Zabaware Forums > Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area
Image of the day
Hey guys:
Just catching up here.
IOTD could very easily be converted to MOOD Of The day
By accessing Hal main script and building a trigger Rite here and call to the plugin. IOTD.
Pull it up from ur own drive (folder) and yes you can load out *.gif images as swell. So it could quite crafty'
Search around for the mp3 player as well. You would use some of that code too
Have fun and make it ur own.
'We enable Hal's expressions to respond to common verbal cues.
'The verbal cues are identified in the editable table "emotion"
If InStr(1, UserSentence, "I'M", 1) Then Aboutme = True
If InStr(1, UserSentence, "I AM", 1) Then Aboutme = True
If InStr(1, UserSentence, "I LOOK", 1) Then Aboutme = True
If InStr(1, UserSentence, "MY", 1) And InStr(1, UserSentence, " ARE ", 1) Then Aboutme = True
If Aboutme = True And InStr(UserSentence, " NOT ") = 0 And InStr(UserSentence, "N'T ") = 0 And InStr(UserSentence, " NEVER ") = 0 Then
EmotionalReaction = Ucase(HalBrain.TopicSearch(UserSentence, "emotion"))
End If
Select Case EmotionalReaction
If Compliment > 0 Then Compliment = 4
If Compliment = 0 Then Compliment = 2
If Compliment < 0 Then Compliment = 0
Case "HAPPY"
If Compliment = 0 Then Compliment = 2 <<<here
If Compliment < 0 Then Compliment = 0
Case "SOBER"
If Compliment < 4 Then Compliment = 0
If Compliment = 4 Then Compliment = 2
Case "ANGRY"
If Compliment = 0 Then Compliment = -1 <<<<<<here
If Compliment > 0 Then Compliment = 0
Case "SAD"
If Compliment = 0 Then Compliment = -2
If Compliment > 0 Then Compliment = 0
End Select
ect ect
Just a thought.
Cyber jedi
P.S: To the people in the loop. Very sorry for the extended vacation from ZabaWare.
This Job has turned into a beast. Never saw it coming.
Looks like another month then im free again
Gonna take the rest of the year off to work on hals code.
To put a point on it, ive had 200K dollars in change orders alone out of 500k proposed none of which goes to me lolol, just a lot more work
Just to much money to say NO too'
thanks cyberjedi , will check it out . glad to see you back . :)
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