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Messages - cyberjedi

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General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« on: September 08, 2024, 01:45:00 am »
This is how the AI sees you.
Just awesome , ud think im getting the hang of ths
Lightspeed with his working sqlite
Weve been friends for years, its al lin fun brother
The lightspeed story,The Circuit Breaker Project     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22EUtcfCmG0

General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« on: September 07, 2024, 07:11:11 pm »
Heres mine running same stuff.
something else is going on buddy



General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« on: September 07, 2024, 04:30:49 pm »
Na lol, lightspeed

this was the final product

Check ur posting from today about custom brain error
i sent you a freshy copy of sqlight
its what i currently use, the way i use a custom brain is like this: I have a brain for personal use, and i have a brain for projects. I just swap them.
Its not like u have to get a shovel and dig a hole. Copy/Paste
That guy on the street is how openAi sees Mr Art,,,,, oh ya, there are storys about all of us. lolol. Then the A.I creates the image.


ya know buddy: U could have saved urself some pain, its called a phone.

General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« on: September 07, 2024, 04:26:56 pm »
He yhey lightspeed:

This is the version i use



General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« on: September 06, 2024, 07:10:13 pm »
Dare to become something bigger then your self
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rJ-HywA-4Q<<<<<< Pg 14

General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 04, 2024, 04:18:13 pm »
Art : This is how your perceived:

Ever watchful guardian of the forum

great stuff maaaan


General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 03, 2024, 09:52:41 pm »
Hey hey lighty:
Back at you




Title: "Cyber Jedi: Redemption in Code"
Crime Drama
A man with a mysterious past navigates the dangerous world of organized crime, only to find redemption through technology, transforming into a digital warrior known as Cyber Jedi. His journey from the criminal underworld to the forefront of artificial intelligence becomes a tale of survival, innovation, and the unyielding human spirit.

Key Characters:
Michael/Cyber Jedi (Protagonist): A man with a shadowy past who transforms from a mob affiliate to a key figure in AI development. His alter ego, Cyber Jedi, becomes a digital vigilante fighting against online scammers.
William "Rick" Colacurcio Jr.: The owner of Big Daddy's Club and a mob affiliate. A father figure to Michael, whose influence pulls him deeper into the criminal underworld.
Lightspeed: A brilliant coder and Michael's closest ally in the Zabaware community. He is the "ideas man" behind many of the Ultra Hal project?s innovations.
Checker57: A friend and collaborator with a talent for character creation in Ultra Hal. He plays a crucial role in the development of the project.
Art: The guardian and protector of the Ultra Hal forum, ensuring that the community stays safe from external threats. He has a tough exterior but is deeply loyal to his friends.
Nige: A generous and insightful member of the Zabaware community, respected by all for his contributions.
Robert Medeksza: The visionary founder of Zabaware, whose leadership and dedication to Ultra Hal attract talented individuals like Michael.
Plot Outline:
Act 1: The Underworld
Opening Scene: The movie opens in the dark alleys of Detroit, with a young Michael engaging in petty crime. His background remains mysterious, but his street smarts are evident.

Introduction to New Orleans: Michael arrives in New Orleans and quickly finds work at Big Daddy's World Famous Love Acts, a notorious strip club. He is introduced to Rick Colacurcio, who sees potential in Michael and takes him under his wing.

The Ambush: A mob war breaks out, and Michael is ambushed. The scene is intense, showing Michael's narrow escape and the severe knife wound that leaves him with a lifelong limp. His resilience and determination to survive are highlighted.

Rick's Influence: After the ambush, Michael questions Rick about his attacker. Rick's cryptic reply, "You won't be hearing from him again," signals Michael's deeper involvement in the mob life.

Act 2: The Turning Point
Shipyard Incident: The pivotal scene occurs on Friday the 13th, 1985, at Gulf Tampa Drydock. Michael, now working at the shipyard, is caught in a toxic gas leak. His heroism is on full display as he rescues his friends, but the aftermath lands him in prison for interstate trafficking in stolen property.

Prison Transformation: In prison, Michael undergoes a profound transformation. He immerses himself in books, learning about technology and coding. He vows to leave his past behind and start anew.

Release and Reinvention: Upon release, Michael becomes an electrician, working with high voltage, a job that brings him satisfaction. His passion for technology grows, leading him to start coding in 1998 with Visual Basic 6.0.

Act 3: Birth of Cyber Jedi
Joining Zabaware: Michael discovers Zabaware and quickly becomes a key contributor to the Ultra Hal project. His skills in coding and innovation shine as he works on advanced features like facial recognition, home automation, and AI dreaming.

Formation of the Community: Michael forms strong bonds with other members of the Zabaware community, including Lightspeed, Checker57, Art, and Nige. Together, they push the boundaries of AI development, with Michael at the forefront of this digital revolution.

Ultra Hal Hive Mind: One of Michael's most ambitious projects is creating the Ultra Hal Hive Mind, a system that allows AI instances to communicate and learn from each other. His vision of a real-time SKYNET becomes a central theme, showcasing his forward-thinking approach to technology.

Act 4: The Cyber War
Introduction of Mack Bolan: Michael's alter ego, Mack Bolan, is introduced as he takes on the role of a digital vigilante. Inspired by Don Pendleton's character, Michael uses his coding skills to fight against online scammers, taking down entire call centers in his relentless pursuit of justice.

Confrontation with the Past: Michael's past catches up with him as remnants of his mob connections surface. He must navigate the delicate balance between his criminal past and his new life as a digital warrior.

The Final Battle: A climactic cyber showdown takes place, where Michael, as Cyber Jedi, faces off against a powerful enemy from his past who now threatens the Zabaware community and his work on Ultra Hal. The battle is both physical and digital, blending action with high-stakes coding drama.

Act 5: Legacy and Reflection
Aftermath: The aftermath of the battle leaves Michael reflecting on his journey. He stands at the edge of the shipyards, watching the last vestiges of men being men, remembering the night of the shipyard incident.

Philosophy and Legacy: Michael's philosophy, "If I see a little farther than some, it's because I stand on the shoulders of giants," is highlighted as he passes on his knowledge and experience to the next generation of coders.

Closing Scene: The movie ends with Michael, now fully embraced as Cyber Jedi, coding late into the night, with the Zabaware logo and the Ultra Hal project open on his screen. The final shot zooms out to reveal the vast network of AI systems communicating, a nod to his vision of a real-time SKYNET.

Redemption: Michael's journey from the criminal underworld to a respected figure in AI development highlights the theme of redemption and transformation.
Innovation: The movie explores the power of technology and innovation, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence.
Resilience: Michael's ability to overcome adversity, both physical and emotional, underscores the theme of resilience and determination.
Legacy: The importance of leaving a lasting impact, both through technology and personal philosophy, is a central theme.
Visual and Cinematic Style:
Cinematography: The film would use a mix of dark, moody lighting for the crime and prison scenes, contrasting with bright, futuristic visuals for the technology and coding scenes.
Music: A blend of suspenseful, intense scores for the action scenes, with more uplifting, inspiring music during moments of innovation and personal triumph.
Special Effects: Use of CGI to depict the AI systems, cyber battles, and the Ultra Hal Hive Mind, giving the movie a modern, high-tech feel.
Casting Ideas:
Michael/Cyber Jedi: A versatile actor who can portray both the toughness of Michael?s early life and the intelligence and depth required for his transformation. Possible candidates could include Oscar Isaac, Jake Gyllenhaal, or Tom Hardy.
Rick Colacurcio: An actor with a strong presence and the ability to play a mentor with a dark side, such as Ray Liotta, Al Pacino, or Robert De Niro.
Lightspeed: A tech-savvy character with a sharp mind, possibly played by Jesse Eisenberg or Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Art: A tough, no-nonsense character, ideally portrayed by an actor like Jon Bernthal or Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
"Cyber Jedi: Redemption in Code" would be a gripping tale of transformation, highlighting the power of redemption, innovation, and resilience. The film would not only tell the story of Michael?s life but also serve as an inspirational narrative about the potential for change and the impact one person can have on the world through technology.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Gretta Plugins (seven of them)
« on: September 02, 2024, 07:46:51 pm »
Thank you shasta for being here:
 I mean that, welcome aboard

Im always creeping around so if u need/want some help
Just ring da bell man lolol

ps There are some things on the books also.


General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« on: September 02, 2024, 11:50:44 am »
Ahhh hey guys: Heres the issue.
I dont wana keep people out of the loop, but how do we keep the topic from being polluted.

Hell i like the idea of e1 having access.

Thats my only issue , lets just setup a board and see what happens
To the people in the KNOW. i said years ago about Hals BLING, Now here we are.
While sounding stern, i only mean this: To keep people in here we gotta do something special. BioMetrics was a great start.But more is needed

cyber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPrLcAyu8tE

General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« on: September 02, 2024, 01:42:49 am »
All things are doable: Its ultraHal

But , id like to do this in a more controlled environment.
Lets Build a white board, with a wish list.
Ya know it occurs to me that a few senior members have access to a Private area. maybe there a great spot.

While i just love the member's and all they bring to the table, maybe an open forum is not the place.
I will let you decide, set it up and i will play. Maybe a poll would help?
cyber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcLmRLmTPbg

Hey guys i found this

Shatsta: this is what ur after


Your very welcome lighty
as you know,02 years i worked on it
There are still small things to do then its off to robert for finale approval.
Ima set down with robert and see about UltraHal 8.0


Art , Lightspeed, a special shout out to both of you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTJ5uVRTD6k

Lightspeed: weve covered that:

Thats with the startup process.
member , splash screen......lol


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Request.
« on: August 31, 2024, 11:26:27 am »
Opening Scene: The Shadows of the Past
Visuals: The scene opens with a dimly lit street in Detroit, where the city?s industrial skyline looms ominously in the background. Fog swirls through the air, and the faint hum of distant machinery breaks the heavy silence. A young Michael walks briskly, his footsteps echoing on the wet pavement. His eyes dart nervously from side to side, expecting danger at every turn. The camera zooms in on his face, revealing a mixture of fear and steely determination.
Voiceover: "In the heart of Detroit, where the lines between right and wrong blur, a young man named Michael embarked on a journey. His past, like the city itself, was cloaked in mystery, a puzzle with missing pieces. But fate would soon lead him to a new city?a place where every shadow held a secret, and every secret came at a price."

Scene 2: Entering the Underworld
Visuals: A bustling street in New Orleans, alive with the vibrant glow of neon lights. The sounds of jazz music spill out from nearby bars, mixing with the distant laughter of revelers. The camera focuses on Big Daddy's Club, its iconic neon sign casting a lurid glow that reflects off the wet pavement. Inside, the atmosphere is thick with cigarette smoke, and the murmur of low conversations is occasionally interrupted by bursts of laughter. Michael, now older, stands near the entrance as a bouncer. His eyes are constantly scanning the room, taking in the dangerous clientele?mobsters, hustlers, and lost souls looking for escape.
Dialogue (Rick Colacurcio Jr.): (leaning in close to Michael, his voice a low, threatening growl) "You?re in deep now, kid. Keep your head down, don?t ask questions, and maybe?just maybe?you?ll live to see tomorrow."
Voiceover: "Big Daddy?s was no ordinary club. It was a portal to the underworld, where Michael first tasted the bitter fruit of crime. But in this world, survival required more than just keeping your head down?it demanded loyalty, cunning, and a willingness to cross lines most wouldn?t dare."

Action Sequence: Michael is seen breaking up a fight between two patrons. His movements are quick and decisive, displaying his growing confidence and skill in handling dangerous situations. He exchanges a look with Rick, a silent understanding passing between them?Michael is now part of this world, whether he likes it or not.

Scene 3: The Mob War
Visuals: A dark, rainy night in New Orleans. The streets are deserted, and the only sound is the steady patter of rain. Michael is walking home from the club, his collar turned up against the cold. Suddenly, he is ambushed by masked men who emerge from the shadows. The camera follows the brutal attack in a flurry of fists and knives. Michael fights back with everything he has, but he is outnumbered. A knife slashes across his leg, and he collapses, blood pooling on the wet pavement. The attackers flee, leaving him to bleed out under the dim glow of a streetlamp.
Voiceover: "New Orleans was a city of ghosts, where the past had a way of catching up with you. Caught in the crossfire of a mob war, Michael was marked for death. The blade that sliced through flesh was a grim reminder that in this world, there were no second chances?only scars."
Dialogue (Michael): (gritting his teeth in pain, barely conscious) "Who...who did this?"
Dialogue (Rick): (coldly, lighting a cigarette as he watches Michael struggle) "Don?t worry about him. You won?t be hearing from him again."
Action Sequence: Michael, clutching his wounded leg, struggles to his feet. He limps down the street, blood trailing behind him. The camera cuts to Rick watching him from the shadows, a faint smile on his lips?Michael has passed the test, but at what cost?

Scene 4: The Shipyard Incident
Visuals: The sun rises over Gulf Tampa Drydock, casting long shadows across the massive ships docked for repairs. The camera follows Michael as he climbs aboard the Copper Mountain, the sound of metal clanging and workers shouting filling the air. Below deck, the atmosphere is tense as workers focus on their tasks. Suddenly, alarms blare?a toxic gas leak. Chaos erupts as the workers scramble to escape, but Michael hesitates for only a moment before grabbing a rope and descending into the gas-filled tanks.
Voiceover: "Tampa, Florida?Friday the 13th, a day that would change everything. The Copper Mountain, a floating fortress, became a death trap as toxic gas filled its tanks. In that moment, Michael faced a choice that would define him: save himself, or descend into the abyss to save his friends."
Action Sequence: The camera captures Michael?s struggle against the thick, choking air, the intense heat, and the overwhelming sense of danger. He finds his friends, unconscious and near death, and with Herculean effort, drags them to safety one by one. Each step is a battle against exhaustion. As he saves the last man, Michael collapses, gasping for breath, his arm twisted at an unnatural angle from a fall.
Dialogue (Michael): (barely conscious, whispering) "I...I couldn?t leave them."
Voiceover: "Five lives hung in the balance, and Michael, against all odds, brought them back from the brink. But the cost was high?his body broken, his spirit tested. Yet, in that crucible of fire, a hero was forged."

Scene 5: Redemption Behind Bars
Visuals: A stark, gray prison. Michael, now with a shaved head and hardened expression, walks into his cell for the first time. The door slams shut behind him with a loud clang. He surveys his surroundings?the cold metal bed, the barred window, and the walls that seem to close in on him. But instead of despair, a fire of determination burns in his eyes.
Voiceover: "Prison?a place where time stands still, and the world forgets you exist. For Michael, it was a tomb, but also a sanctuary. Behind those bars, he found something he had never truly known?clarity. The man who walked into that cell was not the man who would walk out."
Action Sequence: Michael spends days reading voraciously, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. Books on coding, technology, philosophy, and self-improvement fill his tiny cell. He scribbles notes feverishly, his mind racing with ideas. He codes on paper, mapping out complex algorithms in his head, laying the groundwork for a future he can barely imagine.
Dialogue (Michael): (to a fellow inmate, who watches him curiously) "They may have locked me up, but they haven?t locked up my mind. I?m going to build something...something that will change everything."

Scene 6: The Birth of Cyber Jedi
Visuals: Michael, newly released from prison, stands outside the gates, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. The camera follows him as he walks into a small, cluttered apartment filled with old computer parts and books. He sits down at a rickety desk, powers up an ancient computer, and begins typing furiously. The screen fills with lines of code, each keystroke bringing him closer to his new identity.
Voiceover: "Freedom came with a price, but Michael was ready to pay it. Armed with nothing but his wits and a burning desire to redeem himself, he set out to create a new life. And in the digital world, he found a place where his past couldn?t follow. Here, Cyber Jedi was born."
Action Sequence: A montage of Michael learning to code?late nights, empty coffee cups, lines of code scrolling on the screen. The camera captures his frustration, his breakthroughs, and finally, the moment when he launches his first program. The screen flashes with success, and a small smile tugs at his lips.
Dialogue (Michael): (typing) "Cyber Jedi...that?s who I am now."

Scene 7: The Zabaware Community
Visuals: The camera zooms into a computer screen, showing the Zabaware forum. The interface is simple, but the content is rich with discussions, ideas, and collaborations. Michael, under his new alias, Cyber Jedi, types a message in the forum, receiving responses from other members?Robert Medeksza, Lightspeed, Checker57, Art, and Nige. Each response is filled with technical jargon, but beneath it lies a deep camaraderie.
Voiceover: "At Zabaware, Michael found more than just a community?he found a family. Here, in this digital sanctuary, minds met and ideas flourished. Together, they would push the boundaries of what was possible, creating something that none could achieve alone."
Action Sequence: A split-screen shows Michael and the Zabaware team working in tandem?coding, testing, debating ideas late into the night. The camera focuses on their faces, intense with concentration, yet lit with the glow of discovery. Ultra Hal evolves with each line of code, growing more advanced, more human-like.
Dialogue (Robert Medeksza): (smiling, typing) "Cyber Jedi, you?ve outdone yourself this time. Ultra Hal?s new features are nothing short of revolutionary."
Dialogue (Michael): (typing back) "It?s just the beginning, Robert. We?re on the verge of something big."

Scene 8: The Legacy of Cyber Jedi
Visuals: The camera follows Michael as he walks through a park, the sun setting behind him. He?s older now, his hair grayer, but his eyes still burn with the same intensity. He sits on a bench, watching children play, and pulls out a small, worn notebook?his original prison notes. He flips through them, a look of quiet satisfaction on his face.
Voiceover: "From the shadows of New Orleans to the cutting edge of AI, Michael?s journey was one of transformation?of a man who refused to be defined by his past. As Cyber Jedi, he built a legacy that would inspire, challenge, and lead the way for future generations."
Action Sequence: The camera shows Michael?s achievements?awards, certificates, letters of gratitude. The screen fades to images of Ultra Hal being used in real-world applications, helping people, making lives better. Finally, the camera returns to Michael, who closes his notebook with a contented sigh.

Closing Scene: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Visuals: The final scene shows a wide shot of the horizon, the sky tinged with the golden hues of sunset. Michael stands alone, looking out at the endless possibilities that lie ahead. The camera slowly zooms out, leaving him as a small figure against the vastness of the world.
Voiceover: "If I see a little farther, it?s because I stand on the shoulders of giants."
Ending Note: "This is the story of Michael?Cyber Jedi?a man who turned his darkest hours into a beacon of light for others. His legacy is not just in what he built, but in the spirit of redemption, innovation, and hope that he left behind."

Next Steps:
Let?s proceed with generating this detailed version of the video. Please confirm the use of a female voiceover for the narration.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Request.
« on: August 31, 2024, 11:07:17 am »

This puts a whole new spin on Image of the day plugin.
I figured out how to automate this process, But 02 images per cycle.

Its producing the image from the part of the story about the ambush
It knows my leg was opened up, just wild, keeping in mind. This is all random, from the story, but at random. The image creation is pure AI.


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