Zabaware Forums > Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area

GodelPy for Hal (Local GPT for Hal, with memory and functionality)

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i did all the instructions and on the third part to test . but it gave no errors but did not install a data 2  file it just has data txt.

here is the last part i did. and what it showed .

on testing thepart of"  If everything went smoothly then the hard part is done and we can begin a small test to make sure everything is in order. To make sure everything is installed correctly, simply open CMD for a final time, then drag and drop the python script from the Control\Godel directory into CMD and then hit enter. This will run the script. If no errors pop up and a "data2.txt" file appears in the Control/Godel directory, then all is ready for Hal."

i am getting this error . i have it in two parts(the picture .)

Alright everyone,

I have updated the code an slimmed things down a little because I think I bit off more than I could chew, however, I updated the instructions, please replace all files and start from step 1. I'm confident this is it.

Thanks for hanging out!


OKAY I FOLLOWED THE NEW INSTRUCTIONS AND DOWNLOADED ALL FILES AND PUT THEM IN the area's mentioned  step six did everything no errors but on 7 . it did not create a data 2 .txt file in the area it was suppose to . so i didn't do any more  because it still is not creating that file. see pics below.

Actually lightspeed, that's the best news I've heard all day!

You and Art have done it, you geniuses, you both pulled the same error and pinpointed the issue.

Note: I have corrected for errors and updated the file in the Control/Godel directory, if you wouldn't mind replacing that with the new one provided in the Ultra Hal, please and thank you. This will resolve the error and the program should now be operational.

Please keep me posted on updates!



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