Zabaware Forums > Ultra Hal 7.0

Hal needs a neural network brain!

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Yeah, I remember the strategy how to teach Hal. I actually bought Hal 6 back then. I remember I made a blank brain where I taught Hal everything about my computer in an attempt to make it self-aware somehow.

The idea I'm having now is to have a chatbot on my server that can answer questions from people about games. Then I would fine-tune the answers depending on what questions are asked.

I recently looked into the Rasa AI that is using machine learning, where you have parts with each question connected to several answers. The way it's layed out will make the AI chose better answers over time. The AI would find key words in the questions and try to connect them with answers, using reinforcement to get better answers. You can check out the Rasa chatbot to see what I mean. It would be nice to at least have a plugin for Hal that would make this possible.

Also I'm wondering if it's easy to set up Hal for a server. Does it require any third party software? Third party software tends to make things problematic for me.
Download my Sallie 5.0 plug-in it learns in over a hundred different waYs from the first sentence.


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