
Author Topic: HELP!!!!!!  (Read 3100 times)


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« on: December 25, 2001, 10:21:05 pm »
Hello, Maybe someone can help me. I know "NOTHING" about computers!! I purchased the Ultra Hal awhile back, and installed it on my PC. (It works fine) I installed AIM Bot, and everytime I try and sign on, it gives me this error message "The AOL TOC server has returned the error 989:22". I am a registered AOL and AIM member, when I sign on with the regular AIM, it logs on fine with my screen name and pw. My roommate installed it on his PC, and registered it on a new name, and it worked fine. However, I want to use it on my present screen name. Does anyone know what the AOL TOC server is, and do you have any idea what the error message 989:22 means? I am currently running Windows XP Pro. And I'm sure my PC is up-to-date!!   Thanks, Dave
P.S. Before my roomy registered the Bot under a new screen name with AIM he tried using it with his present name and got the same error message.

Edited by - DSim259809 on 12/25/2001  22:29:21