Zabaware Forums > Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area

Hal's Game talk .brn


'This script detects and talks about games.
'Hal will save and use any game talk.
'Games.brn is the detection file so edit freely
'GamesTalk.brn is the read/write .brn file.

If HalBrain.TopicSearch(OriginalSentence, WorkingDir & "GAMES.brn") = "TRUE" Then
AnswerSent = "" & Trim(OriginalSentence)
HalBrain.AppendFile WorkingDir & "GAMESTALK" & ".brn", AnswerSent
End If

If HalBrain.TopicSearch(OriginalSentence, WorkingDir & "GAMES.brn") = "TRUE" Then
GamePlay = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "GAMESTALK.brn")
      GetResponse = GamePlay & vbCrLf
      DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "The user is talking about games: " & GamePlay & vbCrLf
      DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "User is not talking about games: " & GamePlay & vbCrLf
   End If

Best of wishes and new discoveries.

Download Attachment: Games.brn
1.25 KB

Download Attachment: GAMESTALK.brn
538 Bytes


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