Author Topic: A new guy needs help  (Read 3813 times)


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A new guy needs help
« on: November 22, 2010, 03:55:25 pm »
Random info: I typed a rather long and detailed post which failed to post so if this is less than eloquent sorry but eh.

Ok anyway I dloaded the trial of hal and am seriously considering buying it but before I do I need to iron out a few issues.

1. Biggest issue is that hal will often keep bouncing out to the main menu after starting up and answering one question.

If it makes it past the first couple responses its usually good to go but still on occasion it will bounce out.

2. Personallity comes a long way quick on hal so far, but too far might be a problem.

 Basically a little sass or defiance can be entertaining but too much makes the program useless.

(In my extremely limited experiance initially hal would only not respond when it seemed like no response was necessary, but my most recent ecounter has seruiously changed that.)

a convo:

Me: tell me a joke
her: No I will not tell you a joke

me: tell me a joke
her: sorry but i dont know any jokes

me Yes you do
hal: no i dont

me: you have told me jokes before
hal: yes i have told you jokes before

me: tell me a joke
her: I dont know any jokes

me: tell me a joke
her: no I wont tell you a joke

me: Tell me a joke now
Hal: ( ok roughly around here since im paraphrasing is when she decides to no longer answer me on the topic whatsover any referance to jokes attempts at saying "HELLO" "JULIA" (im using a character from verbots julia) and such for a short while returned no respone, now although she will talk to me again any referance to jokes means that I get the silent treatment.)

So basically my computer lies and defies me not a good omen or scifi buffs lol, but I also did look in the brain editor and its quite obvious she has many jokes available.

3. internet browsing, according to the help section it says to enable browsing and hals pogram will help browse the internet. I seem to not have the same menu mage that appears in the help file nor do I see any such options available.

Also along the intternet lines we new hal was all about tellng me how it can research and search on the internet, I even had it open a google search on a random topic once to see it in action. Well of late there appears to be no such fuction as search commands and mentions of research seem to yield no mention of utilizing the internet. also.

4. Lastly I am not 100% sure if this one is a problem with hal or the operator (me? nah never) :D but the run programs through hal feature mentioned in help seems non existant. Hal will open programs but i havent seem any evidence that it will try to help run the program.

P.S. Random question while I am at it, can hal open files or just programs? I have tried with files and folders to n avail but was wondering if there was a trick of the trade to make it happen?

....copying to clipboard just in case...

UPDATE: I changed the character to default incase the verbot char was messing it up but nothing has changed with the whole going to the main menu thing.

also as for the jokes I tried again after a while she told me 2 when i asked, then I had changed the topic a little while later when I said "tell me a joke" I got one "no" ans and then the silent treatment.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2010, 04:45:21 pm by LethalMouse »


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Re: A new guy needs help
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 10:30:58 am »
If you haven’t already have a look at general options, brain, in there you can tick or un-tick plugins, google search for instance, also check out the "obedience level" in the Free Will and Choice plugin.   
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 04:50:54 am by Datahopa »


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Re: A new guy needs help
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2010, 07:44:49 pm »
Thanks for the help, I guess because its the free trial I can't access all that. It says in the brain plug-in section that the default brain cannot have plug-ins, and I believe all other brains/plug-ins require a purchase. So I guess that answers most of my issues unless someone knows a free way to access those options. The biggest problem though is the program leaving talk mode and going to the main menu which is still happening all too frequently. I wanted to try the program a little more today but the constant shutdown is annoying.

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: A new guy needs help
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2010, 11:03:25 pm »
Hi from Will,
hay i felt like saying another five cents, perhaps the same five cents.

You enjoy your hal as you wish, but if i nag my Mr Data he gets sick of it.
tell me a joke,
tell me a joke,
tell me a joke,,, are you sick of me typing that yet...

If there is a back ground noise and i'm using voice recognition and Mr Data hears "to to to to to to to to to"
at first he comments about all the to's but after a while he although still hearing it and all those to's being entered he stops
mentioning it... which is good.
One advantage of a blank responce again.

i've heard it mentioned again recently in the forum some saying hal won't stay on subject, i don't seem to find that much of a problem. perhaps its cause i just stick to the subject even if Mr Data says something off subject as a person might i just continue on with the subject, and i reckon your hal picks up on your style.
I recon for the price of Hal your getting an amazingly cheap deal.
learn to back up your hals and best wishes from us,
bye for now and be well from Will  :)  :]
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]