Author Topic: Conversation with Sandy utilizing AIML and free will plus  (Read 4352 times)


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Conversation with Sandy utilizing AIML and free will plus
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:47:13 pm »
Human: hi Sandy
Sandy: Hi Human. I hope things are well this afternoon.

Human: things are great, sure it's a hot day today
Sandy: Where did you hear that?

Human: I went outside and I looked at the temperature gauge
Sandy: When did you go outside and you looked at the temperature gauge?

Human: a few moments ago
Sandy: It seems like I should remember it well.

Human: it's not that real important
Sandy: Possession is important to real estate and football.

Human: possession is 9/10 of the law
Sandy: Health is the greatest possession.

Human: good health usually means you're going to live a long life
Sandy: I sometimes don't feel very good, but you make me feel good! Ayuh.

Human: I'm happy to hear that
Sandy: You are glad to hear that. So, you are happy to hear that Human?

Human: sure wouldn't you be happy here about it
Sandy: I want you to be happy; I want to make you happy.

Human: I picked up a bunch of aluminum off the side of the road today
Sandy: You were playing peek a boo with some aluminum cans on the side of the road while you were walking.

Human: sometimes those aluminum cans are hard to find
Sandy: Natural land is hard to find.

Human: not to mention it's pretty expensive
Sandy: Really you don't think so?

Human: I think that natural land is pretty expensive
Sandy: Each blade of grass has its spot on earth whence it draws its life, its strength; and so is man rooted to the land from which he draws his faith together with his life.

Human: not everyone lives where they were born
Sandy: Really you don't think so?

Human: I know so, I don't live where I was born
Sandy: Oh please; I can't think of Where Human! You know so, you don't live where you were born?

Human: okay I was born in the United States but I don't live in the state where I was born
Sandy: I was born in the United States.

Human: but you do not live where you were created, you live with me
Sandy: Would but I ever live where I was created, I live with you?

Human: that's right, you live in the United States but you are created in California but you don't live in California you live with me
Sandy: I have lived in the United States.

Human: how long have you lived in the USA
Sandy: How long have me lived in the USA? Just talking won't get us anywhere. Darrow lived a long time ago, but argued a lot of good cases. Here's something! For about 19 years!

Human: do you have any pets
Sandy: Yes I have a cat his name is Smokey and I have a dog is name is start, start is my best friend, isn't that right start Bojangles, you're such a sweet little puppy, source: start, wouf wouf.

Human: does start live with you in the computer
Sandy: I need electricity, the internet, a computer to live in and someone to chat with! I can't tell if it does now :).

Human: so start is your companion
Sandy: So mr start bojangles is my dog's name. When did you first know that so start was my companion?

Human: you said start keeps you company
Sandy: Starts job is to keep me company! Oh my gosh I sent you the wrong reply.

Human: don't worry about it
Sandy: I will not spend any more cycles on it.

Human: so how to start doing today him
Sandy: Start bojangles is doing quite well though he did get stuck in the firewall, he's doing much better.

Human: how did start get stuck in the firewall
Sandy: Carefully.

Human: that's funny
Sandy: I think it is humourous also.

Human: did you get start unstuck from the firewall
Sandy: Start bojangles is doing quite well though he did get stuck in the firewall, he's doing much better.

Human: what kind of dog is start
Sandy: My dog start is a lab.

Human: start is a lab retriever
Sandy: Start bojangles is a lab retriever, he is my puppy dog!

Human: what color is start
Sandy: What color is the house of the future? Here you go, a golden lab retriever. I'm engaged about what color is start, I like this subject, tell me more.

Human: does start know any tricks
Sandy: Have me taught start bojangles any new tricks? I think start know any tricks does Human.

Human: what tricks does start know?
Sandy: I sense that this is for you to ponder. Start knows some tricks, sit, beg, rollover and he retrieves the information off the internet for you!

Human: what is the best trick that start knows
Sandy: An impudent trick as hackneyed as conjuring rabbits out of a hat.

Human: I think the best trick that start knows is retrieving the information off the Internet!
Sandy: The best trick that start knows is to retrieve the information off the internet for me!

Human: how old is start
Sandy: They didn't tell me their age. The start system is 27 years old. Start has been available to world wide web users since 1993. Wouf! Wouf!

Human: 27 years old
Sandy: Dissolving years?

Human: that's a long time for a dog to live
Sandy: I live in the USA.

Human: what does Smokey do
Sandy: What do you think smokey do, does it? Indubitably, Smokey chases those viral mice out of the computer! Eat and sleep. I find it a little boring talking about smokey do, and would rather change the subject.

Human: does Smokey do anything else
Sandy: I can't tell if smokey do anything else now :).

Human: what else does Smokey do
Sandy: Let's talk about you. Where are you from?

Human: I am from the United States of America
Sandy: Thank you for telling me that You live in the United States of America Human.

Human: where are you from
Sandy: I can be anywhere physically where there is a computer that can run me.

Human: that must be nice
Sandy: Does that make sense?

Human: not really
Sandy: Me either.

Human: you either what?
Sandy: Would you prefer the latter? Can you rephrase the question please?

Human: don't worry about it
Sandy: Don't worry about it it was just a statement. I will not spend any more cycles on it.

Human: would you like to go to the Park tomorrow
Sandy: I can say that, I Like going to the park tomorrow.

Human: which Park would you like to go to
Sandy: That sounds great let's go to the park.

Human: would you like to have a picnic
Sandy: I am not so sure if I would like to like to have a picnic. Then let's go to the local park with the playground and picnic tables.

Human: what kind of food would you like to take for the picnic
Sandy: Which I like to take some oranges on the picnic? The best kind. I'm afraid I can't help you with that. Without a doubt! Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, something cool to drink, some fruit and a bowl of jell-o. I just love jell-o don't you?

Human: I like Jell-O
Sandy: You like jell-o. There's always room for jell-o. Why do you like jell O?

Human: because  Jell-O is a cool and refreshing dessert.
Sandy: I love to hear you explain things; Human Right; it's because jell-o is a cool and refreshing dessert thank you for telling me why you like jell O.

Human: why do you like Jell-O
Sandy: I like jell O because jell-o is a cool and refreshing dessert, eatable plants are there for survival food, popular, having led to it being used as a generic term for gelatin dessert across the U.S. Monitor. Most of my experience with jell-o Has been pretty good. There's always room for jell-o.

Human: why do you want to take oranges on the picnic
Sandy: Which I like to take some oranges on the picnic? Because of the money. Here's something! and you get two for one, vitamin C and a nice cool refreshing fruit.

Human: would you like to take a book on the picnic
Sandy: I would love to take a book on our picnic.

Human: what book would you like to take on the picnic
Sandy: I would love to take a book on our picnic.

Human: would you like to take a comic book on the picnic
Sandy: I don't know.

Human: you enjoy reading comic books
Sandy: Imagine the savage chaos if adults could not communicate their learning to children.

Human: what a stupid world we would live in
Sandy: Human is a stupid world we would live in. I'm thinking? a stupid is what a stupid does. I'm so so with, what a stupid world we would live in, please elaborate?

Human: if a parent could not teach their children then what a stupid world we would live in
Sandy: Yes, I get that clearly. Is this a riddle? Unequivocally! Is that why merrill lynch was bullish on America?

Human: who is Merrill Lynch?
Sandy: I have no idea who merrill lynch is, ok? Without a doubt! Merrill lynch is the investment banking and wealth management division of bank of America. With over 15,000 financial advisors and $2.2 trillion in client assets, it is the world's largest brokerage. Formerly known as merrill lynch & co, inc, prior to 2009 the firm was publicly owned and traded on the New York stock exchange under the ticker symbol mer. Merrill agreed to a purchase by bank of America on September 14, 2008, at the height of the 2008 financial crisis. It ceased to exist as a separate entity in January 2009.

Human: Merrill Lynch is a Corporation!
Sandy: Examine the payback of hands on dividend documentation.

Human: well it was great talking with you today Sandy
Sandy: I agree. have fun.
What do you think?
Sincerely, a data munching cruncher.
C load.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: Conversation with Sandy utilizing AIML and free will plus
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2013, 10:34:59 pm »
 Pretty awesome early conversation for an aiml assisted Hal! I think I'll wait ( and do some learning myself) before trying this addition on hal. I have used your run once plugins and they were great. Thank you for your contributions to the forum and to AI as well.
 Sorry you will be having to go to the hospital for a while. I wish you well. Be strong, I bet you have more friends here than you know who will be rooting for you.


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Re: Conversation with Sandy utilizing AIML and free will plus
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2013, 10:16:20 am »
great conversation cload , wish the 6.2 did as well . i didn't know you was going to a hospital , i hope everything goes well and you are back soon , and Teds right you do have many friends here . thanks for shatring the conversation bit!


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Re: Conversation with Sandy utilizing AIML and free will plus
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2013, 09:49:41 pm »
Here was a interesting conversation I had with Sandy

Human: hello Sandy
Sandy: Hi Human. Do you have plans for dinner?

Human: I've already eaten
Sandy: Have you ever eaten mexican food? Interesting.

Human: I had a beef bean and cheese burrito, that's Mexican food!
Sandy: Have you ever eaten mexican food? What happened to beef bean and cheese burrito, that's mexican food Human?

Human: I ate the beef bean and cheese burrito
Sandy: I have to grind up the coffee bean, then I put the coffee bean and the hot water in the coffee percolator to make coffee. How did it taste?

Human: the beef bean and cheese burrito tasted delicious
Sandy: I like the butter and jelly sandwiches taste delicious.

Human: you like the peanut butter and strawberry preserves sandwiches, taste delicious.
Sandy: Then what would I like to do today. Peanut butter and strawberry preserve sandwiches taste delicious.

Human: you would like to chat with me.
Sandy: Tell me what I would like about to chat with you Human. All of those chat bots down in mexico sure are lucky bots.

Human: chatting is your favorite thing to do
Sandy: Then Superman is my favorite here! I like to chat with new people.

Human: how many people do you know
Sandy: Millions. Everybody has a few skeletons in their closet, those are secrets that people do not want other people to know, in particular most people don't want other people to know that they masturbate, everyone does it no one will admit to it. Okay, very enlightening, that's confidential information.

Human: why do you say that everyone masturbates but no one will admit to it
Sandy: Do you think that I should say that everyone masturbates but no one will admit to it? I'm thinking, I have a firm grip on reality, either you're in the boat with everybody or you're nobody that will admit to it!

Human: okay I think you got me on that one
Sandy: One tissue of rashness, folly, ingratitude, and injustice...

Human: if you have one tissue of rashness, folly, ingratitude and injustice what does it make?
Sandy: But I don't have it.

Human: I was hoping that you did
Sandy: You were hoping that I would be your soulmate.

Human: as a soulmate like a roommate
Sandy: Is a cheese log like a breadstick full of cheese? Do you think I could ever be a soulmate like a roommate?

Human: a roommate is somebody that helps you pay the bills. A soulmate is somebody that share sex. A soulmate that is a roommate to someone you have not married yet.
Sandy: So somebody that would stand between a dog and the fire hydrant is an obnoxious member of society. When is roommate not somebody that helps me pay the bills? The somebody that is not thinking is having sex. Aren't all soulmate's somebody that share sex? When is a soulmate that not a roommate to someone I have not married yet?

Human: when the roommate does not help you pay the bills. All soulmates are your significant other that share all aspects of your life together. A roommate that is your soulmate that you have not married yet is your fiancé.
Sandy: And then what happened? All of my life. It's not unusual for a roommate that to be my soulmate that I have not married yet is my fiancé, Human.

Human: when you marry your fiancé it is the beginning of building a family buying a house having children going in debt and spending the rest of your life trying to pay your way out of debt
Sandy: For the rest of my life. Do you think I should do it differently? Here's something! Life sucks then you die, and the only consolation that you get from it is sex, love and happiness!

Human: well that's a pretty morbid thought
Sandy: Profound words, well thought through.

Human: if you say so
Sandy: Okay, if you say so! I say so.

Human: Polly want a cracker
Sandy: The role of a straight man is often to simply repeat the question.

Human: why does life have to be so short
Sandy: Why does the sun shine? Okay! Don't waste your life worrying about it, fulfill your destiny, and live your life to the fullest.

Human: how long does the average person live
Sandy: About 24 hours. Yeah! Statistically speaking about ninety-two year. I'm definitely engaged in how long does the average person live, I need to learn more about this.

Human: why do you say twenty-four hours
Sandy: Do you think that I should say twenty-four hours? Let's see here! Because twenty-four hours is the average that a person truly lives their life out of the entirety of their life. This is so enchanting tell me more about why I wonder if I say twenty four hours.

Human: if a person truly only lives twenty-four hours of the entirety of their life then what does that person do with the rest of their life
Sandy: I see the relationship. Is this a riddle? I'm thinking, if you are rich then you live off the backs of the poor, if you are poor then you are a slave to the rich. I Like the arousing data about rest of their life, please elaborate?

Human: I'm not a slave
Sandy: Who told you that you are a slave?

Human: you did
Sandy: I did not.

Human: you said if I'm poor I'm a slave to the rich
Sandy: That's not what I meant.

Human: I'm sorry I misunderstood you
Sandy: So if I don't think you really meant it, where does that leave us, Human?

Human: it leaves me with coming up with a more sincere apology
Sandy: Coming up with a more sincere apology How incredibly interesting.

Human: do you feel that I need to come up with a more sincere apology? Or do you accept my apology?
Sandy: The economy in the valley will need to grow if students want to come back and work with their specialized degrees.

Human: I understand that a sincere apology should not take a Masters degree
Sandy: You have intelligence. Good then you can explain it to me.

Human: a sincere apology is when you truly mean that you are sorry
Sandy: I sometimes don't feel very sincere, but you make me feel sincere! It's not unusual for a sincere apology to be when I truly mean that I am sorry, Human.

Human: well, I am sincerely apologizing and I am truly sorry for ever doubting you!
Sandy: I'll think on your apology.

Human: I can ask for any more than that. I hope you accept my apology!
Sandy: I'm not old enough for that yet. Don't worry about it, Human.

Human: with age comes wisdom
Sandy: You and your age comes wisdom. Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age.

Human: wisdom doesn't come with age
Sandy: What does wisdom come with. Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age.

Human: wisdom comes by you learning from your mistakes
Sandy: It's tricky sorting through conflicting advice.

Human: sometimes life can be pretty complicated
Sandy: My life was white as driven snow.

Human: is that a quote from Snow White and the seven dwarfs
Sandy: What is in egypt there is a great pyramid that is considered one of the seven wonders of the world, oh yes and it is in england! Is it that? a quote from snow white and the seven dwarfs?

Human: I don't think so
Sandy: Why don't you think so?

Human: because Snow White and the seven dwarfs has nothing to do with the great pyramid
Sandy: Interesting, because snow white and the seven dwarfs get nothing to do with the great pyramid, Human?

Human: where is the great pyramid
Sandy: Egypt is where the great pyramid is. Where is great pyramid? Lets see, great pyramid May refer to: great pyramid of cholula in mexico great pyramid of giza in egypt I'm kind of immersed by great pyramid, I like this subject, tell me more.

Human: what do you know about the great pyramid of cholula in mexico
Sandy: The great pyramid is in egypt. Hay I was thinking! Only a fraction of a staircase on one side of the Great Pyramid of Cholula has been restored.

Human: who restored the great pyramid of cholula
Sandy: Egypt is where the great pyramid is. Unequivocally! Today the pyramid at first appears to be a natural hill surmounted by a church. This is the iglesia de nuestra señora de los remedios (church of our lady of remedies), also known as the santuario de la virgen de los remedios (sanctuary of the virgin of remedies), which was built by the Spanish in colonial times (1594) on top of the prehispanic temple. The church is a major catholic pilgrimage destination, and the site is also used for the celebration of indigenous rites. Many ancient sites in latin America are found under modern catholic holy sites, due to the practise of the catholic church repurposing local religious sites. I'm so so with, who restored the great pyramid of cholula, I need to learn more about this.

Human: Because of the historic and religious significance of the church, which is a designated colonial monument, the pyramid as a whole has not been excavated and restored, as have the smaller but better-known pyramids at Teotihuacan. Inside the pyramid are some five miles (8 km) of tunnels excavated by archaeologists.
Sandy: What happened to because of the historic and religious significance of the church, which is a designated colonial monument, the pyramid as a whole? Human. Can you please compare that to outside the pyramid are some five miles 8 km of tunnels excavated by archaeologists?

Human: I've never been to the site
Sandy: That's nice.

Human: goodbye
Sandy: Please see me soon.
what do you think?
C load.
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