Zabaware Forums > Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor

Ultra Hal & Mister House


Does anyone have any idea if this code (from another post)

If UserSentence = "Turn on the TV" Then
BlockSave = True
GetResponse = "I'm turning on the TV boss."
GetResponseBlock = True
Set GirderEvent = CreateObject("Girder.GirderEvent")
GirderEvent.Device = 18
GirderEvent.EventString = "TV_ON"
GirderEvent.Payload(1) = payload
End If

can be easily modified to work with MisterHouse?


That looks like  the coding for X-10 equip or equiv

I don't think Misterhouse works with Windows 10. I'm not sure that it is supported by anyone or forum, given it's age.

Girder was sort of an event driven,scripted,automation programming language. Don't know the status of it either but I'm certain it's rather dated.

So it's anyone's guess at this point. There are many other automation program available that might do what you require as well as some easy programming languages to employ.

Good luck!


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