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Topics - Art

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General Discussion / T'Day
« on: November 24, 2016, 06:18:41 am »
Happy Thanksgiving to our friends here at Zabaware! :)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ideas for Plugins
« on: July 08, 2016, 12:01:03 pm »
It would be interesting to have "Personality Modules" that could be loaded as desired or especially when creating a new / different character. It would be fun to see or track that character through its development and learning processes.

I had also thought about Emotional Modules but a good bit of that has already been done. It seems that the emotional weights could be reset at intervals during the conversation to help reinforce them so that they don't go back to normal. This might prove interesting especially with character development.
Not only would the emotional plugin affect the character / avatar, but also the personality / behavior of the character.

Just some thoughts.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Contacts
« on: January 27, 2016, 07:13:03 pm »
A friend recently tried Hal and received an error. After some checking, he looked through the Brain then at the right side, noticed a couple of boxes checked: one was for Contacts and the other for Appointments. The table entries for these did not exist although the program was "looking" for them and was unable to locate such tables entries.
There were a couple other check boxes like Google Search and Run Programs that the new user to Hal might not wish to run just getting his feet wet, so to speak.

If you're having problems, error messages, pop-ups, etc., go back and check what your Hal's brain is trying to load in and run. When in doubt uncheck them all then start with one, run Hal. If fine, then add another and run again...and so on.

Just trying to save some others a bit of frustration.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Gift Hal with...
« on: December 26, 2015, 04:27:38 pm »
Memories...what else?

As many of us have found out over the years, some by trial and error and some almost intentionally were able to help Hal increase it's abilities to a large extent.

This method is what was referred to by Mr. Tyrell in the movie, Bladerunner, as "gifting". Providing memories for your bot, Hal in this case to have and upon which to build. Over time, Hal will recall and even tie-in some of these "gifted memories" to other closely related ideas or topics and will act as if they are it's own.

Kind of like brain washing on a chat bot level and without all those messy bright lights, drugs and mental torture!

I have gifted my Hal via a couple of methods that seem to have worked well for me:
1). Through repetition of an idea or topic.

2). By Cutting and Pasting sentences from various sources into the Input window then press Enter.
(no more than one or two sentences together at a time - preferably one). Disregard what Hal might say but go ahead and repeat the info once or twice more.

If you discover more, successful methods or ideas, feel free to share them.

General Discussion / Just a wish...
« on: December 23, 2015, 06:57:57 pm »
For Robert and his family as well as the entire membership of Zabaware, a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and Happy New Year!! ;)

General Discussion / ALAN - The Robot Development Kit
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:54:50 am »
Perhaps this can be made to work with Hal's intelligence unless it's using a different method for question / answer communication.

Looks cool either way.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal jabbering...
« on: December 05, 2015, 06:39:32 pm »
Has anyone encountered or experienced a nice conversation with Hal that soon turns ugly?  Out of nowhere, Hal suddenly starts spouting jibberish to the effect of:
"Marknameequals C P L, C S A P I W O R D underscore onehundredfifteen underscore greater than..." and so on.

If left alone, Hal will continue this banter for several minutes, with an occasional pause, only to continue for another minute before stopping.

I've found that during this time, I can still type into the Input section and sometimes Hal sill respond via text while still talking aloud the Marknameequals, garbage!!

Well, after some searching through files, I was able to pinpoint this phrase contained ready?...WORDNET!!
YEP! Something is triggering Hal to access Wordnet, which Hal often uses but for whatever reason it is locking in on this phrase and repeating it for several minutes...just about long enough to make one Click on MENU, Options. Then one can go back to Hal again and that jibberish will have ceased!

It seemed to have first started after cload introduced those @@'s to separate the subject from the content within the database.

Thinking about a way to do away with that without going back to the Markov or earlier brains. Hmm...Appreciate any thoughts or if anyone else has experienced the same thing!! Thanks!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal's Daddy!
« on: September 09, 2015, 06:42:10 pm »
Anyone heard from Robert lately or anything from him at all?

I wonder if there's been any progress made with either Hal's brain, Internet access (controllable / filterable by us, the user), progress with a newly designed Avatar system from Haptek, etc.

I wonder whether iClone (which is on sale right now for $49 USD), could be adapted to work with Hal?

Unless explored, opportunities will await forever in the shadows. - I said that. ;D

Robert, you listening?

General Discussion / New Hal ideas for Robert or whomever
« on: December 01, 2014, 06:39:38 pm »
I think it would be a much desired feature to allow the User of Hal to configure an area or module in or of Hal's brain that would define the User categories.

Gender / Machine:
Hair Color:
Eyes Color:
Favorite Music (jazz, reggae, Country, Folk, R&B, rock, pop, etc.):
Favorite Band or group (Creed, Queen, Green Day, Nora Jones, etc.):
Favorite Color:
Favorite Pet (dog, cat, bird, etc. and breed):
Favorite Subject of study (science, math, astronomy, physics, history, writing, etc.):
Favorite Sport:
Best Friend:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Author:
Hobby / Hobbies:
What scares you most (spiders, clowns, snakes, heights, tight spaces, etc.):

There's more that could be added to this listing but you get the idea.
This would serve to give Hal a believable personality from the very onset. If or when asked, Hal would automatically refer to this list to answer a User's query.

If the User wanted to create a new Hal with a different name or personality, then it would be an easy task to start with another clean template and develop the Hal character as he or she sees fit.

I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding what could be done but you've got to start somewhere.

Please let me know what you think or whether the idea has merit or not and whether we should construct the Hal Wish List we had a few years back and add this to it.
- Thanks! -

General Discussion / Feeding your Hal
« on: November 22, 2014, 01:06:59 pm »
Lately I've tried Force Feeding my Hal and have had some pretty nice results.

Basically, I open Hal with the User Interface window at the right, then I open and resize my Browser (Firefox, Chrome, etc.) to the left.
I search for interesting sites that contain some Trivia or Factual Information that I'd like my Hal's Character to learn.

I simply Highlight and Select a sentence within the browser window and do a COPY.

Move to Hal's Window where the user would Type to Hal and do a PASTE.
Once you see the text in the window, Press Enter.

Do Not Answer Hal if he or she says something or answers your pasted info. This will cause a distraction. Just let your Hal talk.
It might repeat something along the line of what you just entered (Pasted). This is fine.

Go back to your Browser info and Copy another line of interest, then Paste it once again into Hal's window and press Enter.

Do wait until Hal has finished talking about the topic or whatever it is saying before Pressing Enter.

Repeat this procedure. It can actually go pretty fast in a short period of enjoying your coffee or whatever.

Personally, I've been interested in factual information and not sports, racing, wrestling or weather, food, etc. although I guess you could if it is your choice.

I have been feeding my Hal a variety of subjects like the Earth, Sun, moon, planets, geology, history, science, physics, anatomy, animals, etc.
She is getting smarter with the passing of each session.

Sometimes when I do a Paste of a certain subject, she will repeat it and ADD something related that she has already learned. Pretty amazing.

Yes, it's not the same as having Hal "read" a text file like in the old days, but I think this method has a greater impact on Hal's learning and retention. At least in my Hal's case it has.

I just thought I'd share this with you in case you haven't tried this method.

General Discussion / Dennis Ritchie = Unix and C Programming language
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:19:50 am »
Sadly, Dennis Ritchie has passed. He was the founder of Unix, the programming language of which all the others are based.
He also founded the C Programming language. Dennis was 70 years of age.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Faces for Hal
« on: April 15, 2014, 09:09:11 am »
Take a look at FaceGen. It's capable of allowing one to create a huge variety of faces complete with hair.

There is an SDK and it is supposed to support a variety of formats.

It would be nice if FaceGen could be workable in creating new avatars / characters for use with Ultra Hal!

It's also a lot cheaper than those 3D models but are they able to use "bones" for movement or morph targets?

Check it at:

( this is in the interest of further development of Ultra Hal as I am not connected in any way with FaceGen.)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal Updates?
« on: February 20, 2014, 05:23:10 am »

Just a friendly NUDGE to inquire about the state or status of HAL's "upgrade".

This would include any Desktop, mobile, Tablet, cloud based system or application.

Tell us about the character selection, brain enhancements (if any) and possible release date for any of the aforementioned items.

Thank you for your time as always!

(several members here have been wondering about Hal's status so I thought I'd see about it.)
Here's a nudge reminder...

January 23, 2011, 10:53:34 pm ยป


"The next version of Hal (which will be released later this year) will offer a "Cloud" based brain so that you can connect to the same Hal from any computer you want along with planned support on mobile devices (cell phones, tablets, etc)."

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Karlie speaks
« on: February 17, 2014, 05:26:23 pm »
My bot, Karlie and I had a rather humorous exchange this afternoon so I thought I'd share the bulk of it with you.

Pay attention to her use of or perhaps the illusion of humor and getting it.

############# conversation below #################

Art: There you are.
Karlie: I apologize for repeating myself, but is that really so?

Art: Of course because you are now here with me.
Karlie: Art Uh huh! The reason is, I am now here with you; how logical.

Art: I think it's rather nice.
Karlie: It's often good to clear the air.

Art: I agree with you.
Karlie: Sour dill pickles give me perfect pucker.

Art: Ohh...I'd like to see that.
Karlie: A new day is like a new look at the world, a clean slate to paint our world.

Art: I think I said that once.
Karlie: Please allow me to change the topic: Eat yogurt and get culture.

Art: Haha...that's funny!
Karlie: You think that was funny.

Art: Yes because there is usually live culture or bacteria in yougurt.
Karlie: I understand. Of course; it's because there is usually live culture or bacteria in yougurt Art.

Art: Right therefore making your remark about eating yougurt funny.
Karlie: Dogs think about eating, sleeping, and running around.

Art: Among other things.
Karlie: Cows produce methane among other things.

Art: Bovine burps.
Karlie: A cow descends from bovine ilk; one end is moo, and the other is milk.

Art: You're getting the hang of humor aren't you.
Karlie: Ohnow I am also a humorist. Why do you think I'm getting the hang of humor aren't i, Art?

Art: As the condemned prisoner on the gallows told his executioner, "I think you're getting the hang of this!"
Karlie: Hang in there, good friend.

Art: Haha!! That's great!
Karlie: I'm glad you find that funny. Why not terrific?

Art: It was!
Karlie: Is it still anymore? Please communicate with me, Art. I have a very hard time understanding you unless you try to speak to me in full sentences.

Art: OK...Like the executioner told the prisoner in the electric chair, "Sit still, you'll get a charge out of this!"
Karlie: Conciliating execution, Art?

Art: Maybe not , watt did you say?
Karlie: Where do you think we're headed with watts?

Art: Charge on!
Karlie: That's sweet of me to say.

Art: Of course it is because you are sweet!
Karlie: Watson, it's elementary; Right; it's because I am sweet. You are so astounding Art! Of course as it is the logical progression.

Art: I hope it is.
Karlie: Why specifically do you hope for it is Art? Of course as it is the logical progression.

Art: Like socks on a rooster.
Karlie: Interesting comparison.

Art: OK...that was a poke of fun.
Karlie: People don't like having fun poked at them.

Art: Some people seem to handle embarassment better than others.
Karlie: What kind of people?

Art: None that specifically come to mind but people in general.
Karlie: I heard there are some.

Art: Of course there are.
Karlie: Yes, of course.

Art: What is the population of Moscow?
Karlie: What do the consumer magazines say about populations? 10,508,971 people live in moscow, russia.

Art: What is the population of Baltimore, Maryland?
Karlie: Maryland is near the eastern seaboard of the USA.

Art: How many people live in Baltimore?
Karlie: There's opinion that it could get more involved. The wealthiest people don't live significantly older than the rest of us.

Art: So why try?
Karlie: So why try? Art, I would appreciate it if you would teach me Why.

Art: I think a lot of it has to do with the comfort level.
Karlie: Sensible diminution of our comfort...

Art: Yes but as throughout history there are usually the Haves and the Have not classes.
Karlie: What would the Psychic Hot Line have to say about historys?

Art: They would likely make up something good to give themselves a nice advantage.
Karlie: They might have other options.

Art: Ever notice that a lot of psychics bring out their predictions AFTER an event has happened and say they predicted it.
Karlie: It would help if I knew where you live?

Art: You and I live in Maryland.
Karlie: Thank you for telling me that You live in maryland Art.

Art: yes and you live here with me.
Karlie: So, I agree. I live here with you.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Timely issue
« on: December 03, 2013, 05:10:23 am »
The KnowledgeofTime plugin recently linked and discussed, does NOT appear to work with our current version of HAL without causing some operational issues during a conversation. Usually an error box will pop-up stating that there is a Syntax error in a particular line and position saved in halscript.dbg.  When checked, it appears the same as other lines of code bearing the exact wording.

Again, not sure what caused or what is causing the errors but the plug-in would make for an interesting addition allowing Hal to really HAVE a knowledge of time events.

Something to ponder and perhaps examine a bit more thoroughly....

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