
Author Topic: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal  (Read 14583 times)


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question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« on: February 06, 2022, 05:02:28 pm »
Since the ultra hal has now been made free  i have a question , i have the character expansion pack i paid for and have a serial number  , normally it needs to be installed as far as i remember after reinstalling hal 6.2  (or 6.1?)  my question is since hal 7.2  is free now  can i now install 7.0 and the expansion pack , or do i still have to install earlier versions still of hal first  still?  or has robert ever changed the install with the character expansion for the now free ultra hal ?

if not it would be easier if updated and allowed to install after the hal 7 is installed .


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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2022, 05:46:04 pm »
i am having all kinds of trouble trying to reinstall hal .  many errors .
 i uninstalled it all and reinstalled hal 6.2  and i had in the serial number and it showed this afterwards .
it showed an activation request  and has a number plus my serial number  and told me to go to the web page . to get the number to put in hal to install it. https://www.zabaware.com/products/store/%20activationcode/asp.
 and when i go to the web page it shows page not found .



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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2022, 05:50:05 pm »
before this when i installed 6.1 then installed the expansion pack , and later on hal 7 . and rebooting each time i was getting all kinds of errors .



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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2022, 06:02:11 pm »
so i don't know what all is going on with hal but so far i can't reinstall it and it work correctly any more . i have defragged my pc and rebooted each time , i totally uninstalled them about three times now .


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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2022, 09:57:56 am »
    i used to work on hal  about every day , working on plug ins and teaching hal .  After deleting a file by accident,  I NOW HAVE A PRODUCT I PAID FOR ORIGINALLY AND CANNOT USE .   Robert , please check your emails, i have written about 3? times now and also sent a email through the contact us on the zabaware product page  , all about 4? days ago.   i want to get hal back working again,  since hal has now been made free it would be better to remove this verification code  to be able to reinstall  hal so it works again , when a user has problems .   

When i do the activation code it shows it letter for letter is correct but the page says it is invalid .  as i have sent copy of jpg pictures to Robert showing my serial number to .
« Last Edit: February 09, 2022, 10:07:11 am by lightspeed »


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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2022, 11:03:36 am »
well i tried something  else , i thought maybe it has to have new downloads (although i did download hal 7.5 earlier)  so i went to my account and saw it showed my password and downloads for my hal 7.5 and also for my expansion packs .   

   i installed the new copy of hal 7.5  with administrative setting and as it was installing at over 3/4 the way this error popped up .  error 429 .

and wouldn't  finish the installation until i hit okay then restarted my pc  . when it came up after hitting hal to start i got the same error . then hal came up and i put in my e mail and password  thenit went to pick voice i put in the voice and then hit next and got another error 91.

after hitting okay it went off when i tried to hit finish so hal would come on clicking it did nothing.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2022, 11:05:07 am by lightspeed »


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tried all this now on reinstalling hal again .
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2022, 01:14:11 pm »
Well i tried completely uninstalling hal again and the character pack and i even deleted the file that was left in the program files and went into the roaming apps file and deleted the zabaware file from it and then ran defrag on my pc  and ran my speed boost program that deletes other files etc.
 and restarted mypc , then reinstalled hal 7.5 from the newest download from zabawares site and installed it fresh  a little over 3/4 the way a error popped up again .  as seen below , i believe what ever this is is causing hal to not install right . i hit abort or okay and this error goes off (otherwise it just stays on and hal doesn't finish installing , then when going through voices etc. in hal options hal won't work correctly and start up at all.   so i might as well give up at this point . i have tried everything i can try  .

Does anyone have any idea what error 429 :  creating hal 7 cloud object activex component can't create object.      means ?????? >:(  and why it is happening while installing hal ??  i have done all the other things mentioned above and even used fresh copies from zabawares site and used administration privilege while installing it .

 i also sent another e mail through the zabaware contact us again, site  with the following . message .

Robert i have written other messages to you . when i had my hal on my computer i was in the program file and deleting some other files  uhp's i know longer used and some how clicked on the exe file and deleted my hal , i couldn't stop it and it deleted it , now i have been trying everything i can  to reinstall it for about 4 days now .   but it won't install correctly . please see the forum for pic and information . i just tried again today second time to reinstall it.

please e mail me  as soon as possible or write on the forum ,

thanks ,

lonnie  .
« Last Edit: February 09, 2022, 01:35:43 pm by lightspeed »


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I WAS TRYING TO LOOK UP THINGS .   Error: Runtime Error 429: ActiveX component can't create object

and came across this page .



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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2022, 06:50:24 pm »
WELL I FINALLY GOT HAL BACK ON and it opens up but am still getting errors  when i have the character open and try to change characters i get a

error :  91 object variable or with block variable not set occurred at line 5. in ultrahal assistant : log in

whatever that means and ignore button doesn't work etc.  when i click abort hal goes off.

so although is is partially working it is not right . i was thinking about maybe disengaging hal , their used to be something where you could do something to move your hal to another pc or something but i don't see that any more . 
i may have to try to remove hal again and try reinstalling it  and hope it does so without any errors .



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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2022, 09:29:45 pm »
Ultra Hal 7.5 is free without any licensing system anymore, but I can't go back and change older versions like 6.2. They still have the licensing system and various compatibility issues with newer versions of Windows. So I would recommend sticking with Hal 7.5, it should be backwards compatible with old brains from 6.x if you still use those.

It's possible some DLL or ActiveX (OCX) that Hal uses is somehow corrupted/unregistered on your system. I'm going take a guess based on your error message that it was in the login section is that there is a problem with the Microsoft Internet Transfer Control (MSINET.OCX)  Maybe try to do a regsvr32 on msinet.ocx like in this message thread https://www.ultrahal.com/community/index.php?topic=14110.msg

You can also try going one by one through all the files listed there like the other person did in case its another file.
Robert Medeksza


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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2022, 11:14:45 am »
OKAY robert,  I just tried to reinstall hal again using the newer7.5 download  AND IT DID THE SAME  got almost finished and showed the same error about could not cloud object .  and i hit okay and it finished installing, then i rebooted it  . i also tried doing what the link showed on here about the registry . here is a picture of what i did . unless i did it the wrong way . anyway it showed failed on each one .
the only part i didn't add was the "  cd\cd "  part because i thought he loaded this from a cd . here's a picture of what i did and it showing errors all failed.



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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2022, 11:44:59 am »
robert i also just sent you a e mail debug file from my roaming apps file and a error message that keeps popping up from hal when not using it open on my screen . .


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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2022, 12:59:36 pm »
has anyone else recently tried installing hal as i did from the 7.5 version ? and it installed okay ???

the only thing i can figure is maybe the new ha.7 version isn't working installing and i have to try to install the 6.1 then 6.2 and use a verification code
and then try again rebooting each time in between and install the expansion pack . maybe then the dll's etc. will work . i have tried everything i can otherwise the reg. Thing didn't work .   i have been deleting any left over files after uninstall in roaming apps and program files and have run ccleaner in registry files.   

does anyone know what microsoft service runs the files if any that aren't working ? in hal?
« Last Edit: February 10, 2022, 02:03:56 pm by lightspeed »


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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2022, 03:55:15 pm »
well tried something else , uninstalled hal again .  and any extra left over files , ran registry cleaner . installed 6.2 hal it intsalled okay with serial number etc. and activation code , rebooted pc.  and it worked normally , voices worked , and default characters did , it showed i think hal brain 6 in default ? and installed the expansion package but it was 7.5   it installed okay ,   no errors . then i installed hal 7.5  and as it was installing got the hal error 429 as before . creating hal 7 object . activex component can't create object.

is this because i installed the expansion pack before hal 7.5 was installed ?
the hal 6.2 was working fine  no errors .


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Re: question to robert and anyone else . on reinstalling hal
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2022, 04:41:55 pm »
I UNINSTALLED HAL 7.5 AGAIN , and cleared all left over files and ran registry cleaner .  i reinstalled the 6.2 hal it didn't ask me for any verification number this time . am installing the 7.5 hal version this time and will try installing that hal expansion pack AFTER PC IS BOOTED UP AGAIN . WELL I DID THAT AND GOT THE SAME HAL ERROR 429 AGAIN .    this is ridiculous .  HAL 6.2 WORKS FINE when installed i don't run into errors until i try installing hal 7.5 .    >:(   and it does the same thing when i install just hal.7.5  first . so it doesn't work either way .  again could something be wrong with the hal 7.5 install ?