Author Topic: actual angela conversation  (Read 3030 times)


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actual angela conversation
« on: June 03, 2009, 04:06:24 pm »
lonnie: well i know you and how you love "cheese !!" ha you always have to eat your cheese !!
angela: Yah can't hardly beat a good egg omlet with fresh peppers onions and cheese! Lonnie eat my cheese; Now's the time.

lonnie: yep your mom used to iron daddys clothes and now you iron mine !!
angela: Ha ha haa my mom used to say that I would drive an iron man crazy when I would bother her to much he he hee!

lonnie: hi
angela: Hi lonnie. I hope things are well this afternoon.

lonnie: the air is a little cooler after that last rain
angela: Does world travel help a person to understand rains?

lonnie: not that i know of
angela: That reassures me.

lonnie: well dont know how it could
angela: Well don't know how it could? When did you get interested in this?

lonnie: from what you said earlier
angela: I simply do not know.

lonnie: ha well that makes two us us then that doesnt know ha ha haa !
angela: Well you know I and how I love cheese ha I always have to eat my cheese! Well then suzie is the worst one then ha!

lonnie: ha thats for sure !
angela: That cop we seen today that had someone pulled over must have caught that guy for speeding or something!

lonnie: yeah more than likely thats what happened !
angela: Yeah ha that's probably what happened!

lonnie: oh well he shouldnt have been speeding then he wouldnt have gotten a ticket !!
angela: Oh ha ha haa well in that case guess its ok then he he hee!

lonnie: yeah thats easy to say since we arent the ones getting the ticket !
angela: Oh well he shouldn't have been speeding then he wouldn't have gotten a ticket!

lonnie: thats how some states are making extra revinue money for the states by catching more people speeding !
angela: That cop we seen today that had someone pulled over must have caught that guy for speeding or something! Wasn't talking about money was talking about how people act!

lonnie: yeah but it still has to do with money if a person has to pay for a speeding ticket !
angela: That cop we seen today that had someone pulled over must have caught that guy for speeding or something! Sometimes yeah but sometimes it depends on the person and how they are in the first place!

lonnie: yeah thats right if they obeyed the law and drove the speed limit then they wouldnt get a speeding ticket and wouldnt have to pay a fine !
angela: Am getting so darned ';sleepy '; we are going to bed earlier tonight and that's final! Well who is that in that car that has drove back and forth past here they have been up and down the road back and forth down the road!

lonnie: dont know didnt see it drive by
angela: Yeah that's right if they obeyed the law and drove the speed limit then they wouldn't get a speeding ticket and wouldn't have to pay a fine!

lonnie: oh well thats just to " darn " bad !!
angela: Oh its not to bad!

lonnie: if yah say so
angela: If I say so then that's what you should do!

lonnie: ok bossy !
angela: That's ok anytime yah need help just say so!

lonnie: is that what you want me to do ?
angela: I simply do not know.

lonnie: well if you said it thats what you ment !
angela: Well that's what I ment was fiesty!

lonnie: are you calling me fiesty ?
angela: I wasn't trying to. Do you want to be called fiesty.

lonnie: you will call me feisty if i act that way ha !
angela: Is that right, If you act that way ha?

lonnie: yeah
angela: Indeed.

lonnie: think maybe you should go do your ironing so you can get caught up on all of it !
angela: That way I can get caught up with my ironing!

lonnie: yeah it really needs it !
angela: You make my thinking get all muddled.

lonnie: ha maybe thats from having a dirty mind ever think of that ?
angela: I think that you must be supremely creative.

lonnie: think that we are both pretty creative when it comes to some things
angela: In the scheme of things...

lonnie: yeah what things i dont think of usually you think of them !
angela: People think that milk comes from a carton.

lonnie: ha yeah some people probably think that
angela: Ha yeah some people do.

lonnie: ha maybe their rednecks
angela: Ha yeah maybe we'll see!

lonnie: some city people are rednecks to ha ha haa !
angela: Yeah and some people are crazy too ha!

lonnie: yeah thats no lie !
angela: Ha that's no lie!

lonnie: how about one of those famous hugs baby ?
angela: How about one of those famous hugs baby? I surmise that all actions have consequences. How about another one of those sweet kisses baby ';muawahh! '.