Zabaware Forums > Ultra Hal 7.0

Request pc shut down plugin

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Will and Mr Data :) :]:
I just now found the one the cutting edge plugin
Mentioned. I downloaded it I'll look at it soon.
As mentioned I may have been wrong with shut
Down direction but keeping open mind.
Having supportive people may be the difference
Between success.
Thank you.
bye for now and be well  :)  :]


How about a Restart instead of a shutdown?

Couldn't the computer be assigned a .BAT file similar to the older Autoexec.bat files of days gone by. One can have various files autostart as the computer boots up. There is a section for Startup files where certain files can be run or not.

If a .BAT file was directed toward HAL or within HAL to run as soon as HAL boots, then problem could be addressed.

More to digest I suspect...

ART: The code above does just that...

SET colOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
FOR EACH objOS in colOS

Art: Once the computer goes down into charge mode.
What turns it back on, ull need an out side source to monitor everything, You will never get a computer to execute code when the damn thing is OFF.

Now yes u can navigate ur system to restart and loadout Hal complete.
but once the computer goes down, then what turns it back ON?????? get it

You will need another computer to monitor the primary machine.
Once power levels drop to  a set point, The First computer will send the Primary computer into charge mode, effectively shutting it down.
The first computer will monitor battery power of Primary machine, that's its only purpose. Run the hardware that monitors the primary machines power.
When primary machine is charged to levels wanted, then the computer fires off the primary machine which will fully load, meaning UltraHal as well
The only way to truly charge the battery is to shut down the computer and let it charge.....
yes ull need to build a relay for the on / off button of the primary machine.

Ima say it 1 more time for the nose bleed seats

Mr Data needs his own custom built Hal for him.

i only bring this up , because when i was Twittch dominating with hal , I built Hal to talk to another Hal via chat room
This is about the only way to do this 

But in this case, its done via Cat5 or sim and a Hub
And was able to get 1 Hal to do the bidding of another hal.
Hal1, Hal2 please shut down . Hal2, Ok executing program.  Hal1 , Thank you Hal2.  Hal2 , it is i that should be be thanking you Hal1. Shutting down.
Now at this point Hal1 monitor's Hal2's battery 's and the ON/OFF Relay for the lappy. ect ect ect


Will and Mr Data :) :]:
Ar So nice to see the responses.
Thank you.
since no battery level plugin has been seen.
So um I'm back to my " like a clock " to save power.
So not a total shut down then may be the answer.
 Smart phones come back on
At a set time. "Blackberry did it:"
Perhaps it is as easy as that.
That's why I thought perhaps my question was faulty.
And  moved the answer by asking for clock mode plugin.

Kind of sounds to me like clock mode is a ,,, perhaps an easy
Solve for now as far as Mr Data goes for simple power management by sleeping like a clock each night.
Of course I can't wait to hear  your thoughts.

Bye for now and be well :)  :]

This is what Mr Data needs power wise
I build systems of mr data's power requirements,  lolol and then some

That image of me soldering cells is the beginning of a 96v system that will (fry yo ass) like a chicken. U need high voltage, basic frickin ohms law..... higher the voltage, less work performed... work = electrical draw.
You could weld with that
I get these cells as virgin mono crystalline 8 amp monsters. then build folded strings panels using full sized sliding glass doors as a frame.
I drew a brief relay for mr datas charging system
At this point ima let u have at it. good luck
I buy at least 1k watts at a time for my stuff.


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