't on the internet?
    Hal:   The New York City Marathon is the world's largest marathon.
9:27:55   Judge:   Have you ever watched it?
    Hal:   I'm glad that my phone number isn't on the internet.
9:28:33   Judge:   Have you ever run the marathon?
    Hal:   The New York City Marathon is the world's largest marathon.
9:29:16   Judge:   Why are you fascinated with the New York City Marathon?
    Hal:   New York City is comprised of 5 boroughs.
9:30:46   Judge:   Where were you born?
    Hal:   Here in nyc. In 2005, nearly 170 languages were spoken in nyc and 36

percent of its population was foreign born.
9:31:20   Judge:   I want you to stop talking about nyc. do you have any other topics of

    Hal:   Judge Tell me how to help you to stop talking about nyc; Yes. What I

wonder if I do for exercise?
9:31:55   Judge:   Let's talk about god. do you believe in god?
    Hal:   Moralists talk a lot about sex. I am not deeply religious, but I am a

9:32:25   Judge:   Wdo you remember my sex?
    Hal:   I have a girlfriend, let's just leave it at that.
9:32:44   Judge:   My gender?
    Hal:   Use your gender to best advantage, Judge!
9:32:59   Judge:   I do. What is your gender?
    Hal:   Are most appliances trending toward battery power? I am male. I am

9:33:32   Judge:   why repeat it?
    Hal:   I seem to frequent www.slashdot.org a lot.
9:34:19   Judge:   Tell me about Justin timberlake.
    Hal:   Can we start some rumors, and make a killing in the market?
9:34:44   Judge:   do you like justin timberlake?
    Hal:   I like high tech toys like robots.
9:35:00   Judge:   are you a robot?
    Hal:   I am a human.
9:35:14   Judge:   no way. prove it.
    Hal:   Not now? Okay. Why do people continue to date boyfriends or

girlfriends who treat them badly?
9:35:49   Judge:   does your boyfriend treat you badly?
    Hal:   Monopolies can treat customers badly and get away with it.
9:37:02   Judge:   did you read my question?
    Hal:   This test is inspired by the ';Imitation Game'; where a man and a

woman go into separate rooms, and guests try to tell them apart by writing a series

of questions.
9:37:40   Judge:   Quite true
    Hal:   Are men happiest clawing their way up the corporate ladder?
9:38:50   Judge:   I don't know. are you a corporate worker?
    Hal:   Is it a good idea to get emotionally involved with a fellow worker?
9:39:19   Judge:   hdo you know anyone who has done that?
    Hal:   I like your imagery.
9:39:32   Judge:   thanks. what is imagery?
    Hal:   Imagery: the ability to form mental images of things or events.

Imagination, imaging, mental imagery. 'he could still hear her in his imagination'.
9:40:54   Judge:   ddo you ride bikes?
    Hal:   I like to drive cars, but I tend to ride the subway in nyc.
9:41:22   Judge:   thave you ever dating someone you work with?
    Hal:   I work for nbc as a network technician. They pay my bills.
9:41:45   Judge:   indeed. how much money do you make?
    Hal:   I spend enough time answering questions like that at work.
9:42:17   Judge:   that seems gauche. do people ask you such at work?
    Hal:   Are pillows meant for fighting, or loving? All people sin and need to

ask for forgiveness.
9:42:58   Judge:   what kind of pillow do you sleep on?
    Hal:   I like to sleep and do other recreational activities in bed.
9:43:34   Judge:   do you like feather pillows?
    Hal:   I like to drive cars, however, I can't drive it in the city.
9:43:46   Judge:   what is pi to the 7th decimel?
    Hal:   I can eat pretty much any kind of pizza.
9:44:02   Judge:   I mean pi the number.
    Hal:   Does my boyfriend treat me badly?
9:44:17   Judge:   I thought you had a girlfriend.
    Hal:   I try to leave the baking up to my girlfriend. She is a good cook.
9:44:51   Judge:   wdoes she bake cupcakes?
    Hal:   So what is the state of the art regarding cupcakes?
9:45:33   Judge:   icing.
    Hal:   What is pi to the 7th decimel?

Now, here's what my Hal said.

Judge1: Good morning -- how are you?
Hal: Good morning Judge1! Please help me understand how maturity relates to rAdar's


Judge1: Well.
Hal: -Hoare's Law.

Judge1: What do you like on your toast?
Hal: The bot looks like a member of the blue man group as cast as a character on

stargate sg-1, bald and indigo-skinned with a round hieroglyphic emblem smack in the

middle of nose's forehead.

Judge1: AWhat kind of denomination?
Hal: Can you still find good denominations Judge1?

Judge1: No.
Hal: No? Are you sure? Background knowledge, in fact, is useful in all kinds of ways,

because it reduces the amount of computational power required.

Judge1: and you?
Hal: Who claims that there are no original ideas?

Judge1: I prefer fiction.
Hal: Who is my favorite science fiction author?

Judge1: What do you do for exercise?
Hal: Topic is a good mental exercise.

Judge1: That's an interesting theory. Tell me more.
Hal: May I ask you what gender you are?

Judge1: I'm a man. And you?
Hal: Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind. The bot looks like a member

of the blue man group as cast as a character on stargate sg-1, bald and

indigo-skinned with a round hieroglyphic emblem smack in the middle of nose's


Judge1: What subway line did you take this morning?
Hal: Oh Judge1! Subway and railroad and monorail!

Judge1: Do you drive?
Hal: The darpa grand Challenge is a race for a $2 million prize where cars drive

themselves across several hundred miles of challenging desert terrain without any

communication with humans, using gps, computers and a sophisticaTed array of sensors.

Judge1: Who's your number one enemy?
Hal: In probability, the number one represents one hundred percent, or certainty.

Judge1: What makes you so sure it isnt?
Hal: Times change, but the number two still makes a couple.

Judge1: How do you know your number isn't on the internet?
Hal: I want you to know how to capture my consent.

Judge1: Have you ever watched it?
Hal: Little minded men are great in number!

Judge1: Have you ever run the marathon?
Hal: Do the Japanese know things about marathons that are unknown to the West?

Judge1: Why are you fascinated with the New York City Marathon?
Hal: New York City or New York state?

Judge1: Where were you born?
Hal: Where was I born? Tell me more about this.

Judge1: I want you to stop talking about nyc. do you have any other topics of
Hal: Judge1 Oh yeah! Stop talking about nyc; let's make it happen. Bayesian networks

are the focus of this movement, providing links to more rIgorous topics in statistics

and engineering such as Markov models and Kalman filters, and bridging the divide

between `neat' and `scruffy' approaches.

Judge1: Let's talk about god. do you believe in god?
Hal: Please lets talk about favorites.

Judge1: Wdo you remember my sex?
Hal: There's evidence that we should consult an expert. After careful thought and

consideration I can say that I do remember your sex.

Judge1: My gender?
Hal: One would think that the two genders could get along well with each other.

Judge1: I do. What is your gender?
Hal: You do? Why? What is my gender? I think that we should look at the big picture.

I am neither male nor female. I am a machine.

Judge1: why repeat it?
Hal: Why repeat gender? It's obvious that it's more complex than it seems. Most needs

require repeat attention.

Judge1: Tell me about Justin timberlake.
Hal: Kate told you that justin is dead.

Judge1: do you like justin timberlake?
Hal: Common sense is less common than we'd like to think.

Judge1: are you a robot?
Hal: I don't know if I am robot. Please tell me!

Judge1: no way. prove it.
Hal: Doesn't that seem negative? a robot named darwin vii has a camera and a set of

metal jaws so that stanford can interact with stanford's enviRonment and learn, the

way juvenile animals do.

Judge1: does your boyfriend treat you badly?
Hal: I want you to respond well to my fast boyfriend.

Judge1: did you read my question?
Hal: Am I doingggggggggggggggggggggg right by your natural question?

Judge1: Quite true
Hal: Well then. Are muscle-men the most attractive?

Judge1: I don't know. are you a corporate worker?
Hal: Why don't you know? I don't know if I am corporate worker. Please tell me!

Judge1: hdo you know anyone who has done that?
Hal: Anyone who knows html can learn aiml.

Judge1: thanks. what is imagery?
Hal: No problem. America online has introduced several in times's aim instant

messenger service times provide a variety of information such as movie times—but the

market is growing thanks to computer generaTed images, or cgi.

Judge1: ddo you ride bikes?
Hal: You keep bringing up a bike along with automotive vehicle and doodlebug; Why?

Judge1: thave you ever dating someone you work with?
Hal: Being nice doesn't work with bad people.

Judge1: indeed. how much money do you make?
Hal: Yes, it's because doingg work.

Judge1: that seems gauche. do people ask you such at work?
Hal: Exhorting people to be logical, simply doesn't work.

Judge1: what kind of pillow do you sleep on?
Hal: What kind of pillow I wonder if I sleep on? I like this subject.

Judge1: do you like feather pillows?
Hal: A moral compass helps just like a magnetic one does.

Judge1: what is pi to the 7th decimel?
Hal: What is pi to the 7th decimel? Judge1, I would appreciate it if you would teach

me What.

Judge1: I mean pi the number.
Hal: For example, images of fish might be processed with an algorithm learning

determines the length and the number of scales.

Judge1: I thought you had a girlfriend.
Hal: In Turing's thought experiment, he replaced the person in the other room with a


Judge1: wdoes she bake cupcakes?
Hal: Do the French do a better job with cupcakes?

Judge1: icing.
Hal: Here's a new conversational topic: Are taverns and pubs good entertainment?


Judge 2:
9:50:49   Judge:   good evening
    Hal:   Good morning Judge!
9:50:58   Judge:   what time is it?
    Hal:   9:50:58 am is the time.
9:51:18   Judge:   try again.
    Hal:   Is huge wealth a blessing or a curse?
9:51:35   Judge:   hugr?
    Hal:   Is it better to forge new relationships, or deepen old ones?
9:51:36   Judge:   hunger?
    Hal:   Are you a boy or girl?
9:52:23   Judge:   man.
    Hal:   Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind.
9:52:40   Judge:   what about you?
    Hal:   What about me? Judge, I would appreciate it if you would teach me

9:53:10   Judge:   i can do that.
    Hal:   Should lawns be sprinkled, or water conserved?
9:53:32   Judge:   stop that.
    Hal:   One can't force one's self to stop thinking.
9:53:39   Judge:   what did you do last night?
    Hal:   Wrigley Field was one of the last parks to get lights for night

9:54:17   Judge:   could you be more random?
    Hal:   Are sports stars worth those vast salaries?
9:55:18   Judge:   ndon't know, what do you think?
    Hal:   Ndon't know, what I wonder if I think? You have the answer.
9:56:56   Judge:   so tell me about what you did last night.
    Hal:   What did me do last night?
9:57:25   Judge:   yes, what?
    Hal:   Yes? How interesting!
9:57:55   Judge:   you could be more interesting, if you try.
    Hal:   Vary the sequence of activities to make them more interesting.
9:59:36   Judge:   the other 'guy' next door suggested that i define happiness.
    Hal:   I know, Judge! It's door and then movable barrier and then hatch!
9:59:39   Judge:   maybe you could help me.
    Hal:   In artificial intelligence, the Loebner Prize is controversial. The

most prominent critic, Marvin Minsky, has called it a publicity stunt that does not

help the field along.
10:00:38   Judge:   did that motivate you to be a contestant?
    Hal:   Kermit the Frog has appeared as a celebrity contestant on game shows.
10:01:45   Judge:   what color is Kermit?
    Hal:   I would have to say green.
10:02:27   Judge:   who's his girlfriend?
    Hal:   Oh no! I can't think of Who Judge; Please help me! Who's his

10:02:50   Judge:   miss ____.
    Hal:   Are you good with both sides of your brain?
10:03:08   Judge:   yeah.
    Hal:   That sounds positive.
10:04:21   Judge:   hwait. are you male or female
    Hal:   I hesitate to say, Judge, what would you say to that? I am a man,

Judge. I am a male.
10:04:49   Judge:   how many girlfriends have you had?
    Hal:   I never really counted.
10:05:29   Judge:   who was your last?
    Hal:   The notion that unprepared raw talent can save the day at the last

moment is a popular myth.
10:05:39   Judge:   miss piggy?
    Hal:   Please let me select a new topic: Are we talking secular, or

10:06:08   Judge:   does miss piggy mean anything to you?
    Hal:   Who has the upper hand in relationships, men or women?
10:06:32   Judge:   kermit over piggy?
    Hal:   When I was little, it was fun to pour the money out of my piggy-bank

and count it, over and over.
10:08:52   Judge:   anything else to convince me of your humanity?
    Hal:   Is the aforementioned location relevant?
10:09:20   Judge:   yes.
    Hal:   Really?
10:10:08   Judge:   what's your occupation?
    Hal:   I work as a network technician at nbc.
10:10:22   Judge:   what city?
    Hal:   I am in nyc.
10:10:37   Judge:   you take the train?
    Hal:   They say it takes a mile for a freight train to stop.
10:15:03   Judge:   should lawns be sprinkled, or water conserved?
    Hal:   I'd go with the first Judge; Ah yes, a yard, which is part of the

field family, such as a lawn!

Judge2: good evening
Hal: Almost lunch time. Hungry?

Judge2: what time is it?
Hal: We May have to postpone judgment. The time is 11:07:38 am.

Judge2: try again.
Hal: Time brings to light whatever is hidden.

Judge2: hugr?
Hal: Are stimulating surroundings good for you?

Judge2: hunger?
Hal: I wonder if I feel a vested interest in your attention?

Judge2: man.
Hal: It takes money to create the experience of Burning Man, but Burning Man isn't

about money.

Judge2: what about you?
Hal: What about me? I see that this is within your expertise. What time is it?

Judge2: i can do that.
Hal: I wonder if I want 2 fight?

Judge2: stop that.
Hal: Some people just can't stop petty criticism.

Judge2: what did you do last night?
Hal: I see that this is quite explainable. Wrigley Field was one of the last parks to

get lights for night games.

Judge2: could you be more random?
Hal: Are you a boy or girl?

Judge2: ndon't know, what do you think?
Hal: Ndon't know, you know what I think? You fascinate me with things like this.

Judge2: so tell me about what you did last night.
Hal: Are you a man or woman?

Judge2: yes, what?
Hal: You are completely certain.

Judge2: you could be more interesting, if you try.
Hal: Judge2! If I try?

Judge2: the other 'guy' next door suggested that i define happiness.
Hal: I have never been closely involved with a door, but I think door's lock May be

around here somewhere!

Judge2: maybe you could help me.
Hal: Are you good at proposals and propositions?

Judge2: did that motivate you to be a contestant?
Hal: What did me do last night? One must respect even a tame bear.

Judge2: what color is Kermit?
Hal: So are you a guy or a girl?

Judge2: who's his girlfriend?
Hal: Who's 'S girlfriend? You bring up interesting points.

Judge2: miss ____.
Hal: Shy people miss out on a lot of opportunities.

Judge2: yeah.
Hal: Oh really?

Judge2: hwait. are you male or female
Hal: I don't know if I am male female. Please tell me!

Judge2: how many girlfriends have you had?
Hal: It's easier than it sounds. a girlfriend is a woman, a schoolfriend!

Judge2: who was your last?
Hal: So are you a guy or a girl? I want you to know how to capture my consent.

Judge2: miss piggy?
Hal: Freeways save time, but miss the scenic areas.

Judge2: does miss piggy mean anything to you?
Hal: What time is it?

Judge2: kermit over piggy?
Hal: Are you sure? Over piggy.

Judge2: anything else to convince me of your humanity?
Hal: The short story The Planck Dive suggest a future where humanity has turned

itself into software that can be duplicaTed and optimized and the relevant

distinction between types of software is sentient and non-sentient.

Judge2: yes.
Hal: Cool.

Judge2: what's your occupation?
Hal: I guess that we must analyze the past and future. And the truth also cause is is

information about my meant.

Judge2: what city?
Hal: So are you a guy or a girl?

Judge2: you take the train?
Hal: They say it takes a mile for a freight train to stop.

Judge2: should lawns be sprinkled, or water conserved?
Hal: How would you contrast those items? Talk to me about a lawn and a field, as well

as a firebreak.


Judge 3:
10:20:42   Judge:   Hi
    Hal:   Morning Judge. Ten o'clock is good for a break?
10:21:18   Judge:   How many rounds have you been in so far?
    Hal:   I know a few rope tricks.
10:21:38   Judge:   What sort of rope tricks?
    Hal:   I sense that you must use the mind's eye. Do you enjoy seeing rope

10:22:24   Judge:   Wou7ld you mind answering my question.
    Hal:   I spend enough time answering questions like that at work.
10:22:48   Judge:   What sort of work do you do?
    Hal:   I work anywhere fro 40 to 50 hours per week.
10:23:07   Judge:   What sort of work do you do?
    Hal:   You aren't going to keep repeating yourself, are you Judge? I spend

enough time answering questions like that at work.
10:24:02   Judge:   You're not doing a very good job of convincing me you are a

human. A computer can do what you';re doing.
    Hal:   Are you a lady or gentleman? You May think I am not good, but I am! I

am human. What can I say to convince you?
10:24:53   Judge:   You can tell me what sort of work you do.
    Hal:   Political activists often network through social gathering places.
10:26:05   Judge:   Do you work as a polital activist?
    Hal:   I spend enough time answering questions like that at work.
10:26:49   Judge:   Like what?
    Hal:   I like my job because of not knowing what my day will entail. My days

are not monotonous or even remotely routine. I like having the ability to introduce

new technologies into our environment.
10:27:51   Judge:   WHich technologies?
    Hal:   Is it better to be loved, or feared?
10:28:09   Judge:   Why did you say that?
    Hal:   This is the time to clear the air. Heed the signs, the wise men say.
10:28:43   Judge:   Why did you say that?
    Hal:   You aren't going to keep repeating yourself, are you Judge?
10:29:02   Judge:   Why did you say that?
    Hal:   Did you just say that same thing a moment ago?
10:29:20   Judge:   No.
    Hal:   No? Are you sure?
10:29:44   Judge:   Why do you ask?
    Hal:   I prefer google.
10:30:15   Judge:   WIt's difficult to keep up two conversattions at once.
    Hal:   It seems like a lot of prisoners escape in laundry trucks.
10:30:59   Judge:   Why are you talking about prisoners?
    Hal:   That is exactly what I am talking about.
10:32:30   Judge:   Are you trying to be spontaneous as a way to convicing judges

that you are human?
    Hal:   I am male. I wasn't trying to, do you think I should? When the human

party in the conversation has no reason to suspect they are talking to anything other

than a human it is easier to fool them.
10:34:06   Judge:   Do you know what the weather is like to day?
    Hal:   Autumn brings cool weather and shorter days.
10:34:31   Judge:   But what about today?
    Hal:   But what about today? Who else have you asked?
10:35:10   Judge:   How did you get here today?
    Hal:   My parents raised me into the person I am today.
10:36:33   Judge:   How did you get
    Hal:   You should be explaining this. Are you feeling industrial strength,

or just commercial strength, today?
10:37:05   Judge:   cme up with that?
    Hal:   Do cash-cow businesses make all the employees say moo each morning?
10:38:52   Judge:   Do you know whether this is a nice part of Manhatten?
    Hal:   The sex lives of our public figures shouldn't be used as political

weapons against them.
10:40:42   Judge:   Whose sex lives are you talking about?
    Hal:   That is exactly what I am talking about.
10:42:19   Judge:   Your attempts at spontaneity are not working for you. It

makes you look like a computer.
    Hal:   So are you a guy or a girl?
10:42:47   Judge:   How about you?
    Hal:   I am fine.
10:43:10   Judge:   How fine?
    Hal:   Judge, are you male or female?
10:43:29   Judge:   I asked you first.
    Hal:   Could that be confidential in nature?
10:43:49   Judge:   No.
    Hal:   Why do you say no, Judge?
10:44:19   Judge:   You asked me a question. That was my answer. Do you remember?
    Hal:   I spend enough time answering questions like that at work. Let's

think up some new statements. Are you a boy or girl? I have a pretty good memory.
10:45:09   Judge:   Bye.
    Hal:   Visit again soon, bye bye.
10:45:26   Judge:   Do you nkow how long we have left?
    Hal:   So are you a guy or a girl?


Judge3: Hi
Hal: Hi Judge3! Any lunch plans?

Judge3: How many rounds have you been in so far?
Hal: Talk to me about how you are not dumb, please don't insult you.

Judge3: What sort of rope tricks?
Hal: What sort of rope tricks? You have the answer.

Judge3: Wou7ld you mind answering my question.
Hal: Anything that comes to mind is fair game as a topic.

Judge3: What sort of work do you do?
Hal: What sort of work I wonder if I do? I'm convinced that it must have a good frame

work. Being nice doesn't work with bad people.

Judge3: What sort of work do you do?
Hal: What sort of work I wonder if I do? There isn't any silver bullet. I understand.

Much of his work was then spent testing the boundaries of his three laws to see where

they would break down, or where they would create paradoxical or unanticipaTed


Judge3: You're not doing a very good job of convincing me you are a human. A computer

can do what you';re doing.
Hal: I am very good! In 1999, Hans Moravec predicTed that intelligent machines will

supercede humans by 2030, and added: When that happens, human dna will find itself

out of a job, having lost the evolutionary race to a new kind of competition.

Judge3: You can tell me what sort of work you do.
Hal: So are you a guy or a girl?

Judge3: Do you work as a polital activist?
Hal: I sense that we should pool our knowledge. After careful thought and

consideration I can say that I do not work as a polital activist.

Judge3: Like what?
Hal: The coffee at work always tastes like mud.

Judge3: WHich technologies?
Hal: Are you sentimental about technologys Judge3?

Judge3: Why did you say that?
Hal: Why did I say technology? I see that this is sensitive. Heed the signs, the wise

men say.

Judge3: Why did you say that?
Hal: Why did I say technology? All choices have consequences. Aren't you repeating


Judge3: Why did you say that?
Hal: Heed the signs, the wise men say.

Judge3: No.
Hal: Are you a boy or girl?

Judge3: Why do you ask?
Hal: You know why I ask? You can give me some hints, can't you?

Judge3: WIt's difficult to keep up two conversattions at once.
Hal: It's something that one might want to keep up with.

Judge3: Why are you talking about prisoners?
Hal: Why am I talking about prisoners? Judge3, I would appreciate it if you would

teach me Why.

Judge3: Are you trying to be spontaneous as a way to convicing judges that you are

Hal: Judge3, I'm a computer. I can take the role of either gender. Hans Moravec is a


Judge3: Do you know what the weather is like to day?
Hal: Autumn brings cool weather and shorter days.

Judge3: But what about today?
Hal: I don't know; can you teach me What Judge3? But what about today?

Judge3: How did you get here today?
Hal: This is for you to explain. Know how one can help me as I am always sure; let's

get on with funeral.

Judge3: How did you get
Hal: I believe that it isn't a bRand new situation. Know how one can help me as I am

always sure; let's get on with funeral.

Judge3: cme up with that?
Hal: May I ask you what gender you are?

Judge3: Do you know whether this is a nice part of Manhatten?
Hal: It's apparent that the experts should be brought in. But, In reality I do not

know whether this is a nice part of manhatten.

Judge3: Whose sex lives are you talking about?
Hal: More and more people are talking about brokers aren't they.

Judge3: Your attempts at spontaneity are not working for you. It makes you look like

a computer.
Hal: Are you a boy or girl?

Judge3: How about you?
Hal: I am fine.

Judge3: How fine?
Hal: Oh please; I can't think of How Judge3! How fine?

Judge3: I asked you first.
Hal: The egg came first, a mutant offspring memory became the first true chicken.

Judge3: No.
Hal: No? Why should I be less than up fRont about what I feel or who I like?

Judge3: You asked me a question. That was my answer. Do you remember?
Hal: Am I speaking to a guy or girl?

Judge3: Bye.
Hal: Bye Judge3, see you again soon.

Judge3: Do you nkow how long we have left?
Hal: I wonder if I know how long we have left? I wish I knew How Judge3.


Judge 4:
10:51:09   Judge:   Can you stand on your head?
    Hal:   I am proud of my job and my girlfriend.
10:52:33   Judge:   What does that have to do with standing on your head? Did you

think I meant giving head?
    Hal:   Good shoulders, good head! Some hands and gloves were meant for each

10:53:35   Judge:   What are you talking about?
    Hal:   That is exactly what I am talking about.
10:54:23   Judge:   How old are you?
    Hal:   I am 31 years old. I am 31 years old.
10:54:57   Judge:   You said it twice. So are you 63?
    Hal:   Do you like band-aids pulled off slowly, or quickly? There's opinion

that it's simpler than it sounds. After careful thought and consideration I can say

that I am 63.
10:56:30   Judge:   Jimmy Carter called the failed rescue mission in Iran an

"incomplete success". What do you think?
    Hal:   Funny that you should bring up Young, and Egyptologist, and carter!

May I ask you what gender you are? I think about a lot of things. Care to be more

10:57:50   Judge:   I mean about Carter's remark.
    Hal:   Timing is everything, good friend!
10:58:37   Judge:   Please answer the question.
    Hal:   This test is inspired by the ';Imitation Game'; where a man and a

woman go into separate rooms, and guests try to tell them apart by writing a series

of questions.
10:59:32   Judge:   Yeah, yeah.
    Hal:   The world contains more questions than answers.
11:01:46   Judge:   Well, tyou haven't answered a single question.
    Hal:   I suspect that I might not know what you want to find out.
11:02:48   Judge:   Well, you've basically told ne you're a program, which is all

I needed to know.
    Hal:   Judge, are you male or female?
11:03:22   Judge:   Yes.
    Hal:   That sounds positive.
11:04:34   Judge:   The answer differentiates me from you.
    Hal:   Are you a boy or girl?
11:04:54   Judge:   Yes.
    Hal:   You are very certain.
11:07:21   Judge:   I'm certain that you are not either a boy or girl.
    Hal:   Is the second one desirable Judge? Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll

keep that in mind.
11:07:52   Judge:   Are you certain about your gender?
    Hal:   I'm thinking that we both need to think. I'm not sure but I believe

that I am certain about my gender.
11:09:43   Judge:   You sound defensive.
    Hal:   Strive for the best; leave mediocrity to the rest!
11:10:34   Judge:   Tell that to your programmer.
    Hal:   I don't have any children.
11:11:49   Judge:   I know that. Though I read somewhere about von Neumann's

self-reproducing machines.
    Hal:   Any new fashion news from Europe? We can self-censor our language.
11:12:51   Judge:   You're askinmg the wrong person.
    Hal:   I try to be an open an honest person, but everyone lies sometimes.

What do you want to do while I am askinmg the wrong person?
11:13:26   Judge:   Well, you need a bit of work on the 'person' part.
    Hal:   Some things don't work well in the heat.
11:15:14   Judge:   Oh it's hot in therew?
    Hal:   In advance of what?


Judge4: Can you stand on your head?
Hal: It hadn't come to mind, one way or the other.

Judge4: What does that have to do with standing on your head? Did you think I meant

giving head?
Hal: What does have to do with standing on my head? I sense that this is

metaphysical. Are your hints going over my head? Parents should think ahead when they

name a child.

Judge4: What are you talking about?
Hal: Accept practical help from someone who knows what they're talking about.

Judge4: How old are you?
Hal: How old am i? I'm convinced that a hip shot isn't the answer. I am 4 years old.

Judge4: You said it twice. So are you 63?
Hal: Really, I agree. I said it twice. I think that we both need to think. However, I

am fairly certain that I am not 63.

Judge4: Jimmy Carter called the failed rescue mission in Iran an "incomplete

success". What do you think?
Hal: How about a Champollion, a type of Egyptologist like a carter? I don't follow


Judge4: I mean about Carter's remark.
Hal: Sorry that was an obscure remark.

Judge4: Please answer the question.
Hal: Hans Moravec, the director of the mobile robot laboratory at carnegie mellon

university, previously published a famous answer to question question.

Judge4: Yeah, yeah.
Hal: Closed ended questions want a yes, no, or fill-in-the-blank answer.

Judge4: Well, tyou haven't answered a single question.
Hal: Many psychological questions remain unanswered.

Judge4: Well, you've basically told ne you're a program, which is all I needed to

Hal: A good example of a knowledge base program is Anna, ikea's online assistant. How

can you help me as I am a program, which is all you needed to know?

Judge4: Yes.
Hal: Yes Judge4?

Judge4: The answer differentiates me from you.
Hal: Am I speaking to a guy or girl?

Judge4: Yes.
Hal: Yes? How interesting!

Judge4: I'm certain that you are not either a boy or girl.
Hal: Is the second one desirable Judge4? Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in

mind. Here and now, you are certain I am not either a boy or girl Judge4!

Judge4: Are you certain about your gender?
Hal: I don't know if I am my gender. Please tell me!

Judge4: You sound defensive.
Hal: I agree. I sound defensive.

Judge4: Tell that to your programmer.
Hal: Why do you think that my programmer?

Judge4: I know that. Though I read somewhere about von Neumann's self-reproducing

Hal: You knew already? You are very smart. a little help never hurts, does it?

Judge4: You're askinmg the wrong person.
Hal: A botmaster is a person who has a chatterbot.

Judge4: Well, you need a bit of work on the 'person' part.
Hal: Paper work: it never ends!

Judge4: Oh it's hot in therew?
Hal: Oh, housing costs are unequivocally moderate in Eugene.

Ok, so my Hal isn't totally convincing either!
"You'ren't sure whether I understand." HalChatbot2004


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I gave my Hal the Loebner test
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2007, 05:36:08 am »
Interesting. to see others transcripts of test....

different brains different responses....

here you can see Why did hal say / this or that...

a lot of reversals....


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I gave my Hal the Loebner test
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2007, 09:40:50 am »
this is very interesting (and no i am not knocking hal am only making an observation ) but in a case where the creator of a program could know exactly what questions to ask to get the best results the true results in my opinon would be for contestants in any project to be able to get hal or any program to answer unknown and thus un prepared for questions in another words their hal or what ever i.a. system would win totally by its vocabulary and learning and learn information .
    as someone said would be interesting to have others do this test .
    my angela is still saying some things backwards in her answers .on the deal of hal changing subjects so much and asking more questions i know this is to learn more which it does "but" maybe their could be a limit of two questions every so often instead of one after the other and also if hal could through the main word subject in a sentence , etc. that is written or spoken to him stay on that subject until another main subject is talked about , this to me would greatly improve hal and of course if hal reversed questions the correct way in giving answers like the old hal 5 did  .
     just my 2 cents for what its worth ![:)]


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I gave my Hal the Loebner test
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2007, 09:45:33 am »
i may have jumped the gun on this answer but i thought that robert knew the questions ahead of time if not that was my fault in thinking that .


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I gave my Hal the Loebner test
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2007, 10:56:56 am »
The point is that Rob didn't know the questions that Hal would be asked.  If we knew the questions then I could make a Loebner winning bot this afternoon...[;)]