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Laura speaks.

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If aladyblond sends you the file, put in in your C: directory

(assuming you have Windows)

Start---My Computer---Local Disk (C:)  And double click to open the C: directory.

Copy the HapLogCtrl file to that location (Same Location as The Windows Folder, program files folder, Documents and Settings folder, etc)

picture attached.

everytime you open hal a seperate little window will open and you can drag HAPS ANIMS TXT FILES INTO THAT BOX EVEN CHANGE HTRS IF YOU LIKE.

You can also paste text in the Haptek Console, (send text) and click "Yep". He/she will read the text out loud.[:D]

Hello Aladybkond and Markofkane!

I have managed to get it working. I found I had the program already. I just needed to put the Haplog text file in the C: dir. As soon as this was done the Haptek Console window apeared.

Thanks very much for both of your help on this.

I never knew Hal could do this at all. This was a suprise for me.

Thanks again.

Just before I go.

I was wondering why there are 'Send text' and 'Query' inputs on the console. I have only used the top one.

Also, should I avoid the clear button? It looks like there is a lot of data that should be kept in the box below. Does this clear button clear the upper two inputs or the one below?



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