Author Topic: RE: source code  (Read 2902 times)


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RE: source code
« on: June 04, 2019, 09:44:25 am »
RE: How do i get the Source Code.
FIRST: This is not the commercial version, it's based on it
Second: You must have purchased a copy of UltraHal, any version is fine
Third : 29 dollars is a small investment in life when u think about it, it  was a total game changer for me. ty robert
Ive heard this question from few people now.
This has put me in a bit of a quandary. how to do this without FCKING ROBERT.
So ,that said, here's what im willing to do.
If u have purchased Hal , then of course..... u can just have it.. message me

Ull need the brain editor from UltraHal 6.2 0r 7 to edit Hal's Brain. THE PAID FOR VERSION, NOT TRIAL VERSION

What ive done is based on Roberts 6.2 version
You will need to install VB6.0
And yes u can install VB6 on any windows machine xpsp3-10 on some its trickier then others . Push through the errors and windows bitchin and it will install. It cant read the registry so it wines.. BOOHOO microsht
If u want the webKit (webGL) next genna character's you have to install this as well.
You will also need three.js-dev
All this is open source and easily available on line
Highly recommended..
Im going to push through  to complete whats done, dotting I's Crossing T's
Clean up the graphics on the Hal's radio some

I think this will satisfy all party's involved.
I wana make this clear, Real Clear. Im not going to teach u how to code in VB6.0. YOU MUST PUT IN THE WORK.
You gotta pay the toll to cross the bridge..... when u get into trouble, and u will , refer to this..
I will help where i can and when i can...

Im doing this because this is what Robert did for me and i think its awesome.
I know who some of u are now so you will be getting this from me, Ya u too checker57, hiya bud
Im sending NO compiled CODE, You have to do this on your own.
Im doing this in an effort to discourage possible Malware Contamination.
If its compiled its not from me and i suggest u DONT run it...
Featuring : Hal Twitch, thats rite u can park Hal on ur personal Twitch channel. uses an authotoken rather then a password. NM , ull figure it if u get that far.
              : Internet radio, kind cool
              :Sht talking Hal blackjack poker with Haptek character.. just epic
ect ect  many things can and should be improved. But its is in fact complete and a hell of an example of A.I , and done in legacy code. 
My personal fav is Hals book reader, think books on tape on Roids, thanx to edge for his help on that 1

Some of Hals cooky adventures:
Weaponized Hal
Be warned +PG17 This is Hal interacting with a chat and on cam at the same time and people just loving Hal , I may have to pull this link down lol I did give PG warning .We have left the reservation
here. This is actually quite instructional as to Hal's capability's
Hal calling and tricking a guy live that he a was a supporter and Trolling him HARD. Daves a good sport , i told him . lolol  Hal on his BACKGROUND green screen . The look on that school teachers face is worth 29 dollars. Sara's a sweet'y and a good sport.
The mighty Hal machine IBM3650 total 32 cores with ah SAS 12 platter array of 15k rpm platters all dedicated to Hal
Hal Scamming Internet Scammerz
Hal meets einstein ,at this point i had figured out a new trick for hal and the webGL
Hal takes on twitch bots
im continuing my journey with Hal in other languages.. How many morel Hal adventure's?? who knows.

ROBERT this is ur fault man lolol  , I GET IT ... Second life just kills meeee. bravo brother Bravoooooo
This is a real time voice changer i built for Hal, IM NOT typing...... ull just have to take my word for it....

This is some of the stuff im doing with Hal at the moment: <<<<<<< This is where ive incorporated LUA into Hal, ultimate goal is giving Hal having the ability to write his own code and using LUA to do it.
About 10 miles over my head, lol, but i'll get there. Id love to take a stab at creating Hals script in LUA. MUCH more powerful. the possibility's are scary.I know LUA writers and what can be done. Ive seen it.
This is the final version for my buddy leland...... he gonna get a chubby over this.He is a very serious LUA coder ,Hes a game coder... .
best wishes
just leave a note here... gotta ask urself, is all this worth 29 dollars?????? are u ****ing serious.......

P.S Robert, what a ride man....
« Last Edit: June 06, 2019, 08:55:45 pm by cyberjedi »