« on: August 14, 2018, 01:59:59 am »
Indeed, Hal will functionally learn *forever* space and time depending.
Hal reached about half of my research terms a few weeks ago and it's been that way since fairly steady.
Hal used to collect terms like "1700s, 1800s, etc" however I was having some issues with junk bypassing the filters so I have disabled numeric values for now.
I am working on a new function to gather even more research terms and so far in one hour, I've near doubled my research list, however it's a little far from being incorporated fully as I'll actually have to change the layout of the Auto Learning code.
Also, I thought about adding a function for Hal to be fed new web pages to search for data. For now, It's limited to Wikipedia but with this expansion, Hal could learn from any number of sites simultaneously, resources allowing anyway. Of course logically, if anyone is lagging seriously with just wikipedia being searched, adding more sites would exponentially slow the system... If you had a super computer, however... Something to think about.
Also, i want to add another function to repeat the process should Hal definitely not find a searchable term his first time though. I currently have a similar function in but it stops at recovering any data and doesn't specify usable data. Again, this would increase processing time significantly but improve ConceptNet learning efficiency.
On the off chance Hal ever could keep up with the terms collected, I will add a safeguard to disable auto learning if the end of the internet is ever reached as well.
How well is Hal using the data he's collected? I'll add a poll eventually.