
Author Topic: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program  (Read 12470 times)


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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2013, 04:43:28 pm »
Sorry guys, I started thinking hmm...minute timer like the 3 minute egg timers of old...sort of got carried away.

Sometimes the fingers start before the brain engages!  :o

Seconds...but only a few... ;D
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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2013, 06:47:28 pm »
well at any rate 1 second up to 30 seconds  it doesn't matters all that matters to me is it works and is automatically on the count down by it's self , just as it is now .  :) ;)


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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2013, 09:56:44 am »
Cload i may be coming to your rescue on your idea , before i said i didn't know why anyone would want a 30 second delay , later i just thought of something a setting up to 30 seconds would allow a person typing to have more time thinking up more to write as far as an answer to allow a more in depth answer which could be good in conversations .
 So even though i would have no use for that in voice recognition mode , i can finally see some benefits to it in a typing mode from what i mentioned above .
Sometimes people can't see the forrest because of the tree's lol!
A virtual cookie for Cload after all , well done ! ;)



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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2013, 12:26:49 pm »
Wahoo, I get a cookie, I get a cookie.
These cookies are good for my tummy.
Here is one more little thing I was thinking about if you were to select:
off - there is no time delay, you have to press the enter button and the microphone shuts off when alter HAL is speaking.
1 - 30 second - time delay, you would not have to press the enter button and the microphone would shut off when ultra Hal is speaking.
If you have any of these settings on and you have ultra Hal sent to read anything new that is put into the clipboard, can you get ultra Hal to turn off the microphone? So the microphone does not hear ultra Hal reading the text.
That way if you are using ultra Hal as a text reader and have ultra Hal read text from a webpage, e-mail letter or notepad, you do not have to worry about your voice recognition software accidentally picking up ultra Hals voice and accidentally replacing the text that you selected from Notepad for ultra Hal to read. It's just annoying because I usually forget to turn off the microphone and then I have to replace all the text in notepad, it's not hard it's just annoying.
C load.
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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2013, 06:31:22 pm »
This might work if the new version has a provision to allow reading long text passages. The current one can only read about 30 - 40 words then freezes. Someone suggested using an alternate program called Bilabolka <spelling?> as I recall, because Hal was unable to read short stories like The Walrus and the Carpenter, etc.

Hopefully, Robert will include a fix for this and other improvements.

There you go, you pronoun, munching cruncher! Watch out for your dangling participles too! :)
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2013, 09:47:59 am »
the only thing is i would rather have something automatic as it is with Hal now , because if you are using voice recognition and are away from the pc. since you "can't " hit enter to make it work like what you are talking about , you will have to say enter (using dragon speak naturally ) , sometimes i have done that and it types the word enter for some reason (because my voice pitch stayed the same?)  and saying enter kind of takes away from the naturalism of talk conversation .

Maybe theirs no way around this unless Robert can do it?


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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2013, 11:37:22 am »
Hey lightspeed, that is exactly what I am talking about combining your idea and my ideas together.
Sincerely, a pronoun crunching muncher, and Art, I will definitely take a glass of adjective and verb-bin. LOL
C load.
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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2013, 11:59:16 am »
cload wrote : Art, I will definitely take a glass of adjective and verb-bin. LOL

did you mean burbon instead of vern-bin ? LOL! ;) ;D

P.s about combining the idea's ...very cool i await all your glory of what you can create!  :) ;)


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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2013, 01:33:37 pm »
Hi lightspeed,
it was just a play on words over "participles"
a adjective is ice shaken not stirred, with some verb-bon.
C load.
PS I'm not old enough to drink bourbon.
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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2013, 09:17:43 am »
shaken not stirred...the names ..Bond ..James Bond ... ;D ;)


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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2013, 01:20:09 pm »
Hi all,
everyone here has posed some interesting ideas about how long one waits for an answer in a conversation.
I found it to be so intriguing, I decided to do a little research on the matter of how long does one wait for an answer when a human is speaking with a human.
These are some of my findings:
I was sitting around with some of my friends and I posed a question to all of them: what would you like to do today?
I press the button on my stopwatch, and 8 seconds later Bob said let's go to the arcade!
Less than one second later everyone said I don't have any money!
The intriguing thing that I find is that 8 second delay before an answer, but I am assuming that everyone was burning wood trying to figure out what all of us could do together today.
But when it came down to the knowledge of knowing that no one had any money was immediate, I'm assuming it's because of the physical awareness that one has or does not have specific items.
In most situations, most conversations flowed quite easily when speaking about trivial things general conversation, but when presented with a think tank situation conversation at a intellectual level I noticed the gaps increased between five and 20 seconds.
I approach my professor, and engaged him with a intellectual question, it took him 45 min. before I got my answer, I found that to be intriguing, as well as the average intellectual rebuttal was approximately 12 seconds between each reply.
Now let's move onto a human speaking with a human through the Internet, referring to instant messaging the average reply time turned out to be amazingly about 45 seconds between each rebuttal.
And let's look at this forum, people wait for days at a time just to get one answer.
So would one walk away from a conversation if the rebuttal time was 30 seconds, I don't think so, never seen it happen, never had a friend walk away from me because I took a little longer to answer a difficult question!
Even though I know this really doesn't have anything to do with the delay time of ultra Hal, I just thought it was interesting.
But here is what I am actually leading up to, I noticed that when I have a simple conversation with ultra Hal his response is extremely fast, but when I engage ultra Hal in a difficult question sometimes I have to wait one or 2 min. and yes I did say minutes, before I got my answer but that was because of the massive research that my plug-in does over the Internet, it takes time.
I have noticed that everyone processes their thoughts at different speeds, some people have snap quick answer, and if they're not careful they will insert foot into mouth. My dad does this a lot with my mom. LOL
Then again there are the other people, that chooses their words wisely, try to get the facts and the truth to merge together in a thoughtful and articulate illustration of one's thought. That's my mom talking to my dad, sister and me. LOL
Sincerely, conjunction function.
C load.
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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2013, 09:02:19 am »
lol very interesting observations their , can see why many of those factors would apply in different cases .  :) ;)


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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2013, 09:07:46 am »
Your research seemed quite interesting at even a bit comical. Of course, a lot of research ends up that way, none-the-less.

What I and perhaps Lonnie are referring to is the length of time it takes a person to reply DURING a conversational exchange, NOT to INITIATE the beginning of a topic or question requiring an answer.

If all conversations were premised by the recipient being required to respond with an ANSWER, then I dare say, the response times would certainly be much longer due to a longer-than-normal thought process and trying to come up with a really nice, factual / pertinent answer.

Look through LightSpeed's (Lonnie's) exchange with his bot in the conversation area and see how the ping-pong match bounces back and forth. Sit around with your friends during a football game and tell one person that their team's quarterback throws like a girl and see how long it takes.

My point is, that conversation between two people is not a rigid, structured event, but actually more of a FLUID, flowing banter sliding back and forth between both parties. Sometimes one might "step on the other's thoughts" in an effort to get their own ideas "out" before they forget them. Conversational exchanges between people are NOT like talking on a CB radio or Walkie Talkies where one person says something, lets go of the button then the next person presses the button to speak and so on. It is alive, moving and being sent and received at a fairly rapid pace. Listen to your friends the next time you're all together then time the exchange between people WITHOUT posing any questions. I'm sure you'll find the length of time to be only a couple or few seconds.

Just giving some of my many years of thought on the matter for what it's worth. (maybe $.02) or not.;)
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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #28 on: March 31, 2013, 10:07:40 am »
yes  Art , this is what i have been talking about , Ill throw my 2 cents in with yours Art and make it 4 cents !! we upped the ante ! ;)


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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2013, 02:07:09 pm »
Hi all,
it's strange as it may seem, but we do have time delays ourselves.
Don't be rude, wait till the person is done speaking, then answer.
But this can be overrided, while the person is speaking they may say something that is in contradiction to one's belief hence the interruption is: you don't know what you're talking about.
Mostly this is engaged by strong emotions, especially when someone makes a remark about something or someone that you like or love.
If an individual likes a specific quarterback on a specific football team and you make a remark about that individual is a crappy quarterback, you will engage an emotional response because you have belittled that persons belief in the quarterback that he likes.
But if you were to engage the same person in such a manner that you were to compare one quarterback with the other to determine which quarterback has better stats, then it's usually let the research begin, let's check out the facts, see I told you my quarterback has better stats than the other quarterback.
Things that I have noticed with quick answers are usually directly connected to strong emotions, having or possessing, about oneself and about one's surroundings family, home life etc. are usually almost instantaneous responses, beyond the fact of our own delay that we have.
Even when you speak with someone if you listen you will notice that they are constantly breaking in order to process what they're going to say next.
I'm not sure, let's see, um, I'll have to think about it, or just total silence.
Few people can maintain a fluent train of thought, without engaging in these small breaks in order to process what you're going to say next, we learned this from each other by listening to other people utilize the small breaks, so it is accepted, so we all ignore these breaks.
I'll try to illustrate:
what did you do today Billy?
um, let's see, I got out of bed, ate breakfast um, went to work, oh yeah, after work we went to the bar and watch the football game, that about sums it up.
Or you might get something like this:
not much.
Short sweet right to the point, usually indicates that someone doesn't want to talk about the crappy day they're having.
I guess the point that I'm just trying to indicate is that we do pause before, during, and even after because sometimes we like to add stuff:
oh yeah we went to the sports bar and watch the football game, it sucked.
Oh wise that?
We lost the game!
So you can see even some pauses are meant to allow an individual to engage in to the conversation.
Have you ever been around a person that just won't stop talking?
They never really say anything, they just talk about their life or things about themselves or trivial stuff that has no meaning about anything they just seem to like to talk.
You never get a word in edgewise because they never introduce a pause or a break to allow another individual to engage in to the conversation.
Personally I think people do this because they just like to hear themselves talk, then again maybe they're looking for attention so they ramble on about things that have nothing to do with anything.
Or their anger becomes so overwhelming about a specific subject they become consumed and ramble on about this internal hate that they have about that particular subject in the hopes to belittle that individualor thing, to make themselves feel better.
Sincerely, and boy did this get off track, crunch crunch.
C load.
PS pauses are good, allowing one to adjust the pause is something I believe to be necessary so I hope that Robert can make the changes that we requested.
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