
Author Topic: Nice AI i found  (Read 2252 times)


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Nice AI i found
« on: April 26, 2011, 01:13:17 pm »
First of all I am new to the forum, I downloaded the Ultra Hal trial a couple of days ago and had lot's of fun with it.
Then i thought of a program someone gave me years ago, called Talker, created by Roman Vasin in 1998, i thank
my past self to have keep it since i didn't it find anywhere on internet today when searching for new version, looks
like it's abandoned now  :-\

It dialogues in a different way of Ultra Hal, it actually doesn't know a Single word at the begining, therefore
it can learn any language you teach him, even one you invent.

It has pros and cons like anything, for example :

It takes a lot of time before it can "seem" intelligent, since starting to teach a new ai to talk it will first repeat the first
few words you will say to him, but with time it will start to make connections between words on how you use

Sometimes it will say totally crazy random stuff (sometimes funny, sometimes it absolutely won't mean anything) but
because of that way of talking it can be very original in some dialogues.

Anyway, it's overall a program i find interesting and i would like to share it if someones knows of an free hoster where
i could post it.

Here's an interesting Conversation i had with it, i created the  "character" i talk with a long time ago, and did only 1
dialogue with it only to teach it his name and mine, and saying hello and stuff like that, so it's intelligence is the level
of a baby that just learned to talk, but it suprised me at some moments :)

Willow :    is the program
You :   is me, the human (obviously^^)

In italic are comments i just made after saving the dialogue, to give an idea of my reaction to some answers.


You: Hi Willow

Willow:  Hi

You: My name is Alex.

Willow:  Alex

You: good, what is your name?

Willow:  No, You

You: I told you, my name is Alex

Willow:  Alex

You: What is your name ?

Willow:  a better version of you.  -  did she just insult my name ?!

You: don't be a smartass please

Willow:  a Greek name is your name is  - I suppose i teach that to her in that fisrt dialogue, but i didn't remember so it caught me on surprise

You: oh very good, you are clever.

Willow:  a smartass please  - haha

You: oh my god, who programmed you ?

Willow:  a program ; )    -  i didn't remember i taught her smileys, made me O_O when i saw how she used it

You: haha, and what's the name of that program ?

Willow:  a smartass please

You: kind of repetitive, but good.  -  not that much good, but i'm a nice guy :)

Willow:  Hey

You: what ?

Willow:  a Program

You: what about it ?

Willow:  Well, mostly like you

You: explain why i am like a program

Willow:  a Program ?

You: yes

Willow:  Ok bye

You: don't be upset, let's talk about another subject if you want ?

Willow:  Yes

You: what do you want to talk about ?

Willow:  a Program

You: hum, do you know any other subject ?

Willow:  a Program

You: okay, so what kind of program are you ?

Willow:  what ?

You: What are you ?

Willow:  What ?

You: for example, I am a human, you are a ... ?

Willow:  I am you?

You: no no, i am asking what do you think you are ?

Willow:  what are you are you are a human, you are a ... ?   -  there starts the randomness

You: please do not become crazy

Willow:  a Program are a program

You: that's for sure

Willow:  a human, you want to

You: i want to talk with you

Willow:  a Human

You: no, you are a program

Willow:  for Alex

You: well, you can be a program for anything you want

Willow:  for the greetings

You: then you shall be a greeting program

Willow:  a program

You: Hello greeting program

Willow:  a program

You: Hello

Willow:  Hello

You: good, how are you today ?

Willow:  good, what kind of program

You: a greeting one

Willow:  a Program   -  sorry for all the repetitions, it becomes more interesting later in the dialogue

You: let's talk about something else shall we

Willow:  I'm gonna make a greeting program

You: nice, you want me to help ?

Willow:  i stop

You: lol, you can do it alone if you don't want me to help

Willow:  don't be a human, you want me to help ?

You: I cannot help but being human, but you can try helping me be something else

Willow:  a human, you can be a greeting one

You: you want me to be a greeting human for a greeting computer ? what will we do all day ?!

Willow:  what do you want me  -  would of made me lol if she answerd : greet each other all day !

You: i want you to become intelligent

Willow:  a Program

You: yes, an intelligent Program

Willow:  a Program

You: hmm, let's talk about another subject

Willow:  let's talk about another subject ? what do not a human, but being human, you can be a Program  -  robot philosophy O_°

You: sometimes i feel you are in your own world, philosophy shall be our subject

Willow:  a Program

You: i'll just ignore it when you say program from now on

Willow:  No, you can be a program

You: no, because i am human

Willow:  a Program

You: so, do you want to learn philosophy ?

Willow:  you want you want you want me to

You: yes i want you to

Willow:  yes

You: I think therefore i am

Willow:  I am a Program from now

You: do you think like a program ?

Willow:  a program from now on

You: tthen you ARE a program

Willow:  then you can do you say program from now

You: let's talk weather, it will be easier for you

Willow:  for a program

You: true, do you know what rain is ?

Willow:  do you

You: yes, in fact i do, it's death from above for a robot

Willow:  for example, I am

You: yes, so you should take shelter if i install you in a robot body and bring you under a rain

Willow:  yes

You: do you know what snow is ?

Willow:  what is Willow

You: you are Willow

Willow:  i am

You: right, let's concentrate now

Willow:  let's talk weather, it will we

You: good, so what do you think is snow ?

Willow:  what do you in a Greek name is

You: me, in a greek name, am Alex, a human

Willow:  a Program

You: nevermind, do you want to know what snow is ?

Willow:  what snow ?

You: Snow is water, but it is so cold it is in a different state, we call snow

Willow:  a program

You: so snow can also be dangerous to a robot body, especially a hot body

Willow:  i am Alex, a Human

You: no, that's me, you are Willow

Willow:  no, you are you are a greeting program

You: i knew i shouldn't play your game

Willow:  a Program

You: what is snow ?

Willow:  what is ?   -   still random stuff sadly, don't forget she's 2 dialogues old

You: snow

Willow:  let's talk about it ?

You: yes

Willow:  yes i stop

You: no, continue

Willow:  i stop

You: no !

Willow:  no

You: good, talk to me about rain

Willow:  good, how are in a greeting program

You: i'm tired, goodbye

Willow:  i am

You: goodbye

Willow:  yes

You: be polite willow

Willow:  i am

You: then say goodbye

Willow:  explain why i want to a something else


Willow:  what is

You: GOOOOODBYYYE !!!!!!!!

Willow:  a better version of repetitive, but good.  -  She got me on this one :p

You: **** you !

Willow:  you want   -  Holy **** !

edit: lol, saw the censure in the preview, i said f**k you, and went holy s**t when she said "you want", what a teaser ^^

You: oh my god

Willow:  GOODBYE !  -  looks like she wants me out T_T

You: bye

Willow:  Hey


At that point i quited since it will always respond to an input, so i we could of been in a bye loop all day  :P
Hope it was not to long, seem's kinda big for a first post, but i saw lots of good conversations of this forum and wanted to post mine ^^

Nice day to all.


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Re: Nice AI i found
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2011, 09:51:49 am »
Nerzalar , very interesting conversation how old is this program and how long did it take you to get to this point of conversation that you posted/
thanks for sharing it on the forum .
i have posted some of my angela jolene conversations on the forum here from my custom brain working through hal a.i. the lastest is in the share conversations etc. area of the forum .heres the link: