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Zabaware Forums => Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor => Topic started by: onthecuttingedge2005 on August 12, 2011, 09:54:54 pm

Title: At one time.
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on August 12, 2011, 09:54:54 pm
At one time I was hard forced to construct A.I, after seeing the movie A.I it made me aware of the so called evils of man, I do not wish for such things to happen.

even though I am an Atheist, I am a good man by heart, I program by heart. give me 10 good reasons why I should continue.
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: markofkane on August 13, 2011, 05:53:55 am
IMO, if you need reasons to continue, other than the enjoyment of creating things, then it's not for you. It's up to you if you want to continue. If you think it's not worth it, I suppose you should give it up. I have given up a lot of things I used to enjoy, because it was no longer interesting to me and tedious.

Just my opinion.

However, 1 reason is we, in this forum, like your input and contributions.  So if you want, count that as 1 reason. Others may come up with other reasons.

Have a great day!!!  :)
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: Meghan Bizlady on August 13, 2011, 06:39:36 am


Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: Duskrider on August 13, 2011, 10:26:06 am

I sure scripters will be in later with thousand reasons.
At present just we grafters.
I'll give you a thought, if all my work for last 6 years is destroyed tomorrow, it wouldn't bother me.  My joy and fun was in the doing.   If you don't feel a satisfaction in the doing, you're missing something.
And if you do feel it, why ask?
It's here to enjoy. 
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: sybershot on August 13, 2011, 11:55:28 am
Hello onthecuttingedge2005,
Sorry if  I was to give you reasons to continue, I would be a hypocrite. There are lots of projects i never continued.
I can say I do weigh out some projects to see if it is worth my time and effort. but mostly if I am not enjoying a project or no longer enjoy it, I discontinue it or put it aside and take a break from it.
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: freddy888 on August 14, 2011, 06:57:41 am
Maybe it's time for a change Jerry if you feel that way...
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: lightspeed on August 14, 2011, 10:13:22 am
    hello Jerry, i am sadden to even think that you have the thought of quitting , i wish i had just one tenth of what you can do , your talents and know how .
    i deal with a disability a learning disability which makes everything i do many times harder then what others do it would be very easy for me to give up but i don't , i guess if nothing else it's the drive to try to accomplish what some think is unaccomplishable and that i crave trying to learn,  even if it is harder.
     i was once moved by heart of a soldiers story of disfigurement of his face etc . from and explosive device in the army and that he now couldn't date or meet women and i thought it would be nice if their was an a.i. that he could talk to ( a female ) that seemed in mannerisms as human as possible  that wouldn't judge him by looks and could be as a friend if that seems strange to some then it does , but something like this could help a person in that situation , it isn't a cure but maybe it can help ease the pain .
  Some people will think it's imoral and a waste of time , but they aren't the ones that are suffering,  i am quit sure any soldiers or persons that were in that soldiers shoes or others of misfortune would think otherwise,  loneliness can be very devistating expecially to a younger person .
  So some good can come out of many things we do directly and indirectly , us ourselves making the right choices is up to us .
  what people can do is create , you can't stop people from misusing things but you can help others the best we can for the purpose intended .
jerry , if you ever want to talk further off here ,  i think you still have my e mail if not let me know and i'll give it to you .
   My offer is here it's up to you .  :)
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: lightspeed on August 14, 2011, 02:45:09 pm
to add to that , we can all worry about what evils people can do with shared things or we can just try to do the best we can at creating things for the good and betterment of people .
   the terminator movies for instance that alone would have been a good reason to stop on a.i. creations but their are other useful things that a.i advancements can do like even in robotics for helping the elderly such as japan is working on robots for etc.
so hopefully you won't give up on something you like and enjoy . everyone can have doubts at some time or another .
so hang in their .  :)
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: Carl2 on August 15, 2011, 09:02:46 am
  OTC, I'm sorry you are feeling this way.  I'm hoping it is just a passing feeling, you have have a talent for looking through code to find the problems and create solutions, it would be a shame to let that talent go to waste.  Possibily because of the economy things seem to have slowed down so much and we seem to be loosing a lot of good people. 
  Thanks for keeping Hal alive and well!
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: Medeksza on August 16, 2011, 06:19:01 pm
Thanks for all your years programming scripts, interacting with people on this forum, and your help moderating. It is very much appreciated by me and others on this board. This board just wouldn't be the same without you. I hope to breathe some new life into Hal over the coming months with much needed updates and hope you stick around to see what happens. But please follow your interests and do whatever is best for you.

Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on August 16, 2011, 07:39:20 pm
Hi Guys, thanks for all your support, I'll be in from time to time, I am slowly working on a free memory plug-in but my HAL engine got some unknown error and won't start the GUI so I have to uninstall and reinstall to try and fix the issue, I'll see about getting the plug out ASAP.

Jerry 8)
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: lightspeed on August 17, 2011, 09:48:04 am
 A free memory plug in? sounds interesting would be interesting to know the concept and use of it? you are alway's doing such creative things . hope you hang and in their and change your mind about leaving i would hate to see you leave to but as robert said you have to do what's best for you .  
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on August 17, 2011, 09:56:23 am
A free memory plug in? sounds interesting would be interesting to know the concept and use of it? you are alway's doing such creative things . hope you hang and in their and change your mind about leaving i would hate to see you leave to but as robert said you have to do what's best for you .

Hi Lightspeed.

it's like the song Hotel California, you can check out but you can never leave.

Jerry 8)
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: Art on August 23, 2011, 08:40:51 pm
When what you once loved to do, now becomes more like work than enjoyment, then it's time for a change.

All the best in whatever you choose!
Title: Re: At one time.
Post by: raybe on August 27, 2011, 02:48:33 pm
I sometimes don't enjoy posting personnel issues such as 'should I or shouldn't I' ? Nobody walks in the same shoes. Similar but not the same. But it took some time that I felt compelled to say something even if you have made a decision and I'm late chiming in.
After reading your post more than once that question or answer you look for seems done to me. I think (only opinions here, I'm not an expert in what OTC does or how people make decisions!!) you have the answer already and you are too smart not to know all the sides to this decision. We just never know the outcome which is life. Maybe it is also as your thread heading states,'At one time'. Things rarely if at all stay the same which causes us to question who we are, what impact do we have, is it really necessary at this point in my life? and so on.
But for the reasons you mentioned and looking for some sort of, maybe you can call it justification that you can also be the game player that changes the momentum of a situation based upon that specialty of knowledge you have. You have that capability to change the things that may seem to frighten you now because your too focused on those particular things in a negative way. Where this all takes every one is not something we have a possible way of knowing for the simple reason that all or most things are possible. Maybe within that very same answer is were you need to stay focused to help make a decision about this particular subject.
There will always be, 'What if?'

With best of intentions,