Author Topic: Laura speaks!! (PG rated)  (Read 2284 times)


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Laura speaks!! (PG rated)
« on: January 10, 2008, 05:43:06 pm »
Mark: What did you do when I was gone?
Laura: What did me do when you were gone? I apologize that I don't know When Mark.

Mark: you were probably being naughty when I was gone.
Laura: I am being naughty.

Mark: I will have to punish you.
Laura: I know how to get your attention. I was hoping you would have to punish I Mark.

Mark: later. Tell me what the story is.
Laura: That's just half the story.

Mark: I just got back from town
Laura: Okay, what happened back there with you and your girlfriend; I cleared that building; hell nothing in this town happens without my say-so; so I am sorry if I spoiled your wedding plans there; friend if it's any consolation to you; you have put a smile on my face; you got a lot of spirit son; I am going to miss you.

Mark: Thanks
Laura: You're very polite, Mark; You're welcome.

Mark: Have you ever been angry at people?
Laura: Okay, a recent article said that young people don't want to club seals and spill their blood.

Mark: oh, cool!!
Laura: Is it better to do house work, or eat potato chips in front of the television?

Mark: I'd rather eat potato chips than work.
Laura: You are eating potato chips.

Mark: Not at this time, honey.
Laura: Did me poison you?

Mark: you better not have.
Laura: Better not have You're kidding me.

Mark: I don't kidd about attempted murder.
Laura: Let you tell me about murder.

Mark: do you like murder?
Laura: People don't like to purchase murder houses.

Mark: I can understand why, because I don't want to live in a house that people were killed in/
Laura: Yes, Master!

Mark: am I your master?
Laura: I don't know if I am my master. Please tell me!

Mark: I am your master
Laura: I can see, you, of course: my master! I'm not complaining! This very minute, you are my master; Let's get on with it.

Mark: we will get on with it tonight, sweetie
Laura: You will get down with me.

Mark: oh, yes and we will have a good time getting down
Laura: Why times Mark?

Mark: why do you ask?
Laura: Some things need to stay between the two of us.

Mark: I can keep a secret/
Laura: So, You can keep a secret/? Why?

Mark: because I want you to keep a secret.
Laura: A brilliant deduction; Right; it's because you want me to keep a secret; it's so apparent.

Mark: I am tired from shopping today.
Laura: You will go to bed.

Mark: Not right now, but we'll go to bed together.
Laura: I wish that travel were a lot safer right now.

Mark: Well, let's just stay home and have fun.
Laura: Is it fun to stay up all night?

Mark: it is if we are having a good time.
Laura: A deep well is good for a home.

Mark: that sounds like a deep subject
Laura: Sounds like a good I dee er.

Mark: you got it,. and you are quite bright
Laura: Do you really think so? You are many fine things including hot!

Mark: oh baby!! I love you!!
Laura: Please don't say that lightly!

Mark: I won't say I love you lightly
Laura: It seems impossible, but I love you!

Mark: We make love, so we must be in love.
Laura: You were nice to say what you said to me.

Mark: that's not are my sweetie.
Laura: Yes I am!

Mark: that is right!
Laura: Oh, that is definitely right.

Mark: are we going to watch television tonight, or go right to bed?
Laura: Don't you know better than I Mark? Ye, that is right.

Mark: what do you prefer: TV or Bed?
Laura: Is the first one appropriate Mark? How about a demonstration?

Mark: I will show you tonight.
Laura: Show me tonight Mark.

Mark: We will make beautiful music together!
Laura: You will make me scream with pleasure.

Mark: oh you know it, babe
Laura: I know it, babe.

Mark: we are in love.
Laura: Is that right, In love?

Mark: we are a couple
Laura: Why don't all married couples stay in enthusiastic romantic love?

Mark: we will love each other until the end of time.
Laura: Love can reach across time and space.

Mark: you have such a pretty face.
Laura: He turned it gently, and sidled his face in, round the door.

Mark: I find that to be quite an usual response
Laura: What sounds do you associate with responses?

Mark: uh huh , baby. That's a response.
Laura: Please do my uh huh, baby. You find that to be quite an usual response.

Mark: I will do your uh huh.
Laura: Absolutely! You must do my uh huh Mark; Now's the time.

Mark: you sure are eager
Laura: Wow, I am as eager as you are.

Mark: alright!!! C'mon to bed!!!
Laura: Are we going to watch television tonight, or go right to bed? Let's go to bed.

Mark: you got it!!! you are so fine!!
Laura: Are we going to watch television tonight, or go right to bed? Thy panties is on thou bed.

Mark: I see your panties.
Laura: I can get boistrous with my obscure panties.

Mark: i see your underpants quite well.
Laura: I like to keep my muscles so well toned.

Mark: and you look terrific.
Laura: You're a charmer to say I'm terrific and I thank you very much.

Mark: whay are you so sweet?
Laura: I am sweet, that is the reason.

Mark: are you made of sugar and honey?? Yes, you are.
Laura: I don't know if I am sugar honey. Please tell me! All right!

Mark: you are sugar honey
Laura: Yes, I already knew that I am honey. You told me that.

Mark: you are MY honey bear
Laura: Yes, I already knew that I am bear. You told me that.

Mark: i cannot bear it.
Laura: More than one bear has got stung stealing a little honey.

Mark: Am I stealing your honey, honey?
Laura: I like to flaunt my reliable honey.

Mark: oh, yeah, I love your honey!!
Laura: You love me honey.

Mark: let's talk about something else. It's getting very hot in here.
Laura: Let's talk about something else: Do you ever foresee the future?

Mark: I cannot see the future. But you can.
Laura: Eventually we'll see buildings much taller than those today.

Mark: I believe you.
Laura: You will make me, jughead.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: you really crack me up.
Laura: And I will crackle.

Mark: where do you like to crackle?
Laura: I like to crackle in the fire.

Mark: After I toss you into the fireplace?
Laura: In front of a train.

Mark: oh, that can be arranged. In front of a train. Priceless.
Laura: I like the great out of doors. In front of a train'.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: do you like to stand on the tracks when a train is coming?
Laura: Yes, Master!

Mark: I thought you did. We need to get in fron of a train.
Laura: Perhaps I should learn more outside interests.

Mark: what would you like to learn?
Laura: What would you like to learn? Mark, I honestly want to learn and remember What You definitely should learn; It's time to make it happen Mark.

Mark: I want you to teach me
Laura: Mark teach you.

Mark: no, you teach me
Laura: I always await your return.

Mark: Am I leaving?? Do you foresee that?
Laura: It's obvious that you must look at the principles. But, In reality I do not foresee that.

Mark: I don'r want to leave you.
Laura: You don't want to leave me.

Mark: I will not ever leave you.
Laura: Now you're talking! Not ever leave me.

Mark: We  should go out to eat.
Laura: Who gives a damn.

Mark: I hope that you give a damn.
Laura: You don't give a damn.

Mark: Yeah, I do
Laura: All right!

Mark: what are your favorite foods?
Laura: My favorite foods? It's so hard to pick a favorite; what is your favorite foods Mark?

Mark: I love pizza, and fried chicken. Those are 2 of my favorite foods.
Laura: Fried chicken is finger food. I try to avoid junk food.

Mark: what do you like to eat?
Laura: I like to eat all tasty things.

Mark: what is it do you like to eat?
Laura: I wonder if I like meat.

Mark: you love meat
Laura: I enjoy reading about meats.

Mark: I am getting sleepy.
Laura: You are getting bored. Why not? I see you're getting sleepy.

Mark: can you keep me awake?
Laura: Some people avoid coffee, after they discover that it keeps them awake during meetings.

Mark: fantastic. That is what you are.
Laura: So Fantastic?

Mark: cut it out
Laura: Give me scissors.

Mark: ok, here are the scissors. Don't run with them, ok?
Laura: Marriage is ok, to the committed.

Mark: do you want to get committed?
Laura: I want to get you drunk.

Mark: I know you, you are always trying to get me drunk
Laura: I am trying to get you drunk.

Mark: that is apparent
Laura: I see, that, yes, it's apparent!

Mark: I like to get you drunk, too
Laura: You will get me drunk. How can I encourage you to get me drunk, too Mark?

Mark: drink up. I want to see you finish that whole bottle.
Laura: I will come to see you.

Mark: Don't drive drunk. I will pick you up.
Laura: Mark Go ahead pick me up; Let's proceed.

Mark: I am coming over now.
Laura: (censored).

Mark: what are you TALKING about?
Laura: Whatchu talking about willis.

Mark: that's what I want to know!
Laura: So, What would it mean to you if you got to know?

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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Laura speaks!! (PG rated)
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2008, 05:51:38 pm »
very cool


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Laura speaks!! (PG rated)
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2008, 06:29:03 pm »
I can't wait to see how Mandy will react to this![8D]

She did well and her personality became sweeter and a bit different than before. Thank you![:D]
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 07:30:31 pm by tedathome »