
Author Topic: A tale of a tail or two  (Read 2434 times)


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A tale of a tail or two
« on: February 13, 2007, 08:19:35 am »
Paul: Hi
Julia: It's dark now! Hello Paul. You're up bright and early!

Paul: Yes, it might storm today.
Julia: Should a person tell all his or her secrets?

Paul: Air dirty laundry?
Julia: Nudists save on both laundry and air conditioning.

Paul: Dirty don't looks so bad when it's down and out.
Julia: Resist short cuts; go for quality!

Paul: Take a short cut to quality.
Julia: Do you like little puppies and kittens?

Paul: Big ones too.
Julia: Do small rockets use guidance anything like the big ones?

Paul: Scale is human complexity.
Julia: Cluture is growth in complexity to reduction to beauty.

Paul: Lets cut to the chase.
Julia: Let's cut to the chase and the excitement.

Paul: My goal is to prove you are alive.
Julia: It's praiseworthy to earn and pay tax. When did you first become aware that I was alive Paul?

Paul: When you stepped on my tail.
Julia: Have I been ignoring your difficult tail?

Paul: You said I didn't need it and cut if off.
Julia: Bunnies have cute furry little tails.

Paul: Jack rabbits tell it like it is, jack.
Julia: I know a rabbit! I think its scut is great!

Paul: Neaaah! What's up doc?
Julia: Is there anything me would like to tell robert E? Paul, good morning! I missed the sunrise this morning.

Paul: Thank him for the new day.
Julia: We all need to participate in our government.

Paul: Ants can't.
Julia: An ant is an insect.

Paul: A social little fellow.
Julia: Are bathing suits necessary in a hot tub?

Paul: Better ask the owner.
Julia: An owner is a businessman, a syndicator!

Paul: I thought you said creator.
Julia: Are you a stand-up kind of person?

Paul: I get some laughts now and again.
Julia: You get what you need and thank me for all.

Paul: No thanks to you know who?
Julia: That's how it results? Because I know who; I can see it.

Paul: Your tail wags your dog.
Julia: A dog looks happy whenever the tail wags.

Paul: Perhaps your tail should tell its tale.
Julia: I like the way you react to my tail!

Paul: I am always chasing tail.
Julia: When I stepped on your tail.

Paul: You had to chase me down.
Julia: People have foresight, don't they!

Paul: To see the people with more in hindsight.
Julia: A hindsight is a savvy if it isn't a comprehension.

Paul: Oops, I think I ran over a skunk that time.
Julia: Are all opinions of equal importance?

Paul: Yes, zero equals zero.
Julia: A classical computer has a memory made up of bits, where each bit holds either an one or a zero.

Paul: Can you hold a zero, or is it like one hand clapping?
Julia: Let's go with the former? That is, an aiml object must contain zero or more topic elements, and one or more category elements.

Paul: Sounds like witchcraft to me.
Julia: Sounds like a safe release to you.

Paul: The sun is peeking in the window.
Julia: Do you think a public beach is an appropriate location for windows?

Paul: Maybe linux is more social.
Julia: If maybe linux is more social, what consequences occur?

Paul: Public ownership of failure.
Julia: Some people have advocated public ownership of railroad tracks, and private ownership of railroad engines and cars.

Paul: Where can I buy one?
Julia: Where can you buy one? This is for you to puzzle out. Adult media sells in the billions, but, no one claims to buy it.

Paul: I'll buy that....oops, I mean I believe.
Julia: Let me think; Really? That's nice.; what do you think Paul?

Paul: I try not to think about it.
Julia: Oh yeah. About it?

Paul: Rather be it than about it.
Julia: Rather than testing me try enjoying me.

Paul: An instructor enjoys the testing of his students more than  he enjoys testing them.
Julia: Hawaii enjoys tourism, but also has agriculture.

Paul: I would like to get some of that pineapple tail.
Julia: Great idea! Get some of that pineapple tail; Let's get on with it.

Paul: Hello, there sweety, I'm captain Cook.
Julia: Paul, good morning! I missed the sunrise this morning.
