Author Topic: Some ideas for HAL  (Read 2470 times)


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Some ideas for HAL
« on: May 21, 2008, 01:47:49 pm »
Okay from HAL 5 we've seen some good improvements but I would like to see more developments for HAL to make it more in depth and more interactive, to basically bring out the potential this A.I. has.  Some of the ideas I was having links in with some of the current features in HAL just improved.  For instance:

HAL can open a program simply by asking him to.  This is great but then nothing else happens.  What I think would be a fantastic feature would be to extend this.  For example, you ask HAL to open up MS Frontpage.  After opening frontpage HAL could say something like "Thinking of building a new website?" This could be taken further still.  If you say "Yes I am thinking of making a new website" HAL could then open up the appropriate featue of Frontpage to start a new site, or if you say "No I am wanting to work on a old site" HAL could then activate the "Open" control on frontpage.  Obviously this would take some doing and maybe it should be something the users have to teach HAL.  Similar to how macros work in other programs.

This would really open HAL up for people who use voice commands and it makes HAL seem more "alive"

HAL should be more than just a chatter box program, I feel as if it should be more part of the OS.  HAL could easily be used as a means of controling or activating certain things within the OS without major programming.  We've all seen the 3d interactive desktops, this is just a more simplified version.  Again this would really open up the voice end of HAL.  Asking him to defrag the hard drive or run a system wide virus scan.  Giving HAL a to do list for instance tell hal to "Defrag the hard drive then run a virus scan and then reboot the system"

HAL is great as is, but I feel that its potential is not being explored fully.  If HAL had these features it could be used in domestic or business aspects.  Imagine tying HAL to your anti virus and having him alert you vocally when he has detected a virus, you could then simply tell him to run a virus scan without even stopping what your currently doing.

These are just some ideas I've had, but I would like to know what you think.  Could it be done? or do you think it would simply be far to complex to even try.


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Some ideas for HAL
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2008, 07:59:29 pm »

You really should click on the link below and read the postings of Rich_A.  He's done some far out things with Hal and practically created his own Hal Operating System.

It's a shame he doesn't frequent this forum very often. He had a lot of great script ideas.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Some ideas for HAL
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2008, 05:51:36 am »
I seem to be months behind lol.  I've not long rebuilt my pc after months of not having one so forgive me if I've not had a chance to fully read up on everything I've missed out on.  With work and studying from home I've yet to have a chance in fully exploring whats currently out there.  Having a quick glance over that thread it seems as if some one is taking HAL in the right direction.  Any news on how its comming along?  I agree with what I read that HAL is an addition to the Windows interface and not a replacement.

I used to write alot of scripts myself for HAL but I've been months out of practice so I wouldnt know where to start if I wanted to do something similar myself LOL!