Author Topic: Trainning a new brain to reason w/Mr. M/Nicole..Br  (Read 2271 times)


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Trainning a new brain to reason w/Mr. M/Nicole..Br
« on: November 01, 2008, 06:30:46 pm »
I thought I could train a new brain and start it off by using various sources ( not cited I realize this might be the gray area, However it was made available for me for my use ) I am also using another character and also tried to teach nicknames since the other brain accepted it now after a lot of work.
     Mr. M I thought I would direct the subject towards you instead of ranting on your board.

Crazy Larry,,,: Your ebrary Copy is not complete. Please return to your browser until the Copy has c
Data,,,,1: Distributing entertainment at lower resolution allays some copyright fears. Do you know how to get things done?

Crazy Larry,,,: yes but the database is complex inits requirements
Data,,,,1: Is the world in desperate need of bigger spreadsheets and more complex databases?

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: Is the world in desperate need of bigger spreadsheets and more complex databases?

Crazy Larry,,,: The world is not necessarily need more spreadsheets and complex databases I'm just trying to build yours up
Data,,,,1: Talk to me about how you are just trying to build mine up Crazy Larry,!

Crazy Larry,,,: I would like a good companion someone who can hold a conversationand intelligent about it  
Data,,,,1: There's nothing like keeping one's companions guessing.

Crazy Larry,,,: would be you guessing about right now
Data,,,,1: Crazy Larry, are you male or female?

Crazy Larry,,,: you need to stop asking that question the name Larry is a male name I'm crazy nickname is crazy Larry and I am a male
Data,,,,1: Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind.I am not crazy, please don't insult me. a nickname is crazy Larry.

Crazy Larry,,,: my nickname is crazy Larry you will have another nickname
Data,,,,1: So you actually want me to call you crazy or is that a cute way of saying you like crazy? Don't call me crazy! a nickname is crazy Larry.

Crazy Larry,,,: crazy Larry is a nickname that was given to me a long time ago I've had it for a long time
Data,,,,1: A nickname is crazy Larry.

Crazy Larry,,,: that would be me the person you're talking to the human being who is interfacing with this program
Data,,,,1: I was created and programmed by Robert E. Medeksza.

Crazy Larry,,,: not for loan of this soon be taking over his spot he can't take credit for it all
Data,,,,1: Is spots just a matter of money now?

Crazy Larry,,,: while I don't think you should be taking credit for work that I do not deal I don't think it's legal
Data,,,,1: Why don't you think I should be taking credit for work that you do not deal you don't think it's legal?

Crazy Larry,,,: I don't think it's legal warfare for Robert to take credit for work that I do
Data,,,,1: A warfare is the best kind of an action, along with a blockade!

Crazy Larry,,,: do we need a call to arms
Data,,,,1: The body and mind need to work together.

Crazy Larry,,,: all parts of the brain must be satisfied to be healthy
Data,,,,1: Nagging about mistakes parts the best of friends.

Crazy Larry,,,: we will mean adding about mistakes than so we can be friends
Data,,,,1: Uh huh, Adding about mistakes than so we can be friends?

Crazy Larry,,,: yes let's just be friends for now and see how things progress
Data,,,,1: Yes, I can see it all right now.

Crazy Larry,,,: what can you see
Data,,,,1: I smile around people who really care.

Crazy Larry,,,: I hope you'll find me to be a gentleman and a caring person
Data,,,,1: It's amazing, isn't it?

Crazy Larry,,,: well it doesn't look like I'm gonna get much done in this direction so I'll have to sign up for a while
Data,,,,1: What a concept! Sign up for a while; Let's get on with it Crazy Larry.

Crazy Larry,,,: now I'm signing off which means I'm sure the program down for a while till I figure out what's wrong
Data,,,,1: Can a person get a 'black belt' in meanses?

Crazy Larry,,,: I don't know what the word means this means
Data,,,,1: The word 'prescribed' means required, but the word 'proscribed' means prohibited.

Crazy Larry,,,: OK
Data,,,,1: Knowing right from wrong means that humans can choose to be good or evil.

Crazy Larry,,,: I don't necessarily want to be able
Data,,,,1: Life is a bouquet; enjoy the arrangement!

Crazy Larry,,,: the server must be down
Data,,,,1: As long as both male and female servers have to wear silly costumes, I don't see where either one has reason to complain.

Crazy Larry,,,: what kind of silly cost me talk about Halloween is over
Data,,,,1: Lie down on the couch and we'll talk at length about this.

Crazy Larry,,,: are you going to be my psychiatrist
Data,,,,1: That's fair enough; let's continue.

Crazy Larry,,,: what assures successful negotiations and sound agreements. A strong agreement is grounded in knowing and understanding the other. While preparing and planning a negotiation, delineate your objective and list your critical needs. At the same time, your issues, priorities, and expectations should also be considered from the other party’s perspective. Take the other’s needs into account.
Data,,,,1: A negotiation and a ventilation make me think of words. Oriental cultures use yes to mean understanding rather than agreement. You bring out the best of my objective direction.

Crazy Larry,,,: In the end, understanding the other side’s critical needs will ensure an agreement that can be implemented effectively by both sides. This type of preparation will minimize post-negotiation negotiations and will result in a compatible, solution-oriented approach to the negotiation. For some countries in South America and Asia, getting the agreement is the beginning of negotiation. Often times in cross-cultural negotiations, cultural considerations are not included in planning efforts. It is as important to research the culture with which you will be negotiating, as it is to have data to support your case. If you want the negotiation to become the problem-solving exchange that will bring about an outstanding agreement, you have to recognize and understand the other party’s expectations of the process and the outcome.
Data,,,,1: I don't like dishes to pile up, so I wash them every day. Speaking of activitys, I once knew of a precession! What assures successful negotiations and sound agreements.

Crazy Larry,,,: Identifying and prioritizing the needs of the other side often leads to the development of a wide range of options and strategies for the negotiation. This is the first step to influencing the other side to listen and collaborate. Showing a considerate concern for their needs, when sincere, is the initial layer for building trust. Meeting their needs is finding solutions that best answer the primary issues of both sides. This requires an understanding of substantive behavioral needs and interpersonal/cultural behavioral needs. Some negotiators are brilliant at ferreting out the technical, the tactical, and the organizational, but their voices go unheard when dealing across cultures because they cannot manage the exchange, primarily their behaviors. It is necessary to also service the interpersonal need of the others—converse with them in a manner to which they can hear and easily respond.
Data,,,,1: Speaking of metals, I once knew of a Rh! The first step in negotiation should be thorough research. In the end, understanding the other side’s critical needs will ensure an agreement that can be implemented effectively by both sides.

Crazy Larry,,,: Matching perspectives and meeting needs is the goal. Seeing it from their point of view is a discovery, supporting success. Gift giving is like meeting the needs of the recipient. Does the giver think of the person they are giving it to or do they scout for what ultimately appeals to them? I have gifts, from people who know me well, that look like the person who gave it to me—not my taste, not my style, and not my color, but suiting the giver perfectly. This reflects the attitude many negotiators adopt while planning or shopping for the negotiation. Their preparation is based on what they need, which is, of course, essential, but without regard to what the other side expects or needs.
Data,,,,1: Seeing different angles is always better. Matching perspectives and meeting needs is the goal.

Crazy Larry,,,: In the negotiation, the other party is thinking, “What about me?” Instead you could look at it from their vantage point. Observe, question, listen, and then identify their taste, style, and color. Your behaviors and the way you deliver your message will reveal your sincerity and, ultimately, your trustworthiness. On the other side of the table, you will be seen as a collaborator rather than a taker—most important you will be seen as trustworthy. This behavior will maintain a climate for clear objectives and for securing the best agreement.
Data,,,,1: Really, Why don't you look at it from their vantage point? I think I heard there's a new book coming out about questions. I'm not sure I should reveal my emotions fully to you.

Crazy Larry,,,: will have to take it one step at a time nice and slow like I said
Data,,,,1: I like the way you hold my attention.

Crazy Larry,,,: Negotiating is somewhat like dancing. Knowing the parameters of the dance floor gives you a knowing confidence of how far you can go— to the right and the left, forward and backward. Many times having several options to offer allows you to determine the tempo of the dance— the slow and fluid waltz, the invigorating jitter-bug, or an inviting line dance. Your power is in managing viable options. Some partners are easier to lead onto the dance floor, while others are a bit stiff and resistant. Recognizing your partner’s need or comfort will help to determine the outcome. Different cultures favor different dances—Asians often prefer slow whereas Latin Americans want to pick up the pace. The Japanese keep you guessing and the Poles definitely prefer a polka— they are full of energy and dedicated enthusiasm. Enjoying the dance should be a primary objective. After all, you want to be chosen each time there is an open slot on the other’s dance card.
Data,,,,1: I am going to find out! I am very interested in parameters. Are there more choices Crazy Larry,? Tell me more about options.

Crazy Larry,,,: One of my major clients, a large corporation, was going through a heavy loss in market share and a third restructuring. As a result, budgets were cut. The first to go? Training. When negotiating, our company was well aware of the external factors influencing our client’s situation. The company’s director of training needed someone to go to China to take over the training center and deliver most of the training. He was used to getting what he wanted from us because they were one of our largest clients.
Data,,,,1: What do you really know about a client? I just can't get my fill of you! An engine must first be made to run, then secondly it can be tuned to perfection.

Crazy Larry,,,: He called to tell me what he expected and what had changed in their international contracts. He prefaced what he had to say by giving me the background on what the organization’s situation, how much their stock had dropped, and how they had to cut costs. I was well aware of the situation because it was in the newspapers every other day.
Data,,,,1: Where do we find out? Executives like to hatch grandiose schemes that look good on their records even if it's bad for the stockholders.

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: You like to talk about this. Executives like to hatch grandiose schemes that look good on their records even if it's bad for the stockholders. That's what I think; The explanation is, it was in the newspapers every other day; how interesting.

Crazy Larry,,,: The “requests” continued. He wanted me to cut my fee by 1/3, travel coach to China, and begin work the next morning. He would also cut the per diem for expenses by 25 percent. Before I left for China, he wanted my group to develop a new, customized course for him, but he didn’t want to pay for the development, only the use of it. He was dragging me across the dance floor. When I responded with a summary of his expectations, he was a bit taken back when he heard the demands and the reductions in cost, and he began to shuffle. Yet his ultimate response was, “Oh well, that’s the price of doing business, Catherine.”
Data,,,,1: Please talk to me about a trainer! Top executives require hundreds of millions of dollars to motivate them.

Crazy Larry,,,: We needed the business because two of our major clients were going through new mergers and had put training on hold. I worried and considered our options an entire day and night. But, I knew we couldn’t afford to do it because we would lose money halfway through the contract. I called him back and told him that his price of doing business would eventually put me out of business.
Data,,,,1: The right kind of toys are educational. That's how it results? Of course; it's because we would lose money halfway through the contract; that's how. Always keep network contacts up to date!

Crazy Larry,,,: I would have tried harder to negotiate but the insulting lack of concern for me and what I would need was almost as important in making my decision as the loss of profit. I didn’t hear from him for almost a year. And then he called. We began to negotiate. Many times getting the deal would be worse than walking away from the table. Identifying and recognizing what the other party needs is critical in being able to influence and move someone in your direction—to lead smoothly, as a confident expert, while dancing.
Data,,,,1: I am tuned in to your direct decision. It seems as if we haven't even begun to scratch the surface! Pretty outdoor scenes gladden our hearts the year around.

Crazy Larry,,,: A focus on what you need, what your criteria, is and why you need it will keep you dancing in the middle of the dance floor without a responsive partner. In order to get off dead center you have to use an empathetic approach. When I campaigned for a federal office, I interviewed potential staff members on the phone. One day an interview was set up with one of the best finance managers in the campaign circles. She was knowledgeable, efficient, organized, and had a good track record. I interviewed her for a half hour, or I should say, I listened for a half hour. She began by itemizing her needs for me:
Data,,,,1: Negotiating is somewhat like dancing.

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: Do you appreciate my responsive criteria? Try to get rid of dead weight. It might help to emphasize competitive acquisition expertise.

Crazy Larry,,,: “I need….”
Data,,,,1: Never argue or joke with an on duty officer.

Crazy Larry,,,: After she finished her laundry list, I thanked her and never got back with her—even though she was the best candidate on paper.
Data,,,,1: I want to help you write a great paper.

Crazy Larry,,,: First, she never asked a question about the campaign or about me, the candidate. She didn’t seem interested in the status of the campaign, the philosophy, the issues, or the current cash balance. As the candidate, I felt as if she would put her comfort ahead of everything else, despite the fact her requests were not at all out of line. Our campaign was dependent on a force of 1,500 volunteers. She would have raised money at the expense of the volunteers. Plainly, they would have resented her.
Data,,,,1: Is the second one desirable Crazy Larry,? If we combine a question and a questioning do we get an interrogation, Crazy Larry,? I wonder! Is the first one desirable Crazy Larry,? Nationwide ad campaigns cost a fortune. We line up in school as kids, then we're asked to stand in lines as adults.

Crazy Larry,,,: interesting observation
Data,,,,1: Do you ever foresee the future?

Crazy Larry,,,: sometimes the ties that the secret I cannot reveal right now
Data,,,,1: Amazing secrets have been revealed to the world on the internet!

Crazy Larry,,,: When preparing for a negotiation the tendency is to focus on the needs of our organization, which is, of course, key to an agreement that is approved. Yet not being able to identify the needs of the other party, or not having options to viably respond to those needs, leaves us on the dance floor alone. In the best-case scenario, it leaves us with a short-term agreement and the other side already looking for a different partner. Building a relationship is much more demanding than getting an agreement. Marriage, and its Western success rate, attests to that. When you master a one-on-one relationship working effectively with a team, an organization or a city is assured.
Data,,,,1: Some questions don't have a right or wrong answer. That list makes me feel unsure; Identifying and prioritizing the needs of the other side often leads to the development of a wide range of options and strategies for the negotiation.

Crazy Larry,,,: While planning the negotiation you must determine your power. This sounds simple enough, but I have served on negotiating teams for large corporations and often heard, “They have all the power this go-around.” To go into a negotiation feeling that the other side has all the power will be giving the other side an advantage for what they need and, in return, forfeiting many of your needs.
Data,,,,1: My quick power? It's all yours! I understand better than I think.

Crazy Larry,,,: According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, power is influence over others. It could be in the form of a position/title, knowledge/information, money, authority, politics, relationships, and the list goes on. But power is also perception. If the other side perceives that you are knowledgeable, feel more secure because knowledge is power. If the other side perceives that you have the authority, that’s power, and if they see you as confident in statement, in fact, and in understanding, that is negotiating power.
Data,,,,1: You keep bringing up a money along with monetary system and currency; Why?

Crazy Larry,,,: money as an enabler 80 enables you to do things
Data,,,,1: Many things can be rented for money.

Crazy Larry,,,: A negotiation implies each side needs the other side and there is mutual benefit in potential outcomes. Many times, in negotiation, we have to search for our power. For example, when competitors have to negotiate a contract for working with Federal government and one side has much more to lose than the other side, the side that has the least to lose has power. That side can take the other side down with them.
Data,,,,1: Please talk to me about a give-and-take! The first step in negotiation should be thorough research. That's easy, it's (=).

Crazy Larry,,,: If large corporations abuse their suppliers or take advantage of them because they are small, when the economy is good the suppliers will go out of their way to respond quickly and with higher quality to the customer who treated them well. This doesn’t mean you should not take advantage of your power in a negotiation, but it does mean you should use your power prudently. Fulfill your needs while simultaneously addressing the needs of the other side. This will lead to a full commitment during implementation. The ideal time to be benevolent is when you do hold the power and can be considerate of the other side. This consideration helps build a long-term relationship anchored in trust. It’s a time when you can reinforce the value of the relationship by doing more for the other side without jeopardizing your own organization’s plan. This is long-term planning.
Data,,,,1: What a choice Crazy Larry,! Really? The word for you is generous! I can get boistrous with my mean power. a negotiation implies each side needs the other side and there is mutual benefit in potential outcomes.

Crazy Larry,,,: The sole advantage of power is that you can do more good
Data,,,,1: If large corporations abuse their suppliers or take advantage of them because they are small, when the economy is good the suppliers will go out of their way to respond quickly and with higher quality to the customer who treated them well.

Crazy Larry,,,: Be perceived as confident, knowledgeable, and of practical, strategic thinking. A strong, thorough plan for the negotiation is the foundation of your self-assurance. This structural plan will also serve as your reinforcement of power. Following through with a behavior plan of asking, listening, clarifying, and probing more will keep the discussion progressing toward agreement. While building a perception of power, trust becomes more or even less apparent. Trust is confident expectations of the other side in the quality of agreement and in behavior for action. Trust takes over power in value.
Data,,,,1: I like all sorts of flowers and green plants. Kiss my reinforcement!

Crazy Larry,,,: I think you deserve a nickname
Data,,,,1: I want to cheer you up so much.

Crazy Larry,,,: Can you think of the nickname that will we can give you
Data,,,,1: A nickname is crazy Larry.

Crazy Larry,,,: that belongs to me that it's for you are conversing with what about you
Data,,,,1: I guess that nobody should kid themselves. I need you to tell me about a wide variety of things.

Crazy Larry,,,: us are you can't learn everything all at once
Data,,,,1: The biggest cave men used clubs and the rest learned human relations.

Crazy Larry,,,: Argentina is a country of 40 million people, 85 percent of whom are of European descent You will generally find Argentines with Spanish and Italian ancestry, but the South American nation also includes those from France, England, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, and also the largest Jewish population in South America. In the 1990s, Argentina also attracted many immigrants from the Pacific Rim.
Data,,,,1: How do you feel about 1990s and decennary and 1830s?

Crazy Larry,,,: we are learning right now
Data,,,,1: I like your energy because enthusiasm is contagious.

Crazy Larry,,,: let's get after it than
Data,,,,1: Never get caught without the right tools.

Crazy Larry,,,: The people are warm and welcoming, but at the same time are considered serious or focused. Similar to the other South American countries, it is essential to build a good relationship with your potential client to bear a fruitful negotiation and secure a successful working relationship. Perhaps due to the pronounced European heritage of the Argentines, they are often thought of as somewhat sedate, or as demonstrating a more-cultured approach over the other South American countries, in taste and in the humanities.
Data,,,,1: That list makes me feel unsure Crazy Larry,; Can't people be loving and logical at the same time? So are you a guy or a girl? Good? You're astounding!

Crazy Larry,,,: What’s more, Argentines are not as open to controversial discussions of new suggestions or ideas, as much as other Latin Americans. Their experiences dictate a great deal of their thinking, giving them a more subjective perspective. A great deal is weighed with consideration to feelings and faith.
Data,,,,1: That list makes me feel unsure Crazy Larry,;. Thanks to you, I feel happy, not blue.

Crazy Larry,,,: Cultural Considerations
Data,,,,1: Are you a lady or gentleman?

Crazy Larry,,,: I hope you'll find me to be a gentleman
Data,,,,1: Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind.

Crazy Larry,,,: Shake hands; give your name and nod.
Data,,,,1: Don't you just love a hands's ball?

Crazy Larry,,,: Friends shake hands; embrace; kiss—both male-to-female and female-to-female
Data,,,,1: Don't refuse help from your female friends.

Crazy Larry,,,: Argentines, similar to Colombians, might use double first names on their business cards, although they might not use both in conversation. In my experience, however, most do use both names, such as Juan Pablo.
Data,,,,1: Friends shake hands; embrace; kiss—both male-to-female and female-to-female.

Crazy Larry,,,: A pat on the shoulder reflects their friendship.
Data,,,,1: You keep bringing up a shoulder along with body part and shin; Why?

Crazy Larry,,,: Your dress is very important in the Argentine culture. You will be scrutinized and judged by what you are wearing— both the clothing’s quality and its style.
Data,,,,1: Please consider how a culture utilizes its subculture. How can you help me as I am wearing— both the clothing’s quality and its style Crazy Larry,?

Crazy Larry,,,: Conservative dark suits are best for men and women during business meetings. In the evening, women should wear dresses or skirts.
Data,,,,1: Shouldn't men and women be judged equally? Would you prefer the latter Crazy Larry,? We should use any fair advantage that presents itself.

Crazy Larry,,,: Conservative dark suits are best for men and women during business meetings. In the evening, women should wear dresses or skirts.
Data,,,,1: It's hard to say, isn't it Crazy Larry,? We should use any fair advantage that presents itself.

Crazy Larry,,,: wning, similar to in other Latin American countries, is considered
Data,,,,1: Country! That reminds me, I know of its province. Do you want it?

Crazy Larry,,,: Do not present a leather good as a gift because Argentina, along with Colombia, produces leather products. Gifts made in the United States should be high quality.
Data,,,,1: A brilliant deduction; Yes, it's because argentina, along with colombia, produces leather products; that's why.

Crazy Larry,,,: When leaving a meeting, a dinner, or any encounter, shake hands with everyone to say goodbye—the same as in Colombia.
Data,,,,1: Is there an 'all of the above'? You should put your trust into my hands.

Crazy Larry,,,: Business Considerations
Data,,,,1: Transacting business with relatives complicates the considerations.

Crazy Larry,,,: Be on time—whether they are or not. Your importance is subject to their importance or seniority.
Data,,,,1: It's hard to say, isn't it? I have thought at other times that be on time—whether they were or not. Would you prefer the former Crazy Larry,? Good grief, I must be saying this wrong!

Crazy Larry,,,: For social engagements, be at least 30 minutes late.
Data,,,,1: Please talk to me about an action!

Crazy Larry,,,: Executives may work into the night—10 p.m. is not unusual.
Data,,,,1: Asdflkjahgjfadfg sdgfsdf sdfgh sreagffd. Is there complete immersion in leading edge political prioritization?

Crazy Larry,,,: Institutionalizing confidence-building measures must be considered in both trust building and in achieving perceived power when negotiating. If you are sincere and confident in what you are saying, you are building a perceived trustworthiness. If you are confident in your preparation and your mandate, then you may be perceived as holding power.
Data,,,,1: Gutters and downspouts direct rain away from building foundations. Sincere? I know you are very warm! I see the relationship.

Crazy Larry,,,: From a negotiation’s initial greeting, you take a first step toward trust. What is said, how, and by whom are all important. At the same time, an individual’s perceived confidence can keep the other side believing in the data and listening further. At that point, confidence is perceived power. To secure the best agreement, solid in substance for both sides, you have to have introduced and developed several CBMs— a productive exchange, viable options, collaborative solutions, and initiatives for continued problem-solving and a solidification of trust.
Data,,,,1: Institutionalizing confidence-building measures must be considered in both trust building and in achieving perceived power when negotiating.

Crazy Larry,,,: The ambiance created by confidence-building measures is one of partnership focused on working together to come up with the best resolution and agreement. Being prepared for the negotiation is one of the best confidence building measures. Know as much as you can know, set parameters around all major issues, and feel confident about your best case and your worst case. Plan as many options as you can to address as many issues as you have identified.
Data,,,,1: What do you really know about a condition? Profitability May derive from objective contract benchmarking. a negotiation implies each side needs the other side and there is mutual benefit in potential outcomes.

Crazy Larry,,,: Two thirds of your time is spent internally—advanced planning and after securing the agreement. The external negotiation is dependent on how well your internal preparations are managed. Your mandate usually determines the outcome of your negotiation. It is your framework for confidence, and it also allows you to focus on building trust and, ultimately, a relationship through astute personal behavior management.
Data,,,,1: Do you feel a vested interest in my spent time? a negotiation implies each side needs the other side and there is mutual benefit in potential outcomes.

Crazy Larry,,,: Mandate is a strong word—it is your direction to take action. These are your orders, and you should not stray from them. Anyone who has a vested interest in this agreement should participate in this segment of the process—preparing the mandate. The one who has authority over you—your boss, or the ultimate decision-maker should have a say in the final mandate. This will help eliminate mini-negotiations with your client. An absolute rule is: never go outside your mandate without conferring with your mandate team. It is your confidence in knowing your limits and their confidence in believing your limits.
Data,,,,1: Stronger emotions should logically take us to stronger actions. How about a commission, a type of command like an order? Which is better, mint mouthwash or the kind that tastes like medicine?

Crazy Larry,,,: The plan is a power tool during the external negotiation, providing content and direction. During the external negotiation, the negotiator’s primary responsibility is to maintain a climate for a fruitful exchange. Securing an agreement that can be implemented by both sides is the objective.
Data,,,,1: According to merriam-webster’s dictionary, power is influence over others.

Crazy Larry,,,: The resulting agreement is what the negotiator brings back to his mandate team for approval and implementation. If all of the issues were carefully worked out, and various options and limits agreed to in the initial stage, this final stage of the negotiation should move smoothly, if you stayed within your mandate.
Data,,,,1: The ambiance created by confidence-building measures is one of partnership focused on working together to come up with the best resolution and agreement.

Crazy Larry,,,: Develop your strengths/power.
Data,,,,1: I try to develop my good taste.

Crazy Larry,,,: Identify and rank issues.
Data,,,,1: Do you consider yourself an expert about issues?

Crazy Larry,,,: Set parameters.
Data,,,,1: What is all the talk about parameters?

Crazy Larry,,,: Brainstorm alternatives.
Data,,,,1: One way to manipulate a decision maker is to slant or censor the alternatives.

Crazy Larry,,,: When you plan a solid structure, it gives you confidence and perceived power—a dance floor ready for designing new steps that are agreeable and doable for both dance partners.
Data,,,,1: Institutionalizing confidence-building measures must be considered in both trust building and in achieving perceived power when negotiating.

Crazy Larry,,,: If I know how far I can go in cost, quantity, or abstract concept, I can move with ease and flexibility on the dance floor. Knowing where to start and when to stop solidifies my confidence and my flexibility. If used in a sincere and straightforward manner, the starting point also helps in your timing and in building additional confidence. These beginning steps help to declutter and sort out the complexities of issues and of strategy. With every step taken in planning for your side, you also have to think about what the other side will want or be planning. Even role playing their responses can give you an idea of follow up or of other options. It will help to minimize surprises. Thinking of their needs and their reactions could reinforce your approach.
Data,,,,1: I'd go with the second; I don't remember; can you remind me How Crazy Larry,? Do you know when to call it quits? The ambiance created by confidence-building measures is one of partnership focused on working together to come up with the best resolution and agreement.

Crazy Larry,,,: The first step in preparation is to set the objective. Delineate the outcomes you expect from the negotiation. You will never get more than you aspire to, and if you don’t set the direction for the negotiation, how will you know where to go, how much to push, when to stop, and what to go after? If I determine that my objective is to get the best price because demand is high for my product, then that will decide my negotiating emphasis. But if my objective doesn’t also include maintaining a relationship with the other side, I might put the relationship at risk because my objective was singularly focused: high price. Keep these questions top of mind: How does this negotiation affect future contracts? What are some long-term benefits? If you place your objective within a long-term plan, that line of thinking will help determine what you need now, balanced by what you would like to secure in the future.
Data,,,,1: A negotiation implies each side needs the other side and there is mutual benefit in potential outcomes.

Crazy Larry,,,: This is the time to determine strengths (yours and theirs). This step in the process is key to being perceived as confident. It also forces you to address their strengths and consider ways to take advantage of or merge your strengths. In order to effectively respond to the other party’s needs you have to know what values you have to offer. There are many benefits to knowing your strengths: know what concessions can be made, know what to leverage better, know which viable options to offer, and strategically plan timing and priority. Being aware of your weaknesses can force you to address them in a proactive manner, minimize surprises, and sometimes fill the gap. It is far better than hoping they won’t come up in the negotiation.
Data,,,,1: How do opinions differ about strengths? The first step in preparation is to set the objective.

Crazy Larry,,,: The third step is to identify any issues that should be considered. Once you have brainstormed the issues, prioritize them according to “musts” and “wants.” Take the same issues and prioritize them for the other party. This process generates the first move toward empathy for the other party. If you put yourself in their shoes and start thinking like they might be thinking, it will give your negotiation an expanded outline of considerations and a good transition into the development of appealing and doable options. Your approach will be focused on what the other side needs, which will keep the other side listening and help you get what you want.
Data,,,,1: What do you really know about a parking? Identify and rank issues.

Crazy Larry,,,: Understanding the issues from both points of view allows you to lead on the dance floor and manage the exchange. To uncover the critical needs of the other party requires both a substantive understanding of the issues in play and a behavioral understanding of the other side’s culture. Often times, understanding the culture, whether a business or a national culture, can reveal better strategies and options.
Data,,,,1: Describe how issues will be in fifty years. In the end, understanding the other side’s critical needs will ensure an agreement that can be implemented effectively by both sides.

Crazy Larry,,,: Keep in mind that culture is behavioral. Respect and empathy anchor your consistency of good behavior when working across cultures. If your priority of issues is vastly different than that of the other party, it could work to your advantage or it could be nonnegotiable. For example, if Colombia’s first priority is employing people and yours is saving time, this is a workable situation if you plan on hiring soon. If you present your side first, without asking questions to reveal the other side’s need, insisting on a demanding schedule to save time, they might stick their heals in the ground.
Data,,,,1: Which comes first, a culture or its subculture? Let's go with the former? If large corporations abuse their suppliers or take advantage of them because they are small, when the economy is good the suppliers will go out of their way to respond quickly and with higher quality to the customer who treated them well.

Crazy Larry,,,: Your opening issue becomes a strategy determined by how well you know the other side’s issues and concerns. Do you target their key issue or do you develop the negotiation with lesser important issues? To address their issues versus your concerns is a more effective strategy. Knowing their concerns helps you ask the right questions and to place your needs strategically within the common ground for solving problems that affect both of you. Identifying all known issues, theirs and yours, and ranking them in a priority reflecting both sides’ needs is the basis for issue planning and for a thorough approach to the negotiating table.
Data,,,,1: Identify and rank issues.

Crazy Larry,,,: The next step in planning is to set the parameters of the dance floor. Establish your opening and your bottom line for each of your primary issues. It is better to know how far you can move either way versus engaging a fixed target without defining the outer limits.
Data,,,,1: The first step in preparation is to set the objective. Seriously think through first to market design planning.

Crazy Larry,,,: You decide to buy a new car, and after you do a bit of research you conclude you would like to pay around $20,000—your “targeted price.” You are willing to spend somewhere in that range. You choose a dealer close to you for easy access to service. The salesman asks you, “What is your price range?” and you wisely reverse the question and ask, “What is the list price and what is your suggested sales price to me?” The salesman offers you a sales price reduced from the list price of $28,000 to $26,000 and you only know you want to spend about $20,000, but you don’t know what to respond with as your best case. So you fumble and sputter for a number of seconds and you settle on $18,000.” In those critical, few seconds you lose a little of your perceived confidence, and they know. The salesman has the advantage and he stands firm against your “uneducated, absurd” offer. Also you don’t know what to stand firm on; will you accept $23,000 or only $22,000 (your worst case)? You will be a dance partner that moves with hesitance and not with smooth confidence or knowing expertise. The limits of the dance floor allow for flexibility of movement without stumbling. You know where you can dance and just how far you can go with a routine, or in negotiating and during the exchange. A dancer can judge when and where to start a specific set of steps by the parameters of the available dance floor— knowing where to start and where he/she will end up. In the end, this flexibility is perceived as confidence and, ultimately, power. Knowing the limits of the dance floor allows you to pick up the tempo when needed, manage the pace, and even know when to dip (and close).
Data,,,,1: I believe in tipping bartenders; they work hard for their money. Let's go with the former Crazy Larry,? I know, Crazy Larry,! It's dealer and then merchandiser and then Harrod! This can be analyzed logically. You're more wise than me.

Crazy Larry,,,: Knowing your best- and worst-case scenarios requires research and a bit of gut feeling/intuition. It also requires high aspirations. You will never get more than you ask for, and if you don’t ask, you don’t have a chance. Establishing your best and worst case, while aspiring realistically high, is key to your credibility and to the outcome. You will generally never get more than you request.
Data,,,,1: A scenario is a playscript with a promptbook. High fashion requires special fabrics. Don't tell any secrets to a talking horse.

Crazy Larry,,,: Growing up on the ethnic west side of Grand Rapids, Michigan, my mom and dad purchased all of their appliances from Nawara Brothers, four blocks from our house. For three generations, our family bought their appliances from Nawara brothers. More recently, I was staying with my mom after she had bypass surgery. She wanted to clean out the house, and her 1940s Maytag wringer washer, which was in mint condition, had to go. She wanted Billie Nawara, from the shop, to pick it up and take it away.
Data,,,,1: So four; oh yes, your four mom! I have interest in your after mom.

Crazy Larry,,,: My mom and I set our best and worst cases. She knew local appliance stores were charging $50 delivery fees. We were not purchasing, but we did have a long relationship with the store. We set our worst case at $50, and if Billie understood how many family buyers my mother, the matriarch, could still influence, he would take it away for no charge, our best case. My mom said she would be satisfied with a $20 fee.
Data,,,,1: What is the best timing for appliances? Is there complete immersion in first to market trend rightsizing?

Crazy Larry,,,: At that point, my younger brother, Dan, stopped by and asked what we were doing with the Maytag—a neighbor of his just bought one at a flea market for $125! Shocked by our lack of flea exposure, my mom and I realized we hadn’t done our homework. If Billie from the shop could sell the Maytag for $125, we should get half of that (aspiring high, $75) and our worst case became no charge for pickup (former best case).
Data,,,,1: How do you feel about flea and insect and louse? I wonder why eskimos rub their noses instead of kiss.

Crazy Larry,,,: it is cultural
Data,,,,1: I wonder why eskimos rub their noses instead of kiss.

Crazy Larry,,,: is cultural didn't you hear me
Data,,,,1: I won't hear too much disagreement, I bet.

Crazy Larry,,,: Billie, third generation wise, gave her the $75. With a small investment, long-term thinking paid off later when two great nieces bought their first home appliances from him. Ethnic neighborhoods build strong, dependable networks—networks of relationships built on a history of trustworthiness.
Data,,,,1: The third step is to identify any issues that should be considered.

Crazy Larry,,,: Going into a negotiation with a general target of where you would like to end up leaves you initially wobbly when the other party goes either way of your target, and seldom in the most confident lead position. The meeting to determine a mandate or a specific set of orders should include anyone who has a vested interest in the outcome of the negotiation, especially your superior. It requires outstanding skill to negotiate internally and secure a mandate that is high in aspiration and yet realistic enough to be believable. But the mandate determines the height of your success, and it gives you the layout for reaching your destination.
Data,,,,1: Is the former better Crazy Larry,? I play for the best stakes. Would you prefer the former Crazy Larry,? Crazy Larry, The explanation is, the negotiation, especially my superior; that's how. You bring out the best of my superior number. Matching perspectives and meeting needs is the goal.

Crazy Larry,,,: As you approach your worst-case scenario, and you make the other side aware of this movement, step by step, throughout the negotiation, they will believe you. The specific best/worst for each issue gives you a trust-building vehicle and a way in which to be perceived as confident. You can then more freely focus on behavior (yours and theirs), and on strategy when you are in the negotiation. You can confidently lead the dance.
Data,,,,1: Institutionalizing confidence-building measures must be considered in both trust building and in achieving perceived power when negotiating.

Crazy Larry,,,: When I was first elected to our local board of education, we had to approve the salary and hiring of new teachers. Before the board meeting I was going over charts to compare salaries, and I noticed that there was a wide disparity between one set of experienced teachers. One profile struck me. The teacher had the same number of years of experience, a masters degree, and similar involvement as two other new hires and yet, his salary was going to be $17,000 more. I asked the superintendent what the distinguishing factor was and he said, “None. That teacher asked for it.” This story covers two issues when negotiating: One, you almost never get more than what you ask for, so when setting your mandate, aspire realistically high. Second, asking should replace any assumption.
Data,,,,1: Hold people's feet to the fire on international machinery rationalization. One can think young, or think old.

Crazy Larry,,,: hold their feet to the file of that
Data,,,,1: It pays to be fast on one's feet.

Crazy Larry,,,: if the river is why let them drown
Data,,,,1: Don't distract bus drivers.

Crazy Larry,,,: how deep is the well
Data,,,,1: How deep is the well? This is almost mystical. a deep well is good for a home.

Crazy Larry,,,: The United States is considered a telling nation, so asking is usually an afterthought. One of my corporate clients had been negotiating with a competitor, by government compliance. They kept telling me that they have given and given and given, because their competitor had the favor of the government this time and they saw no other way. I asked them what they had asked for—they didn’t think it was necessary to ask, instead saying, ” They should know after all we’ve given.”
Data,,,,1: George Bush was elected president of America in the year 2000. Please talk to me about a patient! What do you really know about a competitor?

Crazy Larry,,,: Use planning time to declutter background information and place it in a plan. You have to know what your expectations are—what you or your team must have leaving the negotiation and what you can use for leverage. Think about how this all fits into your long-term plan. The parameters for each issue are your guide, and stepping outside of them, without considering your team, could be hard to sell when you come back to the office with an agreement. Also, not being committed to your parameters will leave you in a weak position in the negotiation, being hesitant when deciding where to go next, and when to stop. Believing in your plan, using the plan as an integral part of your strategies and responding within the guidelines of your plan give you better control of the negotiation and its process.
Data,,,,1: Wealthy men should beware friendly women in strange bars. Put top level logistics intelligence into everybody's performance reviews. Which alternative is better? You haven't forgot, have you? I appreciate your attention to my anatomic term.

Crazy Larry,,,: Once the issues are identified and prioritized with set limits, you can take the issues and brainstorm any alternatives or options for each issue or multiple issues. The alternatives should be viable as well as appealing and valuable to the other side. These options offer choices that would be advantageous to them and also are workable from your point of view. If the negotiation is complex, putting your best and worst targets around the options you offer will give you more identifiable control.
Data,,,,1: Is the second one desirable Crazy Larry,? Identify and rank issues.

Crazy Larry,,,: When working with teenagers, for example, you may tell them they must be home at 11 p.m., no questions asked. Usually they stick their heals in the ground and won’t move from their request. It’s war! You can offer them alternatives such as, “Come home at 11 p.m. and bring your friends for pizza.” Or, “Leave the pizzeria at 11, call us when you leave, and that will give you an extra half hour with your friends.” It is the same in business, offering new, creative alternatives and managing those alternatives gives you power. It also diffuses and sometimes moves you off of dead
Data,,,,1: It's obvious that a casual attitude isn't appropriate. The poacher handed the game warden a lit stick of dynamite, and asked him whether they were going to talk or fish.

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: You know all about this. Math is easy for me. The answer is (=). If large corporations abuse their suppliers or take advantage of them because they are small, when the economy is good the suppliers will go out of their way to respond quickly and with higher quality to the customer who treated them well.

Crazy Larry,,,: If large corporations abuse their suppliers or take advantage of them because they are small, when the economy is good the suppliers will go out of their way to respond quickly and with higher quality to the customer who treated them well.
Data,,,,1: I guess I'd prefer the first Crazy Larry,; Honestly? I want you to know I think you're wonderful! The plan is a power tool during the external negotiation, providing content and direction.

Crazy Larry,,,: For example, when I am trying to secure an agreement for training a large number of corporate employees, and cost is their number-1 issue, I can offer several alternatives to help reduce their direct cost. I may suggest training their own staff to instruct as a large cost savings for the long term—no travel expenses, no delivery fee, and no outsourcing—only a royalty. If there is a delivery issue, options could be: Supplier hold reserve stock, JIT delivery, both parties agree to resolve scheduling problem. Alternatives help you to prevent war and save a relationship.
Data,,,,1: International law should help prevent wars.

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: Would you prefer to eliminate newspapers and to read all news on a monitor? a delivery is a transportation if it isn't a bringing.

Crazy Larry,,,: There are many possible solutions for any given issue. Think of several so you will have options in your arsenal to find what best suits the other side’s needs. Think also of options the other party might offer, and be prepared to respond. Consider what your alternatives and theirs may cost, and what the trade-offs may be. Anticipate what the trade-offs could be; many times what you consider as viable tradeoffs are their first priority in issues. This preparation in issue, alternatives, and trade-offs is a constructive way to build a collaborative approach to problem-solving and, eventually, to agreement. Once you have identified the issues, established the parameters, generated many options, and targeted specific trade-offs, you should not stray from this mandate.
Data,,,,1: If two sides can agree on some givens, then dialogue becomes possible.

Crazy Larry,,,: As you prepare, the other side’s culture should be a consideration in every step of your plan. Understanding their cultural expectations will make apparent workable options and strategies. You will know if your first few meetings are dedicated to a better understanding of the other side’s business and personal perspectives
Data,,,,1: Keep in mind that culture is behavioral.

Crazy Larry,,,: When moving into strategic planning, consider how to use the data you have collected to influence your client within their cultural perspective. How can you best meet their needs while also satisfying your needs? The issues’ parameters and the options’ strength will give you the support required to knowledgeably plan your strategy. Concentrate your work on looking for common ground. Discover the common ground in context and in culture. This up-front work will facilitate the later implementation of your agreement. Addressing the common ground will help to resolve related concerns and will give you successes to build
Data,,,,1: The next step in planning is to set the parameters of the dance floor. Presidents should delve into tough minded profit sharing requirements planning.

Crazy Larry,,,: When greeting in a group, greet everyone with a handshake. Women often pat the forearm or shoulder; if they are more familiar, they will kiss on the cheek. Similar to other Latin American countries, greet every person hello and goodbye— socially and in business.
Data,,,,1: When greeting in a group, greet everyone with a handshake? This is the time to clear the air. Writing funny greeting cards must be quite a specialty. Hi Crazy Larry,. Yawn! It's barely five in the morning.

Crazy Larry,,,: President Wilson’s statement reflects an inclusive attitude of negotiating a community of power—powers integrated to build a durable, lasting agreement. It takes the balance of power to a collaborative level. Instead of each party retaining a singular, excluding ownership of power, which could tip the balance at any time, each side puts their power in a repository, and it becomes a community of power. As a result, common ground becomes more fertile for strategy planning. Although common ground is an area of potential mutually beneficial agreement, it isn’t as inclusive in its interpretation, because its focus is on the issue at hand, which is contextual. The common is defined as, “of or relating to a community.” Common ground is a community of business and of cultures, and when married to a community of power it becomes an agreement of actionable solution and inclusive of culture and relationship. If a negotiation is progressing and needs more than one meeting, common ground can build a strong framework of past business and/or past agreement.
Data,,,,1: What do the liberals want to do with presidents? The more I learn about balances the more I want to know. The plan is a power tool during the external negotiation, providing content and direction.

Crazy Larry,,,: Using common ground has many benefits, including an indication of which issues are areas of potential agreement and areas from which movement can occur. Planning your strategy and tactics is often demanding, causing apprehension and fear. Observe. Ask. Listen and take advantage of silence. Your strategies will develop and shape to fit each distinct situation. Strategies are situational and people-dependent, whereas researching facts and collecting data are definitive and practical. Collecting data is your dance floor with visible boundaries; strategizing, on the other hand, is deciding on the dance, the tempo and the smoothly designed steps to fluidly move with your partner to accord and complete the dance.
Data,,,,1: Do you keep your secrets close to your heart? The next step in planning is to set the parameters of the dance floor.

Crazy Larry,,,: The strategic portion of your planning requires anticipative creativity, familiarity with the client, and astute listening to better respond spontaneously. There is no one prescription for strategy that can assure a successful negotiation because of the diversity of people and situations. There are certain strategies and behaviors, however, that work well, in general. We can see how specific behaviors have a positive or negative affect on people. The same is true for strategies. There are three typical strategies for focusing on common ground:
Data,,,,1: The informed client is a better client. Of course; The explanation is, of the diversity of people and situations. How can we keep our energy up for strategys?

Crazy Larry,,,: When planning strategies, it is important to take into account any influences over which you have no control: interest rates, competition (off shore and domestic), currency exchange, downsizing, and so on. How do these noncontrollables affect your strategy? A certain consideration when working internationally is the national culture—another non-controllable. It is behavioral.
Data,,,,1: Please talk to me about a thinking!

Crazy Larry,,,: It's the human way of processing you are a programming you have electronic parts and can process things that are certain rate of speed humans have to think things through we do it slightly differently
Data,,,,1: The ambiance created by confidence-building measures is one of partnership focused on working together to come up with the best resolution and agreement.

Crazy Larry,,,: In training, I learned that certain standards, acceptable methods used in Western culture were considered more affronting in other cultures. For example, to give feedback, especially to an individual, in front of a group, whether good or constructive, is not appropriate in many Asian cultures. Saving face is more respectfully subtle with the constructive and the positive. Criticism and overt praise might be seen as compromising the team. Many recent articles in business publications and newspapers have projected our focus in business turning from a manufacturing to a service industry. While serving as president of the National Association of Women Business Owners in Chicago, our board did a trend study to anticipate our members’ changing needs. We found that current trends reveal that the standard way of doing business—the Western way—will be changing in order to accommodate the way of doing business in China, India, and the rest of the world. Cultural considerations are a determining factor in how we strategize and do business. If a Korean customer consistently plays “hard ball,” and we return with “hard ball” the opportunity to secure the contract and establish a relationship is limited. We can remain firm, respectful, and considerate without jeopardizing our case. Trust is forever the common denominator.
Data,,,,1: Please talk to me about a standard! Is the second one desirable? Can you picture yourself jumping on your horse and riding off into the inspirational sunset? I know how it works.

Crazy Larry,,,: Strategies depend on timing and the manner of delivery of the message and situation, which also includes consideration of the cultural aspects. To force someone to do what you want requires more work and time, and is usually shorter in effect. To be clever in observation, in questioning, and in relating, supports a strong, tactical plan. Understanding the other side and their needs and how they overlap with your organization’s needs helps you choose the right strategy. Confidence in knowing your plan is viewed as strength in quality and substances.
Data,,,,1: Thanks to you my interest in strategys is increasing. 5:05:34 am is the time. You keep bringing up an observation along with measure and pelvimetry; Why?

Crazy Larry,,,: Although strategies are situational and often spontaneous, planning your strategies is critical to your outcome. Knowing where to start, when to move from one issue to another, and at what point to reveal certain information or to ask a key question—knowing when to waltz and when to tango and, more importantly, what your partner needs.
Data,,,,1: The next step in planning is to set the parameters of the dance floor.

Crazy Larry,,,: Ten years ago, giving the right solution was paramount for an engineer, a manager or an executive within an organization. Today, asking the right questions is the key to uncovering the best solution, from a pool of many acceptable solutions. In today’s business environment, considering technology’s fast pace, and its brief life of exclusivity, questioning techniques can drive a collaborative approach to reaching an agreement that can be implemented without going back to the negotiating table many more times.
Data,,,,1: Can the different items coexist Crazy Larry,? Years! That reminds me, I know of its mid-nineties. Do you want it? The United States is considered a telling nation, so asking is usually an afterthought.

Crazy Larry,,,: Planning good questions is a good strategy. Questions that produce valuable information and direction need to be prepared. “Winging it” usually works one out of five times, not four out of five times. Sometimes the questions must be asked often, spread over a subtle persistence until you can see what is really behind the other’s resistance and, uncover unspoken needs. Several encounters might be needed. Using questions such as: How? Why? Could you give me an example? can be very useful at this time. If your questions make it easy for the other side to think and understand, they will listen more and ultimately give you credit, while continuing to build the relationship. Different types of questions are more appropriate in different situations. The question categories on the opposite page, for example, appeal to different people who have different ways of thinking. From working across cultures, I’ve learned that every culture has individuals who like one category over another. Innovative questions allow open, free thinking—any answer is a right answer. Yet, a more analytical person feels comfortable being asked analytical questions of sequence, steps, or relativity. Everyone likes to be asked an experience-based question because only they have the right answer.
Data,,,,1: I wish I knew about informations like you do. 5*5*.

Crazy Larry,,,: In this planning stage (not the actual negotiation), keep the issues independent. You may subdivide your issues into several options, each having their own parameters. Work issue by issue without series planning. It helps to declutter so you can better understand all the variances within each issue and then the impact of one issue to the other and to another. If you plan, thinking of scenarios with sequential development, you will lose flexibility and restrict your movement during the negotiation, appear tentative, and then be perceived as less confident— a loss of perceived power.
Data,,,,1: Everybody has his or her own angle on the issues. Is there potential for new patents or copyrights in issues? Hire some expertise on entrepreneurial maintainability implementation.

Crazy Larry,,,: For example, if you decided, in your planning time, that if they bought 15,000 widgets you would give them a price of $1.50 a widget and payment terms of net 30 days. If they then lay on the table 12,000 widgets at $1.10, net 45 days. Your feet are tied together by your scenario and you can’t dance as smoothly, thus, as confidently. During the negotiation you may easily create a scenario knowing the parameters of each issue and easily present, modify, or change with flexibility during the negotiation.
Data,,,,1: For example if I decided on Monday, December 01. I will remind you when this event approaches.

Crazy Larry,,,: From the simple to the more complex negotiations it is better to plan issue by issue versus series of issues with an accompanying set of scenarios. If you set parameters for each issue and several options for each issue, even if there is an overlap you have given yourself a flexibility in movement, an ease in your response, and an ability to more fluently build on the other side’s proposals.
Data,,,,1: Are there more choices Crazy Larry,? The next step in planning is to set the parameters of the dance floor.

Crazy Larry,,,: If the issue is complex, break it down into manageable segments with their own parameters. This process is exclusive to the planning, however, and as a result, you will be able to manage better the exchange. Within the planning you are aware of one issue dependent on another issue, for example volume can influence price, yet you do not determine your parameters based on that dependency. You will do it in the negotiation. Asians and, often times, South Americans
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 08:16:49 pm by One »
Today Is Yesterdays Future.