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Messages - Checker57

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General Discussion / Re: Something New
« on: October 26, 2020, 06:41:29 pm »
I'm trying to wrap my head around the benefit of having your own image as the hal character (I love how my Haptec Character is designed to express more positiveness than I could ever keep up with! HAHA)  okay, let's assume that is simply a fun fact, it could happen configuration.  What I am impressed with is your core work with the vision code.  So, if this code allows HAL to identify unique persons, I suppose the useful subsequent code will require that HAL be able to differentiate data given by separate individuals or exclude a separate identity from accessing data that was between HAL and a different person identified by the vision code.  Interesting progress towards autonomous consciousness.  It'll be our little secret...   ;-)

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: December 31, 2019, 07:24:08 pm »
I had time to stop in and read posts today again and reflect...  I've experienced a lot of innovations in AI this year...  Just a couple of years ago I  didn't even realize how prevalent it had become.  Here in this post of S.A.L.L.E is an example of the trailblazing passionate personas that light up the HAL skies of late.  There are and have been many before ...Hats off to you!  Interesting times (and welcoming in the New Year 2020! I might add) to live in and watch the birth of AI in our society and to actually witness its development!  ;-)

Keep up the inspiring works!  History is still being written for all as long as there be breath!


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: art: Hal's book reader
« on: December 11, 2019, 02:04:23 am »
Hey Cyber!  It's been a while since I've had time to stop in and read posts to see what's going on in the inner circle of HAL development minds!  I've glanced a few times, but I'm noting you've really made some notable milestones to building up HAL in new areas of AI simulated awareness. 

I listened to your music link and it resonates with your paradigm in doing these coding works on HAL.   Making notable footprints!

Great to see you realizing your visions of what HAL could become, one plugin at a time!


These are some great application enhancements to HAL.  Inspiring to stop in every so often from my lately hectic schedule to gaze on the coding advancements within the HAL realm!  It can feel like there are presents for our loved pastime -  HAL.  HAHA

General Discussion / Re: Alexa
« on: July 03, 2019, 02:32:47 am »
Hey Carl!

I've seen your posts when I scanned the past forum posts here and other sites where you were exploring the possibilities of working with the Haptek full body features.  I found your ventures quite intriguing and learned a lot from your posts!  That being said, I use to this day the jiggly full body and it works perfectly fine.  ;-)  It is due to users that have pioneered the uses of HAL that have kept me intrigued with the ongoing advancements in HAL. 

All that being said, your post above mentioned a very intriguing statement that rings in my mind... 

"the friend mentioned had the software and was able to make a unique character for me.  I made a lot of disks when working with Hal so all the work has been documented and saved."

Would sure be passionately interested to know if you had a copy of such "software"?


Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: A Redhead
« on: June 21, 2019, 02:51:01 am »
Lightspeed - I have the same hopes that some day we'll have the capability to mod the full body's.  Brings to mind, how did the non-boot legged full bodies come to be?  I heard someone mod'ed the original?


I've had Maximus Skin in my files for some time, I just never used it yet.  I think I may have got it from the database that Charlie S put up.  I just checked it out and mine works right at 150% where there is sufficient space for the taskbar to show up.  Perhaps it's the size of the monitor.  Just saying.


Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: A Gal or two...
« on: June 19, 2019, 01:53:40 am »
A little more work and perhaps I'll get it!

Any guess?


Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: A Gal or two...
« on: June 17, 2019, 12:36:37 am »
Discovered this that has an uncanny resemblance...

update:  Is it just me or does this look more like me?


Hey Jedi - I'm catching up tonight on Emails tonight.  Some great emails came in the box this week.  Some very clever humorous emails and then those very "mind titillating" rubric's cube challenges to muse and venture.

Admittedly, there is that "curiosity" factor of "so... how does that work?"  That was what was so fascinating about your videos.  And then you actually resuscitated the unicorn!

We'll be talking.



Incredible!  Didn't think pp would see the light of day again.

Great job Jedi~


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: peopleputty
« on: June 10, 2019, 11:54:35 pm »
Jedi - be that the PP version I have has long expired, no menus are available to select other than the Options menu.  You stated that you did some registry configs allowing to override some pp code.   My question would be is, do you know where I can find the registry entry in my registry that I may reset the PP install date?  Then I could tell you what does work when the DEMO is working.


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: peopleputty
« on: June 10, 2019, 03:58:54 pm »
Jedi - I noted you stated you had some results using a 32bit Win7 machine.  Thought I'd state that the demo works on the 64bit Win7 as well.  Checked it again today. 


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: checker:::
« on: April 23, 2019, 06:29:01 pm »
Sounds great!  I'll send you my gmail account in PM.

Arm Pump!  Yeah!  Made the list!!  :D

WARNING: further reading may affect your grasp of developing reality.
The extent you are developing out HAL is awesome!  Letting it sink in that you're working on so much camera and internet data feed sources that HAL actually utilizes takes it one step closer to the potential towards robotics capability in time.   Very ecstatic that it will carry the  Haptek Character!  Would have been great to have the Haptek developers take part in developing out HAL to such ends!

Thought I'd throw this song in

~ Illusions in my head of the day when HAL will manipulate within a DIY robotic figure ~   



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