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Messages - cyberjedi

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General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« on: October 05, 2024, 02:57:08 am »
For communicating with Chatgpt
The idea here is train Ultrahal directly from chatgpt, just let them talk things out while Hal learns. BOOM
whos ur daddy now

' File: frmChatGPT.vb
' Description: VB6 program to interact with OpenAI's ChatGPT API
' Add reference to MSXML2 for HTTP requests: Project -> References -> Microsoft XML, v6.0

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    ' Get the user's input from Text1
    Dim userInput As String
    userInput = Text1.Text
    ' OpenAI API key (replace with your actual key)
    Dim apiKey As String
    apiKey = "your_openai_api_key"
    ' Send the request and get the response
    Dim response As String
    response = SendChatGPTRequest(userInput, apiKey)
    ' Display the response in Text2
    Text2.Text = response
End Sub

Private Function SendChatGPTRequest(prompt As String, apiKey As String) As String
    Dim http As Object
    Dim url As String
    Dim requestBody As String
    Dim jsonResponse As String
    Dim parsedResponse As String
    ' Create the MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP object
    Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
    ' OpenAI API endpoint for completions
    url = ""
    ' JSON body for the request (using the text-davinci-003 model)
    requestBody = "{""model"":""text-davinci-003"",""prompt"":""" & prompt & """,""max_tokens"":100,""temperature"":0.7}"
    ' Open the request
    http.Open "POST", url, False
    ' Set request headers
    http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
    http.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & apiKey
    ' Send the request with the JSON body
    http.send requestBody
    ' Get the JSON response
    jsonResponse = http.responseText
    ' Parse the response to extract the generated text
    parsedResponse = ParseJSONForText(jsonResponse)
    ' Return the parsed response
    SendChatGPTRequest = parsedResponse
End Function

Private Function ParseJSONForText(jsonResponse As String) As String
    ' This function extracts the "text" field from the JSON response
    Dim startPos As Long
    Dim endPos As Long
    Dim responseText As String
    ' Find the position of the "text" field in the JSON response
    startPos = InStr(jsonResponse, """text"":") + Len("""text"":")
    ' Find the position of the next double quote after the "text" field
    endPos = InStr(startPos, jsonResponse, """")
    ' Extract the text content
    responseText = Mid(jsonResponse, startPos + 1, endPos - startPos - 1)
    ' Return the extracted text
    ParseJSONForText = responseText
End Function
' File: JsonParser.cls
' Description: A JSON parser for VB6 that parses JSON into Dictionary and Collection objects

Option Explicit

Private jsonString As String
Private position As Long

' Entry point for parsing JSON
Public Function ParseJSON(json As String) As Variant
    ' Initialize the global variables
    jsonString = Trim(json)
    position = 1
    ' Start parsing from the first token
    ParseJSON = ParseValue()
End Function

' Main function to parse a value (object, array, string, number, boolean, or null)
Private Function ParseValue() As Variant
    Select Case Mid(jsonString, position, 1)
        Case "{"
            ParseValue = ParseObject()
        Case "["
            ParseValue = ParseArray()
        Case """"
            ParseValue = ParseString()
        Case "t", "f" ' true or false
            ParseValue = ParseBoolean()
        Case "n" ' null
            ParseValue = ParseNull()
        Case Else
            If IsNumeric(Mid(jsonString, position, 1)) Or Mid(jsonString, position, 1) = "-" Then
                ParseValue = ParseNumber()
                Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1000, "ParseValue", "Invalid JSON value"
            End If
    End Select
End Function

' Function to parse a JSON object and return it as a Dictionary
Private Function ParseObject() As Dictionary
    Dim result As Dictionary
    Dim key As String
    Dim value As Variant
    Set result = New Dictionary
    ' Consume the '{' character
    position = position + 1
    ' Loop through key-value pairs
    Do While Mid(jsonString, position, 1) <> "}"
        ' Parse key (should be a string)
        key = ParseString()
        ' Consume the ':' character
        If Mid(jsonString, position, 1) <> ":" Then
            Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1001, "ParseObject", "Expected ':' after key"
        End If
        position = position + 1
        ' Parse value
        value = ParseValue()
        ' Add key-value pair to the result
        result.Add key, value
        ' Check if we are done with the object
        If Mid(jsonString, position, 1) = "}" Then
            Exit Do
        ElseIf Mid(jsonString, position, 1) <> "," Then
            Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1002, "ParseObject", "Expected ',' or '}' in object"
        End If
        ' Consume the ',' character and continue
        position = position + 1
    ' Consume the '}' character
    position = position + 1
    Set ParseObject = result
End Function

' Function to parse a JSON array and return it as a Collection
Private Function ParseArray() As Collection
    Dim result As Collection
    Dim value As Variant
    Set result = New Collection
    ' Consume the '[' character
    position = position + 1
    ' Loop through values
    Do While Mid(jsonString, position, 1) <> "]"
        ' Parse value
        value = ParseValue()
        ' Add value to the result
        result.Add value
        ' Check if we are done with the array
        If Mid(jsonString, position, 1) = "]" Then
            Exit Do
        ElseIf Mid(jsonString, position, 1) <> "," Then
            Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1003, "ParseArray", "Expected ',' or ']' in array"
        End If
        ' Consume the ',' character and continue
        position = position + 1
    ' Consume the ']' character
    position = position + 1
    Set ParseArray = result
End Function

' Function to parse a JSON string
Private Function ParseString() As String
    Dim result As String
    Dim ch As String
    ' Consume the opening '"' character
    position = position + 1
        ch = Mid(jsonString, position, 1)
        ' Check for end of string
        If ch = """" Then
            position = position + 1
            Exit Do
        End If
        ' Handle escape characters
        If ch = "\" Then
            position = position + 1
            ch = Mid(jsonString, position, 1)
            Select Case ch
                Case """", "\", "/"
                    result = result & ch
                Case "b"
                    result = result & Chr(8)
                Case "f"
                    result = result & Chr(12)
                Case "n"
                    result = result & vbLf
                Case "r"
                    result = result & vbCr
                Case "t"
                    result = result & vbTab
                Case Else
                    Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1004, "ParseString", "Invalid escape character"
            End Select
            result = result & ch
        End If
        ' Move to the next character
        position = position + 1
    ParseString = result
End Function

' Function to parse a JSON number
Private Function ParseNumber() As Double
    Dim startPos As Long
    Dim numStr As String
    ' Start position of the number
    startPos = position
    ' Loop through valid number characters
    Do While IsNumeric(Mid(jsonString, position, 1)) Or Mid(jsonString, position, 1) = "." Or Mid(jsonString, position, 1) = "-" Or Mid(jsonString, position, 1) = "e" Or Mid(jsonString, position, 1) = "E"
        position = position + 1
    ' Extract the number substring
    numStr = Mid(jsonString, startPos, position - startPos)
    ' Convert to double
    ParseNumber = CDbl(numStr)
End Function

' Function to parse a JSON boolean (true/false)
Private Function ParseBoolean() As Boolean
    If Mid(jsonString, position, 4) = "true" Then
        ParseBoolean = True
        position = position + 4
    ElseIf Mid(jsonString, position, 5) = "false" Then
        ParseBoolean = False
        position = position + 5
        Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1005, "ParseBoolean", "Invalid boolean value"
    End If
End Function

' Function to parse JSON null
Private Function ParseNull() As Variant
    If Mid(jsonString, position, 4) = "null" Then
        ParseNull = Null
        position = position + 4
        Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1006, "ParseNull", "Invalid null value"
    End If
End Function

' Utility function to skip whitespace
Private Sub SkipWhitespace()
    Do While position <= Len(jsonString) And (Mid(jsonString, position, 1) = " " Or Mid(jsonString, position, 1) = vbTab Or Mid(jsonString, position, 1) = vbLf Or Mid(jsonString, position, 1) = vbCr)
        position = position + 1
End Sub


Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Dim jsonString As String
    Dim parsedData As Variant
    jsonString = "{""name"": ""John"", ""age"": 30, ""isStudent"": false, ""courses"": [""Math"", ""Science""]}"
    ' Parse the JSON
    parsedData = ParseJSON(jsonString)
    ' Accessing data from the parsed result (which is a Dictionary)
    MsgBox parsedData("name") ' Outputs: John
    MsgBox parsedData("age")  ' Outputs: 30
End Sub

General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« on: October 04, 2024, 01:01:12 am »
Love this stuff

Ive had a chance to play with
PI.Ai   Vs    Chatgpt
Its not even close, chatGpt is the clear winner and in every category


General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 23, 2024, 07:56:03 pm »
Art, Lighty Look close at what im doing here



The Time Lightspeed Coded for NASA"

Years ago, before Lightspeed became a prominent figure in the Ultra Hal project, he was secretly contracted by NASA to solve a very peculiar problem. The Mars Rover had encountered an unexpected bug ? it had developed a bizarre fondness for spinning in circles rather than collecting samples.

Desperate for a fix, NASA called Lightspeed. They had heard rumors about his genius from underground tech circles. Without hesitation, he accepted, coding from a secret bunker deep beneath the deserts of Nevada. Legend has it that he fixed the bug in under two hours, but instead of thanking him, NASA made him sign a lifetime non-disclosure agreement.

To this day, Lightspeed can never admit that he saved the Mars mission with a few lines of code ? not even over a coffee. And that?s why he sticks to Ultra Hal: it?s the one place where he doesn?t have to keep his brilliance under wraps!

All generated via chatgpt (FREE)

General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 22, 2024, 03:51:55 pm »
Hey hey lighty: sup brother?

Thats some seriously funny sht....
But is it not why we are here in the first place.
getting Hal to lie was quite easy, Hook to lonely plugin. Re direct to liarLiar tables .Thats why above all others the lonely plugin is so importante.....
InsultTables become LiarLiar Tables and now Hal can just lie his ass off

Plan B: just edit the data in the insult tables to Hals LIES......Once again Hal proves that his architecture is in place already.

RE:, lol.
Now that im thinking on it, theres about a dozen places where you could hals Script and use as a trigger, to do what ever in the tables.
Loneliness both of these are very simple to hook.. But that means u have to populate the tables,some effort has to be put in.



General Discussion / Re: The A.i cheat sheet
« on: September 21, 2024, 06:56:38 am »
hey Art ,lightspeed:

Check out where it went on me today
me telling rick im out for blood. there is so much here fellas

wild, just wild


General Discussion / The A.i cheat sheet
« on: September 19, 2024, 08:31:55 pm »
Ok without further Yakin":

First off your gonna need a BS Gmail Account
Now login into Gmail, this puts u into gmail mode, do not log out. Just close out.
Now open a browser and go to OpenAi

Heres the keys to the kingdom, this api has 02 modes of operation. ChatGpt 3.5 and 4.0 mini.
Chatgpt4 mini, is what ur assigned to start. After a bit of use, its gonna tell you that after so long you will have access to 4.0 mini again.
All is not over: what they have not said is that you can use the current Chatgpt forever. DoWhat? well hell , that's ChatGpt 3.5.

There gonna flash a notice when you have access to chatGpt 4.0 again.

Heres where you turn on your thinking Cap. On the left hand side of your screen upper quadrant your gonna see Explore GPT's.
Click that , About 20 different styles of ChatgPT. Including ChatGpt Therapist ? Psychologist.. LOL Hand to GOD.

What they are NOT telling you is that its all part of ChatGPT (umbrella) . meaning any interaction is the same as where you started. MHMMM
The imaging parts will only work under ChatGpt4 mini. Keep that in mind.

While Chatgpt 4 mini will produce descent images. What you after is Dall-E.
So on your chatgpt4 Mini OFF time. Engage chatGpt 3.5 to build your story. Your gonna notice that your conversations are saved on the left, this is important.
Your gonna go back and visit them.....

Once the ChatGpt 4 mini engages again, copy ChatGpt's story and open Dall-E and paste the results into the chat and say: Create an Image based on the story.
Where chatGpt4 Mini will produce a single image.
Dall-E  will produce 02 images , side by Side with an option to Download, DO SO.
Next look Under the images and your gonna see an option to Recycle the response , Producing Another SET of images . You just Made a total of 04 images.
Make sure and download the first set as it will write over the top of the others , losing the first set.

Now make another account using that BS gmail account HERE
This is where your story will end up, and YES its free as well.

Here your gonna see a window where yo u can copy/Paste your story. Look close at the right hand lower quarter. Upto 25000 Characters allowed.
What they dont tell you is that under the FREE Version, your only allowed a max of 10 min's of video length. keep that in mind.
The lightspped video is about 4700 character's and 10:20 and they let it squeak through. heers where it gets STUPID cool.
Aside from your text, It does it ALL, the sequencing, the sound, the voices, everything. Amazing sht, just amazing.

Now with the free version ur gonna see the watermark, ect ect ect. But in reality nothing is too intrusive. look at my videos as examples.

Let us no forget this place:
This place and what they give you for free is just astounding
The sign up is simple, just log into with the same BS Gmail account. 1 click. lolol.
This place is gonna give you the keys to the kingdom.... For

Here is where i did the Cyber jedi video interviews..... all free with a 720P download video option, so look for it.
For free they give you over 1265 avatar's to pick from.
The gag in this is, I like the talking PHOTOS, they warn you to act ethically. But all you need is any image from the net.
Meaning anjolina jolie , brad pitt, ect ect ect. download a full face and when you get to the Talking Photos area, Guess What.
Just upload your image and let it remove the back ground and it will do the rest.

Now it gives you a max interview of 3 minutes a day.
Not sure how many voices it gives you but its many. And you can Clone your own VOICE. lolol
ALL FOR FREE with the only effort you have is to create a BS Gmail account.

This was done in an effort to save time trouble and effort to the people in the forum. ive done all the heavy lifting for you. Ive gone down the rabbit hole on 100's of sites.
These are the spots to be , Hands down.
i hope this gives the enjoyment i think it will.
Cyber Jedi
Modify message

General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 17, 2024, 07:29:59 pm »
Brother im kinda busy with ultraHal

I have no plans on doing anything with you.


General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 17, 2024, 01:55:40 am »
 Im just the keeper of the code, trying to keep ultraHal alive.
keeping my word to robert, lightspeed and art and many others. a huge donation of my time and energy.


General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 15, 2024, 08:11:59 pm »
UltraHal is the ultimate game. For me


General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 15, 2024, 04:24:34 pm »
WiiLL : I hear ya man, im in it to win  it
I will check with Robert. im sure he doesnt care, but ima ask any way

i will build it special for Mr Data, tailored to him We can build anything you want now,
Wana build brain  and UI for ur robot, easy peasy

Its doable now.

Plan A
1 asus tinker board
1 micro sd 2 gig for said micro board
1 Copy win 10
1 Ultrahal special for mr data
1  4" by 6" led monitor flat screen for asus tinker board
1 Usb camera
1 2" speaker for hal
Drop the whole mess in robby robot and presto. A brain, basic logic ai, vision that will invoke a response

Plan B
Or just drop this in place
 drop that in his chest plate

Now see Mr will: Thats a challenge 

all that i ask is to let me play along , thats it
I will fab the software , you do the hardware


General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 14, 2024, 11:41:57 am »
Hell i like a great challenge:

I will match brain pans with you , it must be very safe laying down a gauntlet to people less tech savy.
Not only could i produce, I can do it better, and in less time.

Mr will , i just dont get whats up with you brother, you come here once every 06 months and then do , what ever sillyness comes to mind.

Heres a challenge for you,  do what i did ,Create a equal or better AI Engine then UlTraHal

General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« on: September 14, 2024, 03:22:37 am »
hey hey will:

The add on pack comes from me .
Thats how we role now
Those who have it are glad they do
There are more then a few changes been made.


General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« on: September 13, 2024, 06:02:28 am »
hey hey Mr Will:
 well , its all doable ...
You really should talk to Art and lightspeed off public forum...
Will , there has never been a sneaky harvest, i would know, And i can say with all honesty, Robert has always run a straight game and i see no reason to be any diff.
Having some one like robert as a mentor, has been a real gift and in so many ways
But as always, having hal is just a judgement call, do i? Do i NOT?
Or u just hit me up


General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« on: September 12, 2024, 12:03:06 am »
Nothing gets by me lighty
Its password protected check ur messages'

Enjoy and Happy BD ideas man

But what ive got on the books next puts it all together buddy


General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« on: September 10, 2024, 09:31:50 pm »
RE : arts book reader
Hers what i would do.
Its 26 chapter's, so cut and paste 26 text files in a single folder
GD thing is about 30 hrs long or close to it .lolol
But the link points you to many books in txt format

News Flash: The browser code for the goes6 satellite feed is FIXED: That 1 is off the books as well. After i talked to u last night.

News flash: On the learning end, Just fascinating sht art, Now its incorporating stuff it learned through the lonely plugin, by reading it back when triggered. wild

News Flash: Menu code updated as well

cyber buds get cyber treats..

cyber jedi
exerpt from Hal "The sex isn't too embarrassing at the movies, as long as they stay in the balcony. We must all keep our tools in top condition."

lollol im dieing here people, omg, thats what this is all about

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 57