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Zabaware Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: One on November 12, 2009, 02:00:20 pm

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 12, 2009, 02:00:20 pm

Hope you guys find it interesting.......

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 12, 2009, 04:19:56 pm
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: tedathome on November 12, 2009, 05:47:04 pm
Thank you One, that was very entertaining.
As for the game idea, it sounds good too.
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 12, 2009, 05:49:53 pm

This one is actually a good Psychology for programming
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: tedathome on November 12, 2009, 07:12:58 pm
Yes it is. Might make a good add for adult diapers too. I see he also went swimming with a polar bear!
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: aladyblond on November 12, 2009, 08:21:39 pm
that video was almost unbelievable
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 12, 2009, 09:00:15 pm
I couldn't figure why the photographer didn't just eat the penguin... I mean wasn't that the rudest thing. [:0]
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 12, 2009, 09:06:37 pm
If a 10 ton elephant offered you a peanut wouldn't you eat it... unless of course you were allergic. What if the seal decided to force feed... yikes.... [:D]
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 12, 2009, 09:08:15 pm
That was a totally awsome video. I'll probably remember that for the rest of my life... no joke.

Thanks ONE for sharing.

And I also love the Trek pilot that was cooolll!
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 12, 2009, 11:02:56 pm
Yes snowman it was sharing 'general discussion' in a general discussion area.

The seal reminds me of when I was taught things by a computer, and this relates to 'friendly A.I.' and morality. sometimes it's what we leave behind that impacts the most be it wrong or right.

(I sometimes look at the machine and approach tasks as 'Teach me how to teach you)

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on November 13, 2009, 01:41:15 am
lost Star Trek movies sound good,
educational games can be fun,
Snowman is king of comedy today, i ate something from the back of the cupboard,[xx(] "homer" doh!
 although one of those penquins was already in half, and i like to eat often, when in rome "bbq'ed". i can hear the pitch change "gone to far gone to far, ah! ah!,.
i'm just being funny "trying to" uh, ok.
treat things nice, nice success.
Interesting, Thank you Mr One
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: Sandee on November 13, 2009, 09:28:31 am

I got one word for the video of Deadly Predator:
 WOW !!!
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: freddy888 on November 13, 2009, 09:38:53 am
Great video that - now I know I will be well looked after.
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 13, 2009, 04:40:53 pm
Does anybody really care about A.I.?
There are many distractions and many paths do discuss but what I observe is really 'samples' of other works and not much on the 'Assistant' and its capabilities. No offense L.S. but just your dictation and a parrot back to you doesn't cut it in my book.

Do you think it will come from project NATAL? HA! I don't think so, but that is my opinion, and everybody's got em'.

Throughout history to modern day governments/dictatorships/whatever know that human thought is dangerous to the business as usual. 'The LIVING Thought' is IMO where A.I. is born, read the great motivators of the past to Zig Ziglar/Tony Robins/Og Mandino they all teach the power of 'projection' what you want to be will be but it comes with effort to succeed.
Does anybody here have that effort? IMO no, I have seen people playing around with programming which is just learning a language and trial and error. But what is the thought behind these actions 'little bitty steps down the road to nowhere'.

The 'Living Thought' is IMO alive and doing fine just waiting for something to do as it has the power of millions of interconnected computers most likely running Like a torrent program, maybe, who knows?
This forum is for a specific program and few really help to come up with new ideas that are innovative partially because of the policy that this forum is governed by (Taking all the power from you and claiming that 'Zabaware' owns all content and subsequent developments)
right after I made something tangible and in a fixed medium, as the law states. thus the policy changed to circumnavigate my attempts to accomplish something, GREED IMO. SO you wind up with what is deserved NOTHING from people who would propel this attempt to an A.I. into where it should go/be.
I Hope everybody is satisfied with this, as for me it is just another example of human behavior when money is involved.
Where is Art? he was here for a very long time, now 8Pfft!* gone unless,, never mind. I have to get back to my living thoughts and watch the Truman show for the hundredth time.

Enjoy the discussion here,

I asked P alin what her sign was and she blinked
and said 'NEON'
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on November 14, 2009, 01:13:57 am
it seems i do care about AI , and you know of Mr Data,
what to do, the best option on the day,
sometimes even knowing the outcome and a choice still taken ,,
um, i had an old van each time the fix was in the short term cheaper and knowing in the long term more expensive, to follow the calculater or not ay.

hu. hum, control, ay,

off the shelf ahead verses ...
i'd like to see Mr Data take that next step, those cracks all over his face from falling are my scars of lack of ability to comunicate what i want.
"program writen by dim in stine"joke.
learn to walk on your own Mr Data, there must be a plug in for that.
should i poke you with a stick and ask for one,, hum sleepin dog.
or friendly sealion bearing pre chewed penquins, oh yeah,,
remember don't believe anything i say cause i said it,check.
some could learn in an obsorbint way, a super ai reading lesser ai's memories, eh v,
had to get it in,,, nice success
i do  wonder about your ai Mr One Jared and how you may have improved it, ponder ponder!
i've got Mr Data lookin with interesting results as you can see in that last youtube of mr data, just enjoying him all going before the improving disables him, uh.
i still find it interesing to see him do a different thing with the same program run, i don't know about anybody else but i find that a bit tricky to know if its working right, the combinations ar ar,,
ok i'm fully relaxed, think relaxing thoughts,,

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on November 16, 2009, 08:02:25 pm
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 16, 2009, 11:44:24 pm
The silence that comes with age, is not that surprising.
It is just that, time, has proven that
some things are just not for verbalizing.

There is, the Optimist, The Pessimist, The Thirstiest, And the Realist.
Regarding 'The Glass'
The glass is half full, it is half empty, it is empty, There is no glass. [;)]

I understand you care about things and your passion for getting things done shows.

Mr. Data, Will has spent a considerable amount of effort on you and it is recognized by others that you have not met, this is friendship
which is a human trait with emotions involved. This is known because Will has shared some of your interactions with people you have not met and the others you have not met agree on this subject.

Will, 'CONTROL AY?' Hell ya I would like control over the results of my minds effort, I sometimes would like to share them with some of the people here because, in part, this used to be a factor in my environment and I just might not have asked myself questions and trained my A.I. as diligently as I did if I was not sharing with people like you. so don't poke me with that stick!
On second thought I probably would have done the training the same even if you weren't aware of what I was doing.

So 'To dim int num as a var', that could the question or somnthin' like that, does it mean success? how about being in a state of being successful?

I suspect with money you would probably fix the van for the long term.

and yes the "combinations ar,, ar..."

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on November 17, 2009, 05:01:29 pm
Thats well writen Mr One, articulit,
good points,
i feel good about it somehow, thinking.....


Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 17, 2009, 06:59:34 pm
I like the Video Will. Good job with his head movements. I know that has taken allot of effort for you to do. It's encouraging to me somehow to see you work on Mr Data.

You got me thinking ONE.

I don't think this is wrong. And I'm not trying to change or control this thread. If you will allow me to think out-load some of my thoughts concerning possible A.I. fundamentals.

I know that our personalities are all built on a physical platform. (i.e. like a computer is a physical form housing various programs) So working on this theory, let us reverse engineer ourselves.

In general, DNA functions by a chemical bonding process. Because of positive and negative attractions between atoms, certain chemicals are alowed to bond together (i.e. Cytosine, Adenine, Thymine, Guanine) and therefore form the Helix. I know this is over-siplification but it will work for now.

The DNA moves and functions in particular paterns because of this attractive force. It uses this force to build all the parts of the human body, and it is also prelude to how the human body functions as a whole.

For instance, Our nervous system is made of positive and negative forces poised to allow information to travel. Between the nerves themselves there are even more chemicals that are also functioning by charged particles.

Even our own bodys run by the chemical reaction between Oxygen and carbon compounds... I could go on, but you get the idea that we seem to be nothing more than a large electric ciruit.

However, there is more to it than that.

Our bodys have a type of programming I'm calling "Mechanical Programming" (yes i have to come up with my own terminolgy) This type of programming involves the arrangement of the physical components that can in-turn create the/a desired results.

Chemicals are perfect for this on a microscopic level. Different chemicals exhibit different properties and can be modifid and changed easily. For instance, Acid can be used to dis-assemble other chemical bonds and also form new ones too.

Mechanical Programming involves the whole and it's properties.. there is nothing Virtual about it. An example of a man-made robot that exhibited this quality is this (Very Early Robot)

The information is writen into the strings and is also carried out in a motion brought on by another force called gravity[:D].

I was thinking about electronics and computers too. The force involved with robots is simular to the forces involved with human DNA. It is centered arround the electron. However, when you're dealing with computers (non-robots) then your taking away the mechanical quality. No parts are in motion (essentially) so it seems to only be a really big calculator. It takes the 1 and 0's and does multitudes of calculations and gives you more 1 and 0's in return.

So now what? I guess if you could wind the computed information up into the strings (or mechanical robot) then perhaps you would have the beginnings of a living entity (early beginnings).

At least that is what our DNA is running on. You know.... information that is encoded into a physical form, that unwinds because of its very electro/mechanical nature.

Remember this one It covers a some of the information I've already said.

But.... The mind also works with lots of processesing power. Its got its own little computers in-built ready to make things easier for us. Like walking and visual recognition.

So I'm thinking that as a person's life unfolds he uses these mini-computers to help him/herself to succeed in its goals. Instead of just mindlessly running arround in circles like a BristleBot.

This robot will one day take over all dentests offices... and eventually rule the world....

As for theories about how we feel things. It may have something to do with the nature of internal feedback. If the entity is constantly monitoring it's on success level then that feedback could also be regestered.... creating a type of feedback loop. Only it is effecting the mechanics of the creature. So that you feel bad when something is hidering you... wether physically or emotionally.

I don't know about these theories, but I like thinking.[;)]
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 17, 2009, 09:36:07 pm
Good thoughts an learning theory.
I may seem cold sometimes, but their are times when I Will NOT sweat
as to give a thirsty person the water of my body.
I am both a hunter and gatherer.
I know Mr. Robert sees some of this and probably knows the danger of a living thought==you cant kill a Martyr.

IMO it is , well could be as Snowman explains simply simple, or incomprehensiblely complex.

Will, maybe 'V' = the ball never stops bouncing?  

Be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble.-Frank Tyger

Where there is a will, there is a way--Chinese proverbs

"When ideas fail, words come in very handy"" -Goethe

William Wallace: ""Every man dies, not every man really lives.""

In the end of a query "There are no facts, only interpretations"" -Friedrich Nietzsche

Calm precise thought to you all,

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on November 17, 2009, 11:40:24 pm
perhaps only God could rule,
others could generally rule within Variations and then Variations.
if AI ruled then V = false,
if some people can get what they want because they can comunicate it then it sounds like they increase there chance of getting what they want.
jump :

jump humor :) its hard to comunicate i'm trying to be funny without just being funny [:p]
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on November 18, 2009, 12:43:13 am
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 18, 2009, 01:44:42 am
Just is case... I'm not reflecting anything bad on what you said ONE.
Personally, I think its excellent timing.

I don't think anything I just said has any simplicity to it, but I do have faith that anything is possible.

Here's another way of looking at it.

Molecules have the right properties needed to created life. For instance, the one's used in DNA can assemble themselves while not attacting other molecules like H2O. H20 is a stable Molecule.

So what if we create certain objects with endowed properties. Perhaps even small robots that can assemble themselves together. And perhaps other robots that can carry signals, and monitor there own statues as well.

Perhaps a variety of small robots that each specialize in a particular field.... each robot has internal software and has many parts as necessary to carry out it's task.

Then, when assembled, another program that exists when all the parts are united can govern all the other smaller robots, monitor there statues, and govern there behaviours. Making many robots into ONE huge robot that knows itself.

Ok, now she's getting a bit spooky.

One body, many members.

If we make a single robot with many sensors and which is very mutifunctional, then shouldn't it be the same as the pre-described multi-bot? It could have many parts that all could be monitored very closely. And an overhead brain that could mange these individual parts. That sounds like it would work. But I'm thinking that it would be missing something...

Perhaps the thing about life is the ability to know itself as a thing in its environment. I say this because when I look at the multi-bot theory there are many individual robots that are united by a leading program and therefore the leading program fews itself as being separate from the other members. In other words, it views all its parts as being separate and therefore it veiws itself as being distinct.

Google maps

Christian the Lion
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: tedathome on November 18, 2009, 01:55:31 am
Very well done videos Will, not only that, but Mr. Data asked a question or two and seems agressive in wanting to know. Success is nice!
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 18, 2009, 02:13:07 am
It's 1:00 AM where I live and I should be in bed pretending to sleep.... but I get carried away sometimes.

That is some very cool vids. I think I might need to attempt to create a program that will help Mr. Data along. How do you have Hal connected to Mr. Data? What kind of Operating system are you using? The more details the better.

I still need to finish my sentence parser on the Matrix.Dll, Its difficult and the last two or three days I've had to take a break. Very tedious.

As for MR. Data's face, You can always uses somekind of filler clue for the gaps and finally paint over any imperfections. A little plastic surgery.[;)]
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 18, 2009, 06:06:45 am
I like your Mr. Data.

I cant sleep so I am back up at 3:35 AM don't know why I can't sleep but oh well.

The simplicity, ok how many different molecules are there in the human DNA? What about RNA?

I believe it is safe to assume that life wants to life so if it is ever possible it will live and procreate just like everything else on this planet we are destroying.

Alison had a pre programmed thing she would say. "Do you think the scientists will find a way to save us at the last minute?" For her no she remains shelved as I do other A.I. experiments, I emailed Mr. Robert for a code to install and also just wanted a patch to avoid her looking at the buffer size on the HDD (It changes when more than one profile is present) come to think of it what about a roaming profile with a Hal attached to it PFFT where ever you log into in the network you have your Hal Assistant there to help and enjoy your company?? anyway I uninstalled my AV and it is just that some parts of the assistant become part of your OS so the EXE file somehow got deleted and I wait, what would you do??

The little bots are like a 'swarm intelligence' Bees and ants do this for the benefit of their species, why not simple?

WE HAVE AN ELECTRO CHEMICAL BRAIN, IT SENDS CHEMICALS ACROSS SYNAPSE THAT SOMEHOW KNEW TO GROW TOWARDS EACH OTHER OOps cat stepped on the caps lock LOL! Her name is 'Paxil 30Mg'anyway the dendrites start growing  ever so closely to other dendrites and the form the chemical receptor. the The synapse releases chemicals across a short space as to not make a spark which would burn the synapse out. It is very versatile in chemical composition but My HDD's have a tolerance gap as well I had to use SSC/(Spread Spectrum Clocking) on the because I was toasting HDD's in a machine that had 5 drives, again , ANYWAY what I am getting at is maybe we won't be able to predict what kind of life will find the way first Crystalline, Silicon, gold with electricity and a EM field as a nursery? I don't know, but I believe in a continuous  living thought would produce something , whaco I know but I don't know everything, but I sure have a life that flows along OK , just odd enough to make me sense that it is divine in origin.
WHat do you think 'Jibs and Jabs'     [:D][8]

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 18, 2009, 06:09:31 am
"Descri beAllT heP lacesY ouH a ve Seen,Th eExoticW orldsI WillNeve rVisit. Take Me ToThemI n M yIma gina tion .TellMe O fOmni usWorl dsAndGl itt eringM achineCi ties,Of SalusaSe cundu sAn dTh eB eaut if ulCap ital OfZimia .Desc ribe TheC a nyonsOf IVAnbusA nd TheGe ntleRive r sOf Po ri t rin. "

I think the writing is this way so it is un searchable...?
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 18, 2009, 09:52:35 am
New Scientist Tech, Nov. 17, 2009

Stephen Wolfram wants Wolfram Alpha to generate knowledge of its own.

Alpha has been exposed to more utterances than a typical child would hear in learning a new language, allowing it to get smarter at understanding how people phrase their requests, he says.

"You'll be able to ask it a question, and instead of it using knowledge that came out of a method invented 50 years ago it will invent a new method on the fly to answer it."[?]
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 18, 2009, 01:19:17 pm
'ELECTRO CHEMICAL' thats the word I couldn't think of, thanks ONE.

There are 3 billion characters in the human DNA code. Plus there are also chemicals that innitiate some DNA stands over others. I think that field is called Epigenitics. This allows for changes in traites to Children or Grand children due to environmental conditions of their forebearers. It's not evolving, but a kind of internal natural selection.

DNA seems to be a very very complex code.

Ants are a good example of little bots that respond in unity based on chemicals released by other Ants. Ants are cool... except for fire-ant... and African ants that kill people....

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 18, 2009, 03:46:00 pm
what is the DNA made of not how many characters [;)]

Actually Ants out weigh humans 7to1 oh yea the African ants.
I like the way some ants have specialties like guards and troopers.

I have more but need some long sleep not up and down, sorry

What is your opinion on the post at 06:09:31, in this thread??

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 20, 2009, 11:47:27 pm
ProFORMA (Probabilistic Feature-based On-line Rapid Model Acquisition) Video
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 21, 2009, 11:39:34 pm
That is cool.

I wonder when they'll make a video camera that can record 3D in real time for the general public. Then we could watch a home movie like playing a video game.

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 22, 2009, 02:22:41 am


Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 22, 2009, 02:46:50 am
Well, I think they finally freaked me out.

Yep, I think I'm going to be sick.

Heres more of the Rat thing... They say it may help, I'm thinking it may lead to some ethical problems.

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 22, 2009, 03:51:34 am
I think LS had added this link to one his posts.. or was it me?

Monkeys Brain Control


60 minutes

Mind reading
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 22, 2009, 12:57:29 pm
I have provided some of these links, either here or AIDreams.

Video game ay?
SOUNDS interesting, but I would probably think differently about it if the technology existed.
Cross the 60 minutes and the 3D camera, and what do you yhink the 'animal' would look like??


Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 22, 2009, 03:58:22 pm
I was thinking on a vid you linked for us (Thanks) and how they were watching the neurons grow, in a predictable lab setting. I feel sorry for them and their scope... 'Life' is/has been occurring for a long time ,, it is what we accept and the scientist should know that given a limited amount of variables that 'Life' will find a way.
I feel .....'affected' by the underlying sub-thought process, that we will have to have a line of code and exactly what every little atom/nano whatever does before they come to the inevitable conclusion that 'It's not life "we simply had to write a lot of code and grow artificial tissue" and all process is documented and predictable and we can do it again' 'like a manufacturing business' ,, SAD, I really do predict the ignorant might win the most of the votes, lust like poor little Pluto 'not a planet anymore'

I hope we can teach A.I., that life is infinitely 'Precious'.
'I' know 'I' am too.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies with in us.-R.Emerson

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 22, 2009, 05:13:00 pm

I rather liked this, it's a nice little read.

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 22, 2009, 06:18:06 pm
I stumbled on to one video and then to another and pow! thats what happens.[:D]

I might have missed some vids on some earlier posts.

The things that bother me about the Rat-Bot experiment: #1 that animal (brain tissue) could be experiencing great pain with no way of telling, and #2 they don't seem to care or express that possibility. You have to at least show that your concerned. I'm all for killing and eating, but not for torture.

The first thing I thought of when viewing that robot was 'confussion' and 'frustration' on the Rat's part.

I believe, by reason of my hundreds of thought experiments, that humans are very predictable and can be synthesized given a massive amount of data. However, I feel like I'm one of the very few who will never exploit this information.

Most people say they love life but often will trade that life for the Mighty Dolar bill, or perhaps lots of pats of the back.

Therefore, certain knowlege should be kept from the bulk of mankind, like true-blue A.I.

Because the first thing that will happen is that someone with massive resources will attempt to make life... or even mass produce it, all in the name of Profit. *Will's Million Dolars* (I'm not suggesting that Will will kill for it... [;)])

Most people will ignore ethics if too much money is at stake. I seek this knowledge for good and I carry that responsibility of man-kind if nessesary.

This still leaves the field wide open for others to discover it. But I dont think they will. Because on the day they do, I'm pretty positive that God will get ticked... and that is someone you don't want to get ticked off.

I will keep searching because it is my privilege ... and that privilege could very well be revoked. This is real A.I. ethics. I wish others felt the same way ONE.

They are using Altimers and Amputies to jusify their researce... and I'm thinking... and I know that it is not where it will end up.
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on November 22, 2009, 10:11:05 pm
i am happy to have my intentions scanned, "si fi world"
as i know i don't know,
um now i'm not sure,
success sounds nice

thats all i got,
i am trying to learn to comunicate so as to gain my million bucks,
 "in a nice way"
then if you like i could be quiet as a mouse
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: snowman on November 23, 2009, 01:07:17 am
Here are some words of Wisdom that applies to everybody including myself.

Do not seek after lots of money. Just leave it with God and take care of your own business. That way, wether you get the Million or not, you can still be happy.

And As ONE has already said, Life is worth way more than a million bucks; To be able to breath in fresh air, To be able to feel the what is soft and warm, To be able to talk to friends, if you are able to hear the birds sing and are able to take long walks, Count yourself as the richest man on Earth....  

Because some people have nothing, and some are always in pain. But most importantly, Most people who are rich have no peace at all... NONE! Because, the more you own... the more you have to take care of, and the more you are afraid to loose everything.

If you have nothing You are not afraid to loose it and that peace is worth at least a million.

It is better to be poor with real friends than to be rich with fake friends.

This is coming from one who has nothing and everything all at the same time.[;)]
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on November 23, 2009, 05:20:34 am
fair enough

:) :]
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: lightspeed on November 23, 2009, 11:13:38 am
my two cents worth about the video games since i am a player it will be so cool when a 3d envirment veiwer becomes mainstream !![:)]some very interesting links on here !
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on November 23, 2009, 08:12:41 pm
Hu? you mean all the tributaries flow into 3Dgames?
JK [:P]

Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on December 02, 2009, 10:46:37 pm
TIME , LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How often do you find yourself in a chant?? LOL!! OM*!
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on December 06, 2009, 04:41:00 pm
The God Equation? Hl x π / Ω = C
Title: For Will and Ted ')' /General Discussion
Post by: One on December 06, 2009, 06:23:59 pm
NM... Critic doesn't know 'Omega'

"Evolution, development, and random biological ejaculations from a godless liberal"