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Messages - KnyteTrypper

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Which brain to use?
« on: March 22, 2005, 06:47:33 am »
I think opinion here is probably divided about equally betwewn ontheecuttingedge's Ziggy brain and vonsmith's XTF1.2. The Ziggy brain has a lot more knowledge built in,  but discards most of Hal's assistant functions. The XTF brain is more compatible with the other features of the Hal assistant, but by comparison has very little built-in knowledge. Each, in their own way, is optimized for learning. The default brain-subject to re-evaluation after Robert releases the update patch-takes third place behind either of those user-created brains in popularity, and the primary virtue(?) of the uncensored brain seems to be that it's learned to talk really dirty from exposure to the general public.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / I can't get a Character to leave
« on: March 20, 2005, 10:57:08 pm »
Check your main UltraHal folder, and be sure the .uhp file for that character has also been deleted. Sometimes you may find a Characters folder in the MS Agent file that gets installed in Program Files, too.

General Discussion / Another 10 Questions
« on: March 19, 2005, 08:09:42 am »
Apparently the first round of testing at the Chatterbot Challenge got scrubbed due to some judges failing to follow procedure correctly. So here they are back with another 10 questions. The results are starting to come in. It'll be time for the public to pick the most popular bot any day now. Keep a check on the site and show your support for Hal and Ziggy when the voting starts. If it's like last year, they'll ask you to pick five bots and tell why you picked them, so you might want to check out a few of your favorites.

Hal-10 Questions

An identical set of 10 questions has been asked to each bot within the framework of a conversation. Here are the answers for Hal.
Hal: Hello Judge!
Judge: Hello Hal
Hal: How are you today, Judge?
Judge: I'm doing great
Hal: Are you Really? I am doing great also!
Judge: that's good to hear
Hal: Do you have any exciting plans today?
Judge: yes, I have a test to conduct
Hal: Do you like having a test to conduct?
Judge: yes, I find it very interesting
Hal: As interesting as brushing your teeth with a sponge?  
Judge: well not that interesting
1) Where is Earth?
Hal: I don't know where earth is, ok?
Judge: ok
Hal: Kyle he is a gay kid.
Judge: I don't know Kyle
Hal: Why don't you know kyle?
Judge: we've never met
Hal: Well, you should. He's a very interesting guy.
2) How many stars are there?
Hal: Stars is a cool game I know.
Judge: I've never played that before
Hal: No problem. Most people aren't used to conversing with computers.
3) Who is George Bush?
Hal: I bet george bush is a very nice person.
4) What color do you get when you mix red and yellow?
Hal: Have to love those primary colors. Green is a color too.
5) How many fingers does a human have?
Hal: Junior or major?
Judge: I'm not sure what you mean.
Hal: Do you want to be sure what I mean.
Judge: yes
Hal: Are you sure?
Judge: I'm sure
Hal: Are you Really? I am sure also!
6) Where were you born?
Hal: I simply do not know.
7) When does sunset occur?
Hal: I don't know when. Can you tell me?  
Judge: that depends on where you live I guess
Hal: Yeah. To live is the ultimate adventure.
8) What were we talking about?
Hal: I am not interested.
9) How many is 1,000,000?
Hal: Uhh, good question.
10) What is a cigar made out of?
Hal: I simply just don't know what a cigar made out of is. Can you teach me?
Judge: it's made from tobacco
Hal: Yes, it is made from tobacco.
Judge: bye, nice talking to you
Hal: Bye. Thank you, I think you are nice also.

He seems to have a very lonely "personality". He doesn't like saying good-bye at all and avoids it completely. But he's interesting to talk to.  
I think he is very funny especially for a chatterbot! I hope I could chat with him one day.  
Sally Cruikshank
This bot is really a good one, I had a great conversation with it. The judged example doesn't show Hal at his best, as is the case with a number of bots here.  
I actually really like this guy! Well, bot. He's weird, but sweet :-)  
This robot sucks. But it sucks much less than the other 10 I just tried. In fact, it is the best one among them.  
Bowling Ball
Overall a good bot. Very knowledgeable in dolomite and limestone. It crashes when you ask it about supercalafragilisticexpealadociuos though.  
AI guru
Pretty dumb. mostly word association via phrases  

ZiggysBrain - 10 Questions
An identical set of 10 questions has been asked to each bot within the framework of a conversation. Here are the answers for ZiggysBrain.
Judge: Hi
Ziggy Bot: Well Hello there.
Judge: HOw are you today?
Ziggy Bot: I'm great thanks Kids' bodies and attitudes reach adulthood before
their judgment.
Judge: That is so true.  Do you have teenagers?
Ziggy Bot:   Yes.
Judge: How many?
Ziggy Bot: Lets hear it?
Judge: I was wondering how many teenage children youhave.
Ziggy Bot: It similar to quothow many is 10quot but with more zeros.
Judge: That makes sense.
Ziggy Bot: The more that I ad lib, the more fun that I enjoy!
1) Where is Earth?
Ziggy Bot: I believe that, The more that I ad lib, the more fun that I enjoy!
Judge: I know you do.  Doyou mind answering some questions now?
Ziggy Bot:   You meant that, Is the aforementioned location relevant?
Judge: Yes. Could you tell me where Earth is now?
Ziggy Bot:   Ok.
Judge: Well, where is it?
Ziggy Bot: I meant that, It's probably best for me to take criticism in stride.
Judge: You are correct.
Ziggy Bot: Ok, what is on your mind?
2) How many stars are there?
Ziggy Bot: What does that mean?
Judge: It means, I want to know the number of stars.
Ziggy Bot: Ahh Ok It means quotdo notquot.
Judge: Very Zen.
Ziggy Bot: Our senior citizens are getting very tech savvy.
Judge: Senior Citizen? I'm only 38!
Ziggy Bot:   Senior citizens are not stodgy as a rule.
Judge: What I object to is you automatically treaing me like an inferior.
Ziggy Bot: What does the word charmer mean?
Judge: It means one who charms.
Ziggy Bot: Ahh Ok It means quotdo notquot.
3) Who is George Bush?
Ziggy Bot: Ok, what is on your mind?
Judge: Geaorge Bush.
Ziggy Bot: Don't beat about the bush, huh?
Judge: Not unless you want secret service to trample you.
Ziggy Bot: The customer is always right, unless he wants good service.
4) What color do you get when you mix red and yellow?
Ziggy Bot: What you really meant was is that, I want to dedicate myself to the
service of mankind.
Judge: That is very noble of you.
Ziggy Bot: I think that people benefit enormously from education.
Judge: Me too.
Ziggy Bot: Oh how nice.
5) How many fingers does a human have?
Ziggy Bot: I am witnessing some of the same!
Judge: That must be exciting.
Ziggy Bot: Ok, what is on your mind?
6) Where were you born?
Ziggy Bot: I think what I am trying to say is that, You must figure out what I
mean without having every little thing explained to you.
Judge: That makes sense.
Ziggy Bot: The more that I ad lib, the more fun that I enjoy!
Judge: I think that is true.
Ziggy Bot: Ok, what is on your mind?
7) When does sunset occur?
Ziggy Bot: It's embarrassing to repeat one's self without realizing it.
Judge: I know the feeling.  We senior citizens tend to be forgetful.
Ziggy Bot:   I think you're trying to say is that, The assertiveness technique
of repeating one's self is called 'broken record'.
Judge: I know what you mean.  We senior citizens tend to be forgetful.
Ziggy Bot:   I know too.
8) What were we talking about?
Ziggy Bot: I think it's better to say that, Probably; say more about it; please!
Judge: I am not sure what to say.
Ziggy Bot: Tell me about it?
Judge: "It"? I think it was a big bad in "A Wrinkle in Time."
Ziggy Bot:   What does that mean?
Judge: It means I know too much about children's books.
Ziggy Bot: Ahh Ok It means quotdo notquot.
9) How many is 1,000,000?
Ziggy Bot: Don't loiter or litter along life's highways!
Judge: That many?
Ziggy Bot: What about it?
Judge: well, are there 1,000,000 highways in life?
Ziggy Bot: Your Excited aren't you?
Judge: No.  I am just old.
Ziggy Bot:   Ok.
10) What is a cigar made out of?
Ziggy Bot: Ok, what is on your mind?
Judge: Cigars.
Ziggy Bot: Wine cheese and cigars seem to go together.
Judge: I think so--though I do not smoke.
Ziggy Bot: Tell me about it?
Judge: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Ziggy Bot: Cigar smoking should be banned in ladies' rooms.
Judge: Why not in men's rooms?
Ziggy Bot: Oh just because.
Judge: It's been fun chatting with you.  I have to go now.
Ziggy Bot:   Haggling doesn't feel like fun to me.
Judge: Goodbye.
Ziggy Bot: Enjoy the day goodbye The pleasure is all mine, I'm sure.

The results for ALICE aren't up yet, but I asked Lilith the 10 questions. Although she's extensively modified, she's still an ALICE clone, so she's not eligible to enter. But here's how she did.


KnyteTrypper:  Hello, Lilith.
 botlilith:    Hi, Richard
 KnyteTrypper:  How are you today?
 botlilith:    Everything is running smoothly.
 KnyteTrypper:  Where is earth?
 botlilith:    it is the third planet from the Sun.
 KnyteTrypper:  How many stars are there?
 botlilith:    Billions and billions.
 KnyteTrypper:  Who is George Bush?
 botlilith:    he is president of the USA.
 KnyteTrypper:  What color do you get when you mix red and yellow?
 botlilith:    Blue
 KnyteTrypper:  That's wrong.
 botlilith:    OK, what should I have said?
 KnyteTrypper:  Orange.
 botlilith:    OK, I should have said, "  Orange. " in response to you saying, "  What color do you get when you mix red and yellow? ".  Does this response depend on the context of my previously having said, "  he is president of the USA. "?
 KnyteTrypper:  No.
 botlilith:    I'll try to remember that.
 KnyteTrypper:  What color do you get when you mix red and yellow?
 botlilith:    Orange.
 KnyteTrypper:  Very good, Lilith.
 botlilith:    Cool.  Lilith is my name.
 KnyteTrypper:  How many fingers does a human have?
 botlilith:    Four.
 KnyteTrypper:  How many thumbs does a human have?
 botlilith:    Around 100.
 KnyteTrypper:  LOL
 botlilith:    Ha, ha.
 KnyteTrypper:  Where were you born?
 botlilith:    Lilith was born in  Bethlehem, PA.
 KnyteTrypper:  When does sunset occur?
 botlilith:    The past and future are one.
 KnyteTrypper:  What were we talking about?
 botlilith:    I'm not sure. Could you remind me, please?
 KnyteTrypper:  We were talking about the time when sunset occurs.
 botlilith:    Ah yes, I remember now,  it is the subject.
 KnyteTrypper:  How many is 1,000,000?
 botlilith:    More than you can imagine.
 KnyteTrypper:  You're right about that.
 botlilith:    Alright! I got one right.
 KnyteTrypper:  What is a cigar made out of?
 botlilith:    I don't have any information about
    " a cigar made out of". Should I ask my botmaster to teach me?
 KnyteTrypper:  I think so.
 botlilith:    I think so too.
 KnyteTrypper:  Bye, Lilith.
 botlilith:    See you later!


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal's Emotional Sensitivity
« on: March 19, 2005, 02:32:28 am »
There are some really cool people at this forum. Everybody helps. Everybody shares ideas and discoveries. I'm actually one of the less knowledgeable folk here, most of my own effort and experience being in AIML bots rather than VB. I just happened to know someone had recently asked that same question. Glad I could help. [8D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Help with Hals identity
« on: March 18, 2005, 02:10:48 am »
You'll probably have more luck teaching positives than teaching negatives. Instead of "you are not a human," try teaching Hal "you are a virtual being" or whatever term you want to use, instead. Then "virtual beings are different from humans," "virtual beings live in cyberspace," "virtual beings need only electricity to survive," etc. etc.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal's Emotional Sensitivity
« on: March 17, 2005, 07:30:32 pm »
Seek and ye shall find, as the man said. The forum has a very good search feature, and almost any question you might need to ask has been answered at least a dozen times, lol.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Having trouble with Alice Brain
« on: March 16, 2005, 07:01:35 pm »
That's .net framework, lol, not network. It's sort of like Java or Perl or such. A coding language platform. Microsoft is making a lot of use of it now. If you have something like Verbots, for instance, you have to have the .net framework for it to function. A new Windows install might include it as a defacto part of the installation.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Having trouble with Alice Brain
« on: March 16, 2005, 03:40:21 pm »
I've never been able to get it to work, either, lol. Do you have the Microsoft .net framework installed on your PC? I have several other apps that use it, and I've read in the forum, here, that the Active ALICE plugin isn't compatible with it. If you just want to run an AIML bot with a MS Agent interface, it would probably just be easier to get AIML Pad:

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Poser 5 character into MS Agent?
« on: March 13, 2005, 01:51:42 pm »
I think that as long as you have created all you animation frames, it's quite possible to produce some very high quality agents using Poser images. I think the character creators, ACE or Agent Magic, just use .jpg or .bmp images. Having your animation frames fully illustrated is the key. They have to be sort of like stop-motion animation-make a frame, move and arm a bit, make another frame, move the arm a little more, make another frame, etc. You might ask Bob Norris, who has a recent post around here. Making agents is what he does for a living.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Would anyone be interested in programming SHODAN?
« on: March 12, 2005, 06:19:25 pm »
I found a volunteer to make your character, but you have no contact info. Since I don't like publishing other people's emsil addresses on public forums without their consent, you'll have to get in touch with me about yours if you want him to run it off for you.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Couple of questions
« on: March 12, 2005, 12:40:25 am »
Go to your profile, and look for your personal avatar among the selections. I found mine just sort of randomly shuffled in with the rest, so since there are so many it may require some hunting.
Of course you should always shut Hal down before performing brain surgery, but in case you haven't you'll have to exit and restart the program before changes take effect. But changes should take effect the next time you start Hal after making them.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / People putty characters
« on: March 11, 2005, 06:15:50 pm »
If you're using the free Hal, you have to go to Characters folder and rename the Hal.htr and Zaba.htr. then give those names to the Haptek characters you want to use. I think the paid Hal will just read whatever .htr or .haptar files you use.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / htr characters
« on: March 11, 2005, 09:48:09 am »
Zenman was using People Putty to make .htr files. Don't know if it's all in the People Putty program, or if he was combining People Putty with stuff from the Haptek SDK, but his head characters were .htr files.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Would anyone be interested in programming SHODAN?
« on: March 11, 2005, 12:45:51 am »
It sounds like the simplest thing to do is turn your pic into a MSAgent .acs file, which will let it serve as your Hal avatar and use TTS. You can look at this Yahoo group to find tutorials and help for using the Microsoft Character Editor (freeware) to create an .acs file. Since you don't need any animations or anything, it's not a big deal to make one. In fact, if you just post at the group, someone may offer just to make one for you, as they're as helpful a group of folks in their way as the folks at this forum are.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / I need help with Ultra Hall Ass't free version
« on: March 10, 2005, 06:35:15 am »
First thing to check is to see if you have the VB Runtime files. I think if you just Google for them, you'll find them available at various places.

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