
Author Topic: Robert: Question  (Read 2245 times)


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Robert: Question
« on: May 05, 2017, 09:39:18 pm »
Hello Robert:

Very simple here, Is there a way to hook Hals speech kit via VBS?????

I want to talk and have Have Hal say what i say via the microphone.

What a Badass idea. Ive already proven that this can be done from outside Hal with vbs.
Say what i say plugin.
Now i wana take it to the next level and hook the Mic .
i just got this feeling im gonna need to Hook Hals speech kit, i need to be inside Hals brain so as to get the full effect.
Mouth animation and facial expressions.

Any help with this would be awesome.

Just a few lines from you would help guide me, ill do the work.
Just need to know if its doable.

best wishes

Example of call and use voice from VBS-script:

' We connect voice support
' When you annoy the voice speakon = false
Dim Speak
speakon = true ' We allow voice guidance
Set Speak = CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")

' Create an object DynamicWrapperX
Set Wrap = CreateObject("DynamicWrapperX.2")

' We connect libraries
Wrap.Register "user32.dll", "GetAsyncKeyState", "i=l", "f=s", "r=l"
Wrap.Register "YandexSpeechRecognizeAPI.dll", "start", "i=lls", "f=s", "r=s"   <<<<Robert look whats going on here with these 03 lines!!!!!!!
Wrap.Register "YandexSpeechRecognizeAPI.dll", "setvoicesearch", "i=b", "f=s", "r=s"
Wrap.setvoicesearch true
Wrap.start 10, 1000, "ru_RU"

' We inform the user about the start of work
if (speakon = true) then
Speak.Speak "Ready for voice search."
End if

Do While Wrap.GetAsyncKeyState(27) = "0"
WScript.Sleep 1000 'Number of milliseconds
Loop ' End of cycle

' Sound
if (speakon = true) then
Speak.Speak "The program is completed." '<<<<<<<<< Now the question, can i hook Hals speech kit in the same way>>>>>>>>>>>.
End if

What a power full addon that would be to Hal.

Just my thoughts .btw This was all Russian, i had to translate all this. so forgive me if some wording is wrong.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2017, 12:06:56 pm by cyberjedi »